Relevant Change in Psychology in Addiction and the Causes of that Change: 843362

Relevant Change in Psychology in Addiction and the Causes of that Change

Relevant change that has occurred

Every act of psychological addiction possesses the feeling of powerlessness or helplessness. The functions of the addictive behavior improves the feeling of helplessness (Anand et al., 2018). Various changes have occurred based on the psychology of addiction, and out of various changes, one of the significant change is the stage of Precontemplation. During this stage, people do not determine themselves to have a change and are not interested in taking help from others. While working with a person who is going through the pre-contemplation stage the team of recovery assists the person in directing towards the contemplative stage. The change that occurs in the particular stage is the occurrence of the negative behavior in an individual. Also, the change in the behavior could lead to mental disorders that will prove to be harmful to the particular person who is suffering from psychological addiction (Grubbs, Volk, Exline & Pargament, 2015). Emotional problems could lead to negative behavior and that in turn could result into unhappy life.

Analyze the cause of the change

The people those who are psychologically addicted would get engaged in the harmful behaviors due to their psychopathology or abnormality. These factors makes it clear that the person is mentally ill. The feelings of the people are shaped by their beliefs and thoughts that demonstrate their behavior. The behavior of the person will be influenced if the beliefs and the thoughts are dysfunctional or unrealistic. The significant cause of addiction is a mental disorder (Antunes et al., 2016). Mental disorders comprise of the factors such as mental illness, mood disturbances, and cognitive difficulties. Both disorders and mental illness takes place at the same time. Most of the people those who are undergoing treatment also deals with mental disorders. Psychological addiction causes various problems such as the problem with regulating the impulse, emotional regulation and the denial of the obvious problems.

Develop the main point

It is believed that psychological addiction is based on the factors of abnormal and clinical psychology. During the time of psychological addiction that takes place in an individual, number of changes occur related to their health problems. The changes could lead to the occurrence of mental disorders where there is a change in its behavior. The person with addiction reacts negatively with others. It can be seen that addiction occurs due to emotional problems that result into disturbance in the mood of an individual. Indirectly all these causes of addiction puts an impact on the life of an individual to a greater extent.

Additional research plan

It is stated that psychological addiction occurs due to various factors such as mental disorders, disturbance in the mood and many more. The person who is suffering from such type of addiction suffers from various problems in their day-to-day life. It is significant for the individual those who are suffering from the addiction that they must undergo treatment related to their addiction (Costa, Hausenblas, Oliva, Cuzzocrea & Larcan, 2015). Such treatment will eventually help them a lot in overcoming with their problems. Ultimately it will help them to overcome with the problem of behaving roughly with others that depicts their negative personality.


Anand, N., Thomas, C., Jain, P. A., Bhat, A., Thomas, C., Prathyusha, P. V., … & Cherian, A. V. (2018). Internet use behaviors, internet addiction and psychological distress among medical college students: A multi centre study from South India. Asian journal of psychiatry37, 71-77.

Antunes, H. K. M., Leite, G. S. F., Lee, K. S., Barreto, A. T., dos Santos, R. V. T., de Sá Souza, H., … & de Mello, M. T. (2016). Exercise deprivation increases negative mood in exercise-addicted subjects and modifies their biochemical markers. Physiology & behavior156, 182-190.

Costa, S., Hausenblas, H. A., Oliva, P., Cuzzocrea, F., & Larcan, R. (2015). Perceived parental psychological control and exercise dependence symptoms in competitive athletes. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction13(1), 59-72.

Grubbs, J. B., Volk, F., Exline, J. J., & Pargament, K. I. (2015). Internet pornography use: Perceived addiction, psychological distress, and the validation of a brief measure. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy41(1), 83-106.