PPT: 1285402

Opening an Instagram store

  • Connecting with the shop-able platforms such as Soldsie.
  • Being social
  • Running contests

RouteOne can connect with the shop-able platforms, and the customer can directly purchase the product by leaving a comment on the Instagram page. The customers need to get themselves registered on Soldsie, and the left comment will automatically be added to the shopping cart that is accessible anytime by the user.

Contests could be run on Instagram platforms through visual mediums. The customers could be approached by providing a photo wearing the products brought from RouteOne. Any random person could be chosen, and the winner could be sent free winning products. This will also help in making the brand aware to the people and will, in turn, have a creative advertising for the RouteOne Instagram store (Langaro and Maria 147).

RouteOne must begin to be more social and proactive in its Instagram store created. This will help in engaging with the employees in a better way. Interaction with other available designers and customers and responding to the left comments by them is highly recommended. RouteOne must also concentrate on making a commitment to the customers regarding the service they provide (Lau et al. 22).


Langaro, Daniela, Paulo Rita, and Maria de Fátima Salgueiro. “Do social networking sites contribute for building brands? Evaluating the impact of users’ participation on brand awareness and brand attitude.” Journal of Marketing Communications 24.2 (2018): 146-168.

Lau, Patricia Yin Yin, et al. “Ethical work climate, employee commitment and proactive customer service performance: Test of the mediating effects of organizational politics.” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 35 (2017): 20-26.