Political Sciences


Describe about globalization and “erosion of the state” and the challenges globalization poses to the role of nation-state in today’s world?

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Globalization and “erosion of the state”

The term “globalization” is rather multifaceted. What the term means has different implications, but it can be identified with the help of the associated issues (Kurth 2002/2003). The origin of the term dates back to the 1960s. However, the current issue regarding globalization is that there is a debate going on among IR professionals, while one-half of the group believes that globalization is disrupting the nation-state balance and causing “erosion of the state”, the other half believes that the sovereignty of the state is not at risk (Spar 1998). I for one believe that “erosion of the state” is the reality of today has globalized world. Why? Sovereignty is one of the primary links between nation-state and globalization. We have lived in a world with unchallenged sovereignty for so long that we have taken it for granted. We failed to notice that times have changed, and the extent of change has had severe implications all thanks to globalization.

Monetary bodies, global television, the Internet, and government, as well as non-government bodies, have come to the forefront relieving state sovereignty of its duty. The power has shifted from the state’s hands to the international private and government sectors (Wolf 2001). Liberal IR professionals regard the shift of power as an overall positive aspect, but I think that the shift of power is causing an amalgamation of short-term drawbacks including sudden economic dislocations, which the state and the community will not be able to deal with. The short-term drawbacks can pile up overtime and shift the socio-economic paradigm paralyzing society as a whole.

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The challenges globalization poses to the role of nation-state in today’s world

To state the facts fairly, I will have to agree with the research outcome of the researchers who have stated that globalization presents both costs and opportunities. However, the nation-state balance has destabilized due to the advent of globalization (“Globalization Easily Explained (Explainity® Explainer Video)” 2016). Some of the challenges are related to labor and environmental standards. “Complex interdependence” is a part of globalization (Strange 1997). States can no longer control the recruitment process in several industries. Therefore, subpar workers with no technical skills are recruited at the associated branches in developing countries. That ensures subpar results, which in turn harms the economy of the host country. Although the state is held responsible and made to face the consequences, the state has lost control.

Another issue is environmental standard. The nation and the state have to reduce their environmental standard and lower their barrier to the other participating countries. Although this helps is managing the work better, reduces the cost and increases the quantity, quality often suffers. The state or the nation cannot decide whom to recruit because of globalization. Companies of different countries have to trust the labor force of other countries, the environment is different, the resources are different, and the work ethics and the fundamental working process of the workers are different. Naturally, often the resultant products are of subpar standard. Not only that, sometimes companies and even countries have to pay for trusting underfunded ad hoc small scale companies with their work. This attitude encourages the growth of cross-country terrorism (Stopford 1998-1999). The whole economy and the security of the host country are affected because of that, and international interference overpowers nation-state supremacy.

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“Globalization Easily Explained (Explainity® Explainer Video)”. 2016. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ0nFD19eT8.

Kurth, Audrey K. 2002/2003. “Behind the Curve: Globalization and International Terrorism.” International Security 27.3: 30-58.

Spar, Debora L. 1998. “The Spotlight and the Bottom Line: How Multinationals Export Human Rights.” Foreign Affairs 77.2: 7-12.

 Stopford, John. 1998-1999. “Multinational Corporations,” Foreign Policy 113:12-24.

Strange, Susan. 1997. “The erosion of the state.” Current History 96.613:365-369.

Wolf, Martin. 2001. “Will the Nation-State Survive Globalization?” Foreign Affairs 80.1: 178- 190.