Planning for Generalization: 869042

Planning for Generalization

Problem faced

In the following case, the problem that Joshua faces is explained in below points:

  • In the convenience store, Joshua has experienced the real environment of shopping, for the first time Joshua was getting nervous and was unable to follow the instruction.
  • The learning style of Joshua has greatly affected that how much they can learn during the sessions. Therefore, the learning style of Joshua was quite weak.
  • In the training session the number of people as well as items was limited. It would not be tough for Joshua to select item among them whereas in the convenience store  the area of shopping was quite large therefore, Joshua has faced the problem of behavioural changes effectively which are propagate in the ability of Joshua to transfer any new skills, that Joshua has well-learnt during the training.

Strategies to overcome

There are certain strategies to overcome from the problem faced by Joshua. These are explained in below points.

  • There should be written and verbal instructions that would remind Joshua to perform the same which they have learned in the training. It would help Joshua to enhance their confidence as well able to perform well in the real environment (Bourbeau, Lavoie, & Sedeno, 2015).
  • Proper feedback should be provided to Joshua following the performance of the target skills. It would help Joshua to work on their performance gap.
  • The positive practice should be provided to Joshua, which is similar to reteaching. The practice could be done after reteaching to Joshua (Ragin, 2014).


Bourbeau, J., Lavoie, K. L., & Sedeno, M. (2015). Comprehensive self-management strategies. In Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine, 36 (4), 630-638.

Ragin, C. C. (2014). The comparative method: Moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies. California: California Press.