


1.   Taking first constant term of fourier series.As T is large higher order terms are approximately zero.



F= A*τ/T ,


Where τ=T-del(T),


4sqrt(2)=5* {T-delta(T)}/T,


Delta(T)/T =  0.12



  1. (a)-By superposition theorem,


Current by first source,


I1= |V1/Z1 |= |(120./sqrt((20)^2 + (2.pi.60.*0.1)^2) |


Current by second source-


I2=V2/Z2= |V2./sqrt((20)^2 + (2.pi.50.*0.1)^2)|


Total current,




Given Irms=5;


Solving ,



V2rms=76.91 volts


(b) Power factor,geometric mean due to both sources–


Sqrt(Cos(phi1)Cos(phi2))=sqrt((R/Z1)(R/Z2))=400/sqrt(1400*1840)  = 0.25




3.(a) F(x)=x^2 +2 ;

F(-x)=(-x)^2 +2=F(x)     ,


This is an even function.


(b) F(x)=(x^2+2)tan(x)^2 ;


F(-x)=((-x)^2 +2)tan(-x)^2=F(x);


This is an even function.


(c) F(x)= (x^2+2)sin(x)tan(x)^2 ;



F(-x)= ((-x)^2+2)sin(-x)tan(-x)^2  = – F(x) ;


This is an odd function.




4.For fourier series we will evaluate the constants, T=(0-(-2)+(2)-0)=4;




So that    a0=2/4=1/2;





Where  w0=2.pi/T=2.pi/4=pi/2


So that  an=-1  ;




So that bn=2/n.pi;


So the fourier series is,








5.(a) Inverse fourier transform is,

Ft=F^(-1) [F(w)];


Where F(w)= | F(w)| exp(j*theta(w));

Where | F(w)|= (alpha^2 ) + ((beta)^2);

Theta = tan^(-1) (beta/alpha)  ;




The code for solving this is ,













After integrating between limits (-infinity) to (0) and then (0) to (infinity) we will have Ft.It is difficult to solve above equation.This is the difficulty in this problem.





























1.(a)The damping ratio is the ratio of real and imaginary parts,


So that,      ζ = -σ/ω  ,  σ is the x-axis ,j ω is the y-axis, in s plane ,

We have to analysis the graph in s plane,in which these formulas can be applied.But the graph is in V,t plane.This is the difficulty.If we can convert this V,t graph to s-plane graph than damping ratio can be find by above formula.


(c) the undamped frequency of oscillation is,




(b)= Damped frequency is ,    ω= ω(undamped).sqrt(1- ζ^2)



2. (a)     £   (20)= 20/s  ;

£ (20sin(5t) =100/(s^2+25)  ;


£  (20exp(-5t)  = 20/(s+5) ;


£  (20 exp(-5t)cos(5t))= 100/((s+5)^2 + 25) ;


£  (20t^2) = 2/s^2  ;



(b) £^(-1) [1/(2s+4)] =0.5 exp(-2t) ;


£^(-1)  [5s/(16+s^2)]  =  5.cos(4t) ;


£^(-1) [10/s^2]  =  10t   ;


£^(-1) [4/((s-2)^2 +16)]  =  exp(2t)* sin(4t) ;


£^(-1) [ (9s+23)/(s+2)(s+3)] = £^(-1) [( 9(s+2) + 5)/(s+2)(s+3)]

= 9exp(-3t) + 5(exp(-2t)+ exp(-3t))







  1. (1)£^(-1) [1/(s^2+2s+2)] = £^(-1) [1/((s+1)^2 + 1)] = exp(-t)sin(t)


(2)    £^(-1) [1/(s^2+s+2)] = £^(-1) [ (1)/(s+1/2)^2 + 7/4)]

=  (2/sqrt(7))exp((-1/2)t)sin(sqrt(7)t/2)


(3)      £^(-1) [1/(s^2+0.5*s+2)] = (4/sqrt(31))exp((-1/4)t)sin(sqrt(31)t/4) ;


(4)       £^(-1) [1/(s^2+0.4*s+4)]  =

We compare coefficients and match the graphs—


We will check how much decrease in volts with decrease in frequency—


4 – D

3 –  B

2-  C









  1. (a) Laplace equation will be,  tou*s*deltaT(s) + deltaT(s) = (Tw-Ta)


deltaT(s) = (Tw- Ta)/tou*(s + 1/tou)


(b) Transient  response is,

deltaT(s)= ((Tw- Ta)/tou)exp(-t/tou) ,


where tou= mc/Ah



(c) Plot is  ,


tou= m.*c./(A.*h) ;


deltaT= ((Tw- Ta)./tou).*exp(-t./tou) ;











  1. (a)



Vo= Vi* (RXc/(R+Xc))/(XL +(RXc/(R+Xc)) = ((100/0.001)(100*s)/(100+s./0.001))/((100*s*0.5)+(100.*s/0.001)/(100 + s/0.001))


Vo= (10^(5)*s/(1+10s))/(50*s + (10^3)s/(1+10s));


Vo= (10^(5))*s/(500*s^2+1050*s)


Vo=(10^5)/(500*s+ 1050);




(b)   Vo= .01*200/(s+ 2.1);


V(t)= 2exp(-2.1t) ;












NOTE—Answer 5 of assignment3 and answer 1 of assignment 4 are not exact solution but hints .


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