Table of Contents

  1. Organizational behavior                                                                                                          P.3
    1. Introduction and Background                                                                                                           P.3
    2. The Scope of Organizational behavior                                                                                  P.3&4
    3. Narcissism & its exploitation & its facts                                                                               P.4&5
    4. General difference of work                                                                                                   P.5&6
    5. Organizational Narcissism and Virtuous behavior                                                                P.6
    6. Gender Roles and Organizational behavior                                                                          P.6
    7. Table 1. 1. Hypothesis of female and male in terms of standard deviation and mean.        P.7
  1.  Table 2.1. Statistic correlation between variables.                                                               P.8
  2.  Conclusion                                                                                                                            P.8&9
  3.  Reference List                                                                                                                     P.9&10

Organizational behavior is an understanding of relationship between human and the organization with the involvement of human behavior in an organizational institution. The study of an organization dictates the multiple perspectives, approach and the levels of analysis. When there is an interaction between people in an organization, there are many factors for consideration. Organizational behavior plays a significant role in organizational development, maintaining and increasing the performance of the organizational performance of the group as well as the individual.

Buy Sample AssignmentWhen people interact in the organization, some factors play vital role. Modern organization study declares to state the understanding and the model of these factors.

“The study and application of knowledge about human behavior related to other elements of an organization such as structure, technology and social systems.” (L.M Prasad, 1955)

  1. Introduction & Background

Organizational behavior is related to group of individuals who are working in a team and the situations become adverse when people interact. It is related as the expected behavior of the individuals in an organization and also dictates the fact that two people do not behave in a same manner. The involvement of human extracts out the human behavior hence the study of human behavior is also important.

From a long time a large number of people have been doing work by building monuments which are huge, managing armies, etc. This was only managed with the use of management and organization but the occurrence of it influences a lot these days.

With a transition of farmers of nation to the industrial powerhouse somewhat in 19th and the early 20th century people started working in the formal organization rather than working at home. With a great change in the business structure globally over the past hundred years with consideration of the idealistic theories which are still prominent in the places of working all over the world in current state? People today have started to collectively work to protect their interest of concern and improving the standard of living as the means production have shifted from farm to the factories and the sight now has been shifted to concern about working hours, better conditions for working, standard wages , and the safety of himself.

Assignment Help AustraliaThe Scope of Organizational behavior

  • Performance with context to personality.
  • Motivation of the employees
  • Leadership qualities.
  • Process of creating groups and teams with a concern of effective creation.
  • Organizational behavior different concepts.
  • Behavior of an individual, his learning and attitude.
  • Observation
  • Stress and Conflict management.
  1. Narcissism , its exploitation & its facts

There has been a study in USA which claims that there has been an increase in the tendencies of narcissistic these days (Pinsky and Young, 2009). The disorder in the personality has been headed under narcissism by the American Psychiatric Association in the year of 1980’s. The American Psychiatric Association define narcissism as the disorder in the personality “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy and is present in a variety of contexts” American Psychiatric Association (2000).The literature of psychology on the existence and entrance of narcissism links it with to the other behavior and attitude considering some to be dysfunctional. Academic entitlement and entitlement are included in it; academic dishonesty is also constituted with the implication of exploitation and Machiavellianism. Secondly, narcissism is related with the intensity in lower standards of the attributes such as personal relationship and the intention to misuse others for personal advantage. (Campbell, Bush, Brunell & Shelton, 2005)

Sample AssignmentAlthough there have been researches which states that the narcissists carry negative views about themselves and have this view of constant self-improvement ,some evidences have been figured out that they have this view of seeing themselves as equal and same from outside and inside.

  • Academic Entitlement

A two factor structure has been possessed by academic scale which states to achieve a willingness to achieve academic success without the involvement of personal responsibility with the valid presence of self-report holding academic entitlement. (Chowning and Campbell, 2009)

Study one:-20 items measure the student anticipated liability for the success in academics  and 10 items measure student selfish or egoistic approach about policies of course and professors.

Study two:- The anticipated liability is scaled under and is correlated in a positive attitude with measure related with entitlement, self glorification and narcissism and is related in a negative perspective to egotism, personal restraint and need of awareness, morality and recognition.

Study three: – Students have categorized different responses for the academic situations in terms of highly inappropriate or appropriate which instructors of university have selected. The student behavior appropriateness and their tendency of being engaged in their behaviors are predicted by academic entitlement scale.

Essay Writing Tutor SydneyAcademic Dishonest Behavior

Academic dishonesty is considered as a type of act to mislead or cheat other in a formal academic exercise. (Brunell, A., Staats, S., Barden, J., & Hupp, J.2010) Examples are:-

Plagiarism- Adoption of original creation with respect to be yours.

Fabrication – Change in a data, information, or cititation in any formal academic exercise

Deception – Provinding false information to the receiver.

The authors have addressed essence and the correlation of the intervening variables categorized as misuse of others and academic entitlements which have resulted in the correlation between narcissism dishonesty that can be medicated by attitude of using other for own benefits.  Narcissism is wholly a negative diagnose and with this perception people today are carry very much eager to derogate others.


  1. General difference of work

There have been changes in the personality profile between people of different generations and the difference in the attitude towards work and carriers. Newspapers, journals, internet, magazines, books are helpless to find out the different levels of cohorts in the work place.

 With context to the generation Y references which is sometimes also referred as Echo Boomers, generation Y (Sheehan, 2006a), generation next and millennium generation seems common in particular sense (Sheehan, 2006a; Hira, 2007), and this can be illustrated by the example that generation Y workers good in collaborative work environments and are good team players .They have a sense of entitlement and high maintenance and are technologically sophisticated. They have always attainted an appreciation for all their life and this generation cannot deal when they see failure in their work. They also expect recognition even when they do not deserve. They do not like to work for long hours (Clement, 2008, p.F7).They just want to track it fast either they deserve or not.

These generalizations hardly seems being challenged or even the general differences are not questioned scaled in the basic assumption but there are certain exceptions for example shortage of published research in academic journals on general differences and suggest that social science is be less popular as compared with  general approach.

  • Organizational Narcissism and virtuous behavior

Narcissistic organizations do not behave ethically because it is quite impossible for the organization while they are not unethical intentionally but with the development of self-obsession and the justification to whatever they do can be scaled by rationalizations, entitlement and denial. What is lacking from the corporate life is not the ethics but it can be marginalized by the corporate itself (Robert, 2001)

The individual will obviously consider it morally correct and will thus continue it without pangs of conscience on the scenario when unethical behavior becomes institutionalized.

“Everyone seemed fixated on the same concept, which not coincidentally allowed them to declare victory. Just find the bad apples, punish them, and everything will be fine. This, I believe, is wishful and dangerous, if simple and direct, thinking. It precludes examining destructive corporate cultures and instituting real change.” (Toffler & Rheingold,)

  1. Gender Roles and Organizational behavior

People do a lot of things and the gender plays it role everywhere fundamentally. The fact includes the behavior of males and females in an organization and they both play essential role in enhancing the business prospects and the customer satisfaction of the organization. Keeping all the political agendas in back of the mind the concern here is only to understand the potential to understand and act by both the gender. Firstly, one has to be a good person and then realize his or her potential for the organization is it necessary for the organization to know your weakness and strength .If you are aware of your strength and weakness , you know what your potential is , how to make use of it in an organization environment.

  1. Table 1. 1.  Hypothesis of female and male in terms of standard deviation and mean.
Variable Male Female
Mean SD Mean SD Sign.
ME 3.77 1.23 3.21 1.16 ***
OP 4.72 .96 4.39 1.13 *
OTC 2.67 .96 2.22 .95 ***
SC 3.69 .97 3.44 1.03 *


NB. Ns = not significant, * = significant at the .05 level, ** = significant at the .01 level, *** = significant at the .001 level.

Table 1 presents hypothesis of female and male in terms of standard deviation and mean towards their perceptions of decision making. When we examine it closely ,we come across a point that  that males achieved high score with that to females as when a decision has to be taken regarding the organization matters then they have a undiscriminating hold over the females and females do find it a little cumbersome when a decision has to be made .

Buy Assignment AustraliaTable 2.  Statistic correlation between variables.

Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. ME 1.00
2. OP .40*** 1.00
3. OTC .46*** .27*** 1.00
4. SC .53*** .49*** .44*** 1.00
5. PE .55*** .33*** .47*** .48*** 1.00
6. LA .22*** .26*** .07 .22*** .12* 1.00
7. GE .19** .15* .14* .14* .09 .56*** 1.00
8. EE .14* .15* .13* .15* .11 .54*** .57*** 1.00

* = significant at the .15 level, ** = significant at the .19 level, *** = significant at the .20level.

Table 2:- Statistic correlation between the variables. When a male has been adapted as the variable for the decision handling including the factors such as to promote, retain, and other managerial decision with a female or a male then it does not have a correlation with the female or male.

  1. Conclusion

This report has been designed to try and gain knowledge about organizational behavior and the inclusion of narcissism in the organization. Narcissism has its own impact on the organization. There are some area of discussion when narcissism is fruitful for the organization but the adverse effects has its own  consequences on the organization .The Organizational behavior deals with the involvement of human assistance therefore the benefits and the drawback has to be governed under organizational behavior. However the analyzation of the organization effectively within its context requires inner sight that may not available outside the organization. As fully comprehensive evaluation of organizational behavior requires looking into the results of the meta-analyses of the many studies. The study of Table 1 & 2 shows how the males and females perceive with the situations when a situation arises which demands the act of decision. The decision power has not been bounded to the higher level but the entire individual at different levels has a decision to make about them or for the organization which directly or indirectly effects the position of the organization.

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