Operations based Assignment on Business environment of Australia & Singapore:: Case study: Online stores – Singaporean sourcing
Questions Asked??
Write about the business environment of Australia and Singapore??
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The paper consist information about the company “Online store”. This paper consist information about the logistics activities that can contribute to low product costs and add value to place and time utility in perspective of given case study and introduced company “Online store”. This paper provides descriptive information that analyze a given real logistics management case on the basis of certain assumption that the “online store” focusing on business development of a new online retail business initiative. The business background and the high level operations of the business are described in the case study ‘Online Store’. The main discussion that the paper covers in different sections are:
- Singaporean sourcing operations supplier selection, evaluation and procurement.
- International transportation from Singapore to Australia.
- Australian Quarantine and Inspection clearance
The above key topics cover and focus on the logistics services that help to design the operation and logistic plan for the online store. The below discussion are divides in different sections that covers all the key discussion about the above points and provide a complete logistics overview that contribute in the Online store’s logistic plan.
The paper starts with small introduction that provides the discussed element that covered in the papers in the below sections and about the topics. In the further sections consists information about the topics defined in the above sentences in consecutive manner. At the end the paper conclude all the discussion that provide summarize information about the paper.
Singaporean sourcing operations supplier selection, evaluation and procurement
Singaporean sourcing operations contribute in terms of low product costs and it adds high value to the place and time utility with the following prospects:-
The implementation of outsourcing depends on the strong foundation and also it helps in unique capability to reach the strategic focus and to implement the technologies accordingly. The country also produces wide variety of contributions and thus creates high quality product accordingly. Sourcing is the process of finding suppliers, evaluating them and to engage them in the business. There are successful companies that focus on the best sources of the world. (Researchmarkets.com, 2012)
Suppliers are encouraged to acknowledge and the participation and enhance the level of communication. (Sutd.edu, 2012)
The country focuses on e-procurement and it deals with centralized governance. This is highly integrated with finance and other compliance contracts. Thus they also integrate the invoice accordingly and lead to the increased visibility with better tools of reporting. E-procurement helps in providing the central hub to the information, it also enforces to high supply and purchase of products. It is a great resource for managing the purchasing and also the sustaining activities. This also helps to educate and enforces the policy of sustainable procurement and it leads to the business quickly and efficiently. (Dimensiondata.com, 2011)
E-procurement helps in the sourcing and other process of purchasing in the organization. This creates high value to the process of procurement and it generates lot of benefits to the procurement process and to the electronic procurement. Sources of value creation refer and enhances to the total value that is created by the e-business and this is the sum of appropriate e-business transactions. This helps to create new ways in the form of total value and other business opportunities. Thus it refers to the business that conducts electronic media and also helps in generating high revenues from the internet and technology. It also has the great potential of generating new wealth and starting the business and venture. It attracts and influences the entrepreneurship and strategic research. This includes different steps such as:-
To define the strategic business unit,
To identify the critical values,
To define the products and also
To determine and to identify the value of the activity
This also enhances high compliance with existing frameworks and also it provides greater selection of low cost strategy to reduce the cost of distribution and also to manage the inventory. This also reduces the scale of economies and it includes the costs of planning, adapting, executing and monitoring the completion of the task. This also allows information flowing among the buyers and also among the suppliers in most of the time and in most of the cases.
Thus the improved information leads to decrease the customers and also it leads to the search and other bargaining costs. Thus it enhances the interconnectivity and creates the faster as well as more informed decision making. This helps them to provide wide area of network and selection in terms of reduced costs of distribution, in terms of managing the inventory and also in terms of enhancing high capabilities.
On the other hand, procurement refers to the activities that involve the obtained items for the supplier and also it leads to the purchasing and other logistics in terms of transportation, warehousing and other items. This constructs ideas and creates strong form of structure to manage the suppliers effectively.
There are four important steps associated in this model such as the information, the negotiation, the settlement and also the after sales approach. This will contribute to the “Online store” by the help of low cost and increased efficiency. This will also reduce the competition in the market place and will manage to prepare the documents such as purchase order as well as invoice and many others. (Nielsen, 2007)
International transportation from Singapore to Australia
In Singapore, the transportation is based on land and it also includes islands and other form of transportation in the country i.e. Singapore. Singapore has many links in the rest of the world and it covers the wide variety of transport modes such as bus, taxi, rail and other modes. (Callender & McGuire, 2005)
The pricing of road has been instituted on the broader basis. This also successfully included the air, travel, other telecommunications etc. This helps to encourage the high improved quality of life in the urban areas and there are other important benefits as well. This also helps in economic productivity and clearly defines the goals and helps to understand the common goals effectively. Through the help of planning and performance measurement, this ensures better benefits and contributes to easy acceptance of public. This is the effective network that also consist every aspect of people lives. The pricing of the road holds great promise for the absolute congestion levels. There is long term solution that is generated through the ERP of Singapore and the country is creating its effects in terms of behavior and conditions so that the same travel behavior change according to the most prominent shopping district. The ERP system of Singapore varies its prices with respect to the location, and other classifications. The demand techniques involve the ownership and measures thus the car ownership according to the given case i.e. “Online Store” helps to understand the licenses and permissions each year. They also take the long term approach to reach the public and also Singapore exhibits through certain areas and modes of transportation such as:-
They help to provide the overview and the land transport systems in the major cities in the world. This includes the own modes of transportation. The modes of transportation also are available during the era of independence and transportation. This helps the country to bring the visitors back in the transportation experience and also this explains the activities of effective tools of management. This improves the efficiency of the system and also it promotes the high added security and high value so that there is high accuracy attached to it.
This reduces the cost and increases high value through the help of improvements in mobility and accessibility that benefits the economy. This also helps to develop the fair system and practices for the ownership of vehicle and it also increases the ownership in terms of replacement of current fees of licenses and other taxes of vehicle. This enhances the environment and creates the improvement in road safety. Singapore identified the clear transportation goals according to the critical foundation for the areas in urban development as well as economic growth plan. This highly uses the planning of transportation and also support the high amount of objectives. Thus it also helps in benefiting the measures of performance and also to increase the overall systems performance as well as operations and implementations accordingly. The roads are kept free flowing, the transportation is public-centered and the transit is also the viable choice for the better goals and achievements.
Singapore made significant investments to ensure the user free alternatives and choices for driving. They also ensured balanced transportation demand networks to reach the country without any impacts in the mobility and also in the business carrying the charging zones. This also creates the source of advantage with the help of competitive environment and also with the help of better operating cost. This also includes the areas of development and integration. They also ensure the competitive pricing environment. Thus they identified the clear transportation goals and critical foundation of growth plans. (International.fhwa.dot.gov, 2010)
Australian Quarantine and Inspection clearance
According to the author, the Australian quarantine and inspection clearance helps in low cost and high value with respect to the requirements. Consignments are directly linked with better shipments and better dissemination. The policy of Australian unique quarantine required the specific establishment for the legislations and important maintenance of highest level of practices and planning. Australia did not change its policies of quarantine for the purpose of comprehensive and cooperative measurements. (Oie.int, 2000)
In conclude, above discussion are covers all the key discussion that provides complete information about the topics Singaporean sourcing operations supplier selection, evaluation and procurement, International transportation from Singapore to Australia, Australian Quarantine and Inspection clearance that provides the overview about the logistics plan of the online store.
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