Use specific Management terminologies, policies, and practices. 2000 words (+/- 10%)
You are required consult and fully reference a MINIMUM of 5 references from 3 different sources of information (eg. Book; www; journal article from the full-text database; current affairs magazine etc)
Assignment details and requiredments
Choose any MNC or SME of your choice. The company MUST BE an international company with Singapore bases operations OR can be a Singapore company, only operating locally or with international operations or affiliations.
You are recently employed as a General Manager in the chosen company. All companies are vulnerable to external forces that effect them in accomplishing their goals. The CEO wants you to make analyses on these external forces so that they can make relevant changes and remain competitive in tr marketplace. The CEO also wants you to instil a modern day management practice within the organization based on the functions of management.
Your report must answer the following questions ans include all factors stated below. You must use terms found within the study of management. You are encouraged to look up various textbooks and journals to find these terms and to gain additional knowledge on management through exploration.
Importance must be place on how the management principles are cleared outlined and how they are applied in context to the chosen company.
1. Introduction of the company, it’s business and any other facts – 200 words
2. An analysis of at least 4 environmental factors that effects the business of the chosen company. Please refer to textbook page 56-64. – 400 words
3. An analysis of at least 3 major factors that affects the business of the chosen company. Please refer to textbook page 64-68. – 200 words
4. Relate through application, how the functions of planning/strategizing, organization, leading and controlling can be applied to the company for it to be efficient and effective. Please refer to textbook page 29-30. – 800 words
5. General conclusion of the analysis and the company. – 200 words
6. General recommendation in the context of management as the company progresses in the next 5 years. – 200 words.
Gomez-Mejia, L & Balkin, D. (2011) Management : International Edition. Person Education Inc.
The use of WIKIPEDIA online encyclopaedia is NOT allowed. You must use the APA Referencing system to acknowledge your sources of information (both in-text, and as a reference list at the end). Please include page number. Include a Reference Page at the end of your assignment.
1. Introduction of the company, it’s business & any other facts – 200 words
2. an analysis of
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