Letter of Transmittal: 1354601





Subject: Submission of assignment on “How social media is affecting teenagers.”

Dear Sir,

This is the assignment that was assigned to us on how social media is affecting teenagers. I have completed the task using the knowledge I gained from the whole course in English.

I appreciate all individuals who equipped me with that knowledge, relevant information, and all valuable advice.  I will be happier if you find time and go through the report that I did watchfully and I tried to answer all questions on my level best using the knowledge I have over the course.

I have tried by all means and did my level best to complete this assignment correctly, purposeful, and in the right manner as much as I could. I believe that through my hard work and tedious effort will attract you to receive this receive this report and go through it carefully. In that case, it will be meaningful to me, and I will appreciate a lot. However, if you find any difficulty in this assignment and you need help in interpreting the assignment, please call me without hesitating, and I will happily explain it to you.

Thank you

Yours Obediently



Addiction to social media is the change in behavior that features using social media excessively.
Those addicted to social media are motivated by the irrepressible desire, which helps in signing on sites.
Public welfare society for youth (PWSY) has been tirelessly working hard to see positive progress of youth in society.

Main problem

The main problem of social media is depression which is affecting the mental health of the youth (Andreassen & Stale, 2017).
Social media promotes envy among the teens that use social media, making them be mainly affected.

The Solution

Parents should try to spend a lot of time with their children.
Families should start therapy sessions which help in encouraging youth on how to use social media.
Parents should start limiting what children are doing in social media and activities and if possible, install a spy app to help them in controlling what teenagers are doing.

Originality of research

To provide a workshop for parents who are not aware of how their children are using social media
To find which simple activities which can help the teenager to identify hobbies they can engage themselves in apart from social media.
To create awareness of everybody adverse effects when one spends a lot of time on screen.

Plan of action and timeline

Plan of action and timelineStart campaigns focusing on real-world activities and collaborate with the school during vacations.
Have follow-up workshops in schools to guide parents and children how screen rays are dangerous when used for long hours.
Do a quick survey in groups from senior schools on expectations of the children.
Do debates in schools on the exponential rate on social media and award winners with a certificate for appreciation.


This will help teachers and parents to teach teenagers the path they are supposed to follow for a brighter future.
Through debates, the children will be able to learn and understand the effects of staying on screen for a long time which will contribute to their change.
Surveys in schools will help the parents and teachers to know what’s bothering the teenagers; thus, they will be a position to help them.


Addiction to social media is the biggest problem teenagers are going through as it contributes to anxiety, depression and health issues.
Addiction to social media among teenagers can end when the parents monitor what their children are doing online.
Parents should find time to spend with their children the same way they find time to work.


Parents and guardians should set social networking exercises which are based on web to parental control.
That will help parents in checking the programs the teenagers are on in their cell phones.
Parents should find time to spend with their children.

Causes of the problem

Parents are busy in their jobs, making it difficult to spend some time with their children.
Families stopped having therapies which help on knowing how to spend time with children.
Parents do not limit what children are doing any more, but they leave them to do what they want, leading to depression.


Andreassen, C., & Stale, M. G. (2017). The relationship between addictive use of social media, narcissism and self esteem: Findings from a large national survey. . Addictive behaviors.
Barker, V. (2009). Older adolescents motivation for social network site. The influence of gender, group identity, and collective self-esteem. Cyber psychology & behavior .