Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory


Juno is a movie which presents developmental stages, conflicts and restrictions that one has to go through during their emerging adulthood.The protagonist in the movie Juno had to confront an early pregnancy at the age of sixteen.Instead of going through an abortion, she decides to give birth to the baby and set up an adoption.The story revolves around the pressure she has to go through in her early adulthood, conflicts of emotion and dilemmas of taking right decisions.


According to World Health Organization (WHO), The social determinants of health has been descriptively shown in the movie with respect to conditions in which people are born and grows up, age and living conditions.Also emphasis is given on resources like money which plays a major determinant for raising children and proving good healthy conditions.

According to National Institute of Health and Clinical Sciences, Pregnant women under the age of twenty are uncomfortable using antenatal care services.It has been observed that they are reluctant to accept their pregnancy and are unsure about parents reaction and feel embarrassment. However in the movie parents of the teenager are supportive and her step mother helps in getting antenatal health services.The mother guides the daughter through out in the course of pregnancy and is strongly supported by one of her best friends.


In the movie the diversity of cultural values has been prominently referred to. Issues like early pregnancy is considered acceptable and regarded with openness than cases like drug abuse by teenagers. This reflects the cultural value of being open about adolescents loosing their virginity during early adulthood.According to Bronfenbrenner’s theory of structures of environment, above is represented in Macrosystem., the layer comprises of customs, laws and cultural values (Berk, 2000).


The period of emerging adulthood is not specifically defined by age group. It is considered more subjective depending on the location, culture, psychological aspects, living condition and various situations once has to go through. This theory of Hendry and Kloep’s on emerging adulthood has been observed in the movie. Juno has to take adult like decisions during her adolescence which leads her to mature faster than usual. Over all the movie reflects sociological and psychological turmoil during emerging adulthood.


Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory:


The theory revolves around child development in the conditions of system of relationships. It defines various layers of complex environment where each has an effect on child’s development.The factors which communicate for maturing are immediate family, environment, societal landscape that steers ones development.


The structure of the environment is divided into various layers which as follows-


1. Microsystem: It contains structure which has direct contacts with the children and is the closest layer.It comprises of relationships and interactions a child has with her immediate surroundings. Bronfenbrenner describes bi-directional influence. Children’s believed is affected by various close structure like family, school, neighborhood or child care environment and vice versa child also influences the structures thought process.In the movie, Juno grows up without her mother which brings a rebellious and independent approach in her. Moreover her father’s involvement with other woman who eventually becomes her step mother, influences her outlook towards theory of relationships.It has been shown that she is not open to accept her feelings towards Paulie Bleeker and also considers having intercourse as a mere source of entertainment. It reflects a family environment which is not conventional and is willing to adapt to modern cultural system. At microsystem, influences are strongest and have greatest impact. I this theory, interaction within a layer and interaction between the layers of structures is critical.


2. Mesosystem:It is the connection between the structures involved in microsystem. This layer is not dominant in the movie but can be described through relationship between father and mother, her boyfriend’s mother and her parents a they are neighbors and relationship between the spouse who agrees for adoption of the baby.


3. Exosystem: Exosystem is the indirect larger social system where the person does not communicate. In this layer, the structure interacts with others in her microsystem which impacts one’s development and perspective. It has been observed that Juno gets impacted and stressed out when she finds out about difference between the spouse who are going to adopt her child.The husband confronts his wife regarding his unwillingness to be a father which leads to their divorce. Though its an interaction in the outer circle where she is not directly involved but does impacts her, as she is concerned regarding upbringing of her baby by single parent.This also reflects her inhibitions due to past personal experience.


4. Macrosystem:This is one of the intangible outermost layer in the ecological system. This layer contents cultural values, customs and laws.It is considered to have a step by step influence throughout interactions with all other layers. As mentioned above above cultural values has reflected strongly in the movie. In the western countries,like USA where movie takes place losing virginity post 15 years of age is considered normal. It is understood as a part of adolescence needs to grow and mature.Hence parents of the teenager are kind of relieved when she discloses that the issue is only that she is pregnant and not into drugs abuse.


5. Chronsystem: This layer is surrounded by dimensions of time related to one’s environment.It can occur due to elements which are external like timing of parents death, or any internal physiological change that occurs due to age, pregnancy etc. Every individual has different methods of coping and reacting and eventually may be, are more able to determine how these changes will influence them. Due to sudden death of her mother in the movie, it is seen that Juno’s understanding of biological changes in a woman are indistinct.Also as she is in her early adulthood, intercourse is considered as an experience.

Moreover due to pregnancy their are physiological changes in her body because of which she feels unsecured, it has be shown through the dialogue “I look like a planet”. To over come that she desires to get attention from Mark who is suppose to be adopting her baby.


Bronfenbrenner’s Moral Dilemma test is another psychological aspect which is very commonly observed during early adulthood.Though these tests are conducted in the control at labs but such circumstances where our moral dilemma is tested can be seen in our general day to day life.According to the above, there are two moral dimensions- “Negative-passive'” dimension where moral choices that impels a teenager to resist peer pressure to violate conventional norms. “Positive-active” moral choices are acts that reflects actions of moral principles.

Juno’s decision of not aborting the baby and considering adoption is an example of positive-active moral choice.


It is considered that theories now focus on role played by child’s physical or biological attributes and the environment in change and growth and depends to the extent in which their interaction is ongoing. It is stated by Brofenbrenner’s ecological system theory that complexities increases gradually during interaction,it arises as child’s physical and cognitive structure grows and matures.

Implications of the theory: The current economy creates instability and unpredictability in family life’s is most destructive force in development of a child (Addison,1992).

Constant mutual interaction is necessary with important adult as a part of development. As per the theory, a break down in the immediate microsystem will not provide tools to explore other parts of environment.Affirmation should be present for the child in various relationships like child/parent or child and other important relationships.Such deficiencies are shown especially in adolescences through anti social behavior, lack of self discipline, and inability to provide directions.It can be put forward that this theory has dire implications for the practice of teaching.It is necessary for education system to make up for this deficiencies by schools and teachers providing long term relationships.However Bronfenbrenner strongly believed that primary relationship needs to be with someone who are meant to last a lifetime , provide sense of caring and fostered by someone with immediate sphere of influence on the child. .Schools and teachers cannot provide complexities of interaction that can be given by primary adults. The ideal of the creation of public policy that eases work and family conflict (Henderson, 1995).

It is necessary to foster societal attitudes that develop value work at all levels like parents, friends, teacher, relatives, work supervisors etc.A system that incorporates political and economics policies in best interest of parents role in the children’s development is required to be formed.

Hendry and Kloep proposed a new outlook in human development at the stage of Emerging adulthood which is overlapping period between adolescence and adulthood and is distinct from both the stages.It is accepted that development is non linear and reversible.But we cannot deny another observation that some young people might reach adult stage early in some domain and later in others and in some aspects never.In their critiques,Hendry and Kloep argued that emerging adulthood is not a universal stage, and is majorly dependent on cultural context in which people grow and develop and the social institutions they encounter. The stage of emerging adulthood is  agreed to be not universal and but is considered as a period that exists only in cultures where entry to adulthood is postponed and roles and responsibilities are not passed on until way past the late teens.


If we associate above theory with the movie, it can be correlated that emerging adulthood is subjective to various elements involved within the environment. Juno is sixteen and in a phase of crossing her adolescence, yet she has two more years to go to reach adulthood. However various circumstances like pregnancy and the kind of decisions she has to take for bringing up the baby are few things which she requires to do above her age and maturity level. This is the phase which brings her into emerging adulthood irrespective of the age group she belongs. There are scenes in the movie where she discusses about things like how relationships like marriage work, is it expected that two people can live happily together forever and what kind of a personality category she belongs. She has been brought up by separated parents and understands the consequences one has to go through. So when the spouse chosen for adoption plans a divorce she is devastated. As only thing which she considers is very important other than money is a healthy united family for her baby.


According to Arnett J.J (2004) asserted that demographic similarities like later marriage, longer education which has become very common in the modern world are best understood as implication of a new life stage.Due to variations in emerging adulthood because of cultural context, not only social class and educational attainment but many different emerging adulthoods. Hendry and Kloep in distinction referred that stage theories have never been able to explain transition in an individual across his/her life course.They completely believed that stage of emerging adulthood doesn’t have specific timeline and is redundant.Instead for experiments should be done about processes and mechanisms that govern changes in human psychologically and physiologically at any stage.


Social Model of Health and Determinants:


Social model of health acknowledges the effect of social, economic, political and cultural factors  and conditions on health and wellbeing.It is conceptually designed framework for improving health conditions, preventing and reducing illness and addressing health concerns which emerge due to inequalities and disadvantages that exists within the society. The service centers like AIMA, WHO support community health practice by the values and principle.


Various elements of social model includes:


  • recognizing  broad,social, economic and environmental determinants of health and illness.
  • Health promotions and disease prevention
  • Importance of community participation in decision making
  • Working with sectors outside of health
  • Understand equity is an important outcome of health service intervention


According to the South Australian Council of Social Service,the social determinants of healths are as follows-


1. Income and Social Status: It cannot overlooked that a good income effects the health and well being of an individual.They enjoy better access to healthcare, nutrition and often live longer as well. People who go through hardships and has economics disadvantages has increased risk of serious illness and premature death.It also leads to food illiteracy, stress, anxiety and decline in positive health status. In the movie, while deciding for adopting parents, income and social status of the family has been shown as the major factor.


2. Social participation and social network: Social interaction and participation with communities brings a sense of belonging and connects together bringing positive, physical and psychological wellbeing. The social network in the movie has been shown through the support system she carries along. Juno has strong support of her social surroundings like from her best friend, parents and her boyfriend which helps her to move through pregnancy in a healthy condition.


3. Education: Education is the base for making future decisions about choices of occupation which will provide us with income . Also it helps us to cope with day to day challenges, participate in the professional and economic market. Juno’s better understanding of sex education helps her taking a decision regarding abortion. Also her step mother supports her through out antenatal care as they have better education and understanding of the requirement and necessity of regular health care check up during pregnancy.


4. Health Literacy:  One’s ability to analyze different experiences that someone is observing in their health within larger context can be defined as Health literacy. It is a step ahead towards taking decisions regarding personal health, awareness related to economic, environmental and social determinants of health. Health literacy is crucial for consumers to access, understand and utilize health related benefits, consider choices regarding their personal health and also contribute to the empowerment self manage health practices by people and communities.


5. Healthy living conditions: Healthy living conditions comprises of suitable housing, nutritious food and clean drinking water. Nutritious food is impacted by level of food literacy and also by geographical and socioeconomic location.However in the movie food literacy i s shown as a major hindrance. Juno being a sixteen year old girl is prone and fancies fast foods which is usually not appropriate. Though as per social status her parents can well afford the same but unawareness and carefreeness regarding healthy food is observed as a concern.


6. Racisim, discrimination and culture: Due to colonization in the history in few places stress levels, feelings of social exclusion has been found which has been carried along with time. Racisim also leads to unequal employment access, education, medical support and social reactions. This leads to negative emotional reactions that contribute stress and consumption of drugs and addictive substances.


7. Early life factors and genetics: The quality of the environment in which we are born and live determines level of our brain development and stimulation.Developments are vital and are foundation for parameters like child’s social, economic and health related outcome as an adult.

Genetic inheritance like growth, aging and the functioning of individual physiology are influential in determining an individual’s experience of health and wellbeing. In the movie Juno being highly fertile can be one of the genetic inheritance. As her step mother confirms that she had been given contraceptive pills and even after that she gets pregnant.


8. Individual behaviors and lifestyle factors: Individual behavior and lifestyle factors are nothing but choices that one makes such as factors like smoking, drug abuse, drinking etc.These decisions are also defined by an individual’s socioeconomic position.


9. Access to Healthcare: It is an important determinant as people staying in remote areas always have issues going for regular check ups. Infact at times doctors available in that areas are well experienced and make mistakes in treatment.Preventive Health care services gets impaired to a larger extend like baby immunizations and health promotion programs.




The movie gives a broader prospect towards physiological and psychological way of development a child goes through due to various external factors involved. It describes the kind of influence one has in their outlook towards various system of society due to a particular way of upbringing. Also opinions developed towards various complex network like sex has major influence due to cultural and societal value attached to it.In the movie openness to sex has been presented and parents expect their children to loose their virginity after the age of fifteen.

The social influences towards moral values are described through taking strong decisions on subjects like abortion. The moral dilemma infused in us by various social services like human rights and NGO influences our decision making and it kind of forces us developing certain perceptions towards particular system or values.It has been observed that moral decision making is suffers many problems especially ethical concerns.

Also there are social hindrance that deny access to access to positive elements that contributes towards betterment of health and well being. Many studies has been conducted describing the link between social contributors of health and the disadvantages of negative health effects. Negative health effects of the social determinants has been identified by government and informs social and health related policy.The effect of negative health is not only in seen in childhood but also during entire adulthood. Strategies regarding inequity and addresses social gradients and negative health effects.Many of these issues are tried to be resolved through health promotions. However poverty is considered one of the major concerns compounding to the reason of ill health. According to the social health model, a model related to pregnancy and complex social factors are defined.

According to the theory, it is observed that lives of young people falling into the age group of late teens and early twenties in industrialized societies have changed dramatically, moving toward a less structured passage to adulthood which is delayed, including longer education, training and later ages for considering marriage and parenthood. It can be mutually accepted that the paths chosen by emerging adults during these years are dynamic and diverse, both within and between societies, and also it is important to recognize and investigate this diversity.Many parts of the emerging adulthood developed is yet to be discovered or grasped, offering the prospect of many challenging investigations in the  future to come. Though above all these it can be emphasis that manifestation of various layers of Bronfenbrenner theory has a very strong impact on the development of a child. The network system surrounded by various cultural values effects our development.






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  • Garry Sheperd. (1997) ‘A critique and extension of Bronfenbrenner dilemma test’, International Journal of Psychology,vol.12, pp. 207-217


  • Jeffrey Jensen Arnett. (2007). Emerging adulthood, a 21 century theory, A rejoinder to Hendry and kloep. PDF format. Retrieved from http://jeffreyarnett.com/articles/ARNETT_2007_Emerging_Adulthood_A_21st_Century_Theory.pdf


  • WHO. (2012). Social determinants of health. WHO (website). <http://www.who.int/social_determinants/en/>


  • Leo B. Hendry & Marion Kloep (2002) Life development: Resources, challenges and risk (1st ed).Oxford:The Alden Press


  • SACOSS Information paper. (2008).The social determinants of health. PDF format.Retrieved from http://www.sacoss.org.au/online_docs/081210%20Social%20Determinants%20of%20Health%20Report.pdf


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