ICT Based Teaching and Learning Process


In this particular assignment, the aim is to identify the importance of ICT technology in case of education system, which may enhance the efficiency of learners’ outcome. In this regard, the study has also highlighted strategies of ICT development plan, which may assist teachers to enhance the efficiency of learners as well as students. ICT also helps a teacher in enhancing his/her professional image, with the help of ICT the teacher could very easily project a very different professional image to his colleague and in this way ICT is also very beneficial to the teachers as well. Moreover, implications of ICT may help in increasing the learning capabilities of the students. At the same time it also helps in improving the learning activities of the student as well.


In the early 21st century, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has become one of the indispensable tools, which usually assist teachers as well as education institutes to enhance the knowledge and ability of the students. However, it can be also mentioned that through incorporation and implementation of ICT tools global educational institutes may enhance their effectiveness and efficiency of education based training. Moreover, it can be also argued that adoption of ICT tools will also help an educational institute to ensure better student learning outcomes during the education process. In this regard, Galliers and Leidner (2014) argued that integration of ICT tools teachers’ may effectively drive their knowledge amid the students. At the same time, it can be also claimed that adoption and implementation of ICT tools will develop better visualization amid the learners and it will also encourage students’ to establish practical interpretation regarding complex education based ideas.


According to the viewpoint of Vovides et al. (2014) the concept of teaching philosophy is refers one teacher’s rational approach of teaching. Moreover, it can be argued that teaching philosophy refers the process of reflecting teaching and learning, which is help learners to enhance self-awareness. At the same time, it can be argued that teaching philosophy explicit underlying values of education through inspiring and motivating students towards education. Learning is a performance, where both the students and the teacher perform their role or part. As the student play their part, it is also important that the teacher too play his/her part effectively.

In accordance to the view point of Dawson and Atkinson (2012), the performance of the teacher is very important in today’s education system because the learning world is changing every day and with this changing world, the teachers had to adapt themselves in such a way that the students gain the right knowledge from the teacher. Therefore, Turner (2015) argues that communication plays an important part in teaching and learning world today, because it has became a stage where the success of the play depends largely on the dialogue that takes place between the teacher and the student. The teaching philosophy of the present learning and educational world depends largely on the performance of the student and the teacher and the dialogue that is being carried out by the student and the teacher. The successful learning of the student depends largely on the successful dialogue carried out between the student and the teacher. According to Mikre (2015), the teacher today believes that the student today should develop a critical mind and thus they perform their part in such a way that they develop this critical mind.

ICT or the Information and the Communication Technology could be defined in various ways and one of the most sophisticated ways of defining it could be stating that ICT is associated with those computer-based technologies that are expensive, but then again such a statement will not be true. Although Noor-Ul-Amin (2015), argues that ICT not only include the expensive computer based technologies but at the same time, it also includes those technologies, which are conventional. Among the conventional technologies, there is the radio, television, telephone, and technologies as such. In accordance to the viewpoint of Player-Koro (2012), United Nation Development Programme or UNDP has categorized ICT as nothing but handling tools, which helps a person in information handling. Thus, if one goes by the definition of UNDP then the ICT tools includes varied sets of goods, as well as information and the services and applications. The services and application helps not only in producing but also at the same time in storing, processing, as well as in distribution and exchange of goods as well.

The communication in education helps the teachers to learn from the students and the students stands in the advantageous side because of various reasons. ICT here, act as a mediator of the cognitive development of the students. ICT helps in developing the analytical skills of the students, and at the same time, they are encouraged for independent and the active learning. Effective communication inside the classroom motivates the student and they could easily participate in the classroom activities, which helps in increasing their self-esteem, and thus is very effective in the classroom teaching. ICT plays an important role here because technology in the learning environment helps in increasing the self confident of the students and at the same time it also helps in increasing the self esteem of the student as well. In accordance to the viewpoint of Reddi (2015), motivates the students and this kind of technology brings in a student centre attitude in the learning environment, which was absent in the previous traditional learning environment.

Communication is also very helpful for the teachers, because if there is an effective communication in the classroom then the teacher could easily find out the effectiveness of his/her lecture and accordingly could bring in improvement. According Sehnalová (2014), ICT plays a very important role here because now with the help of the technology the teachers could not only have the data of the school and the students but the teachers could access it any point of time. Shaffer (2014), argues that it is not only the students who could develop self confidence through ICT but at the same time the teachers too gain confidence through ICT and along with gaining confidence the teachers also gains enthusiasm, and also literary skills. ICT also helps a teacher in enhancing his/her professional image, with the help of ICT the teacher could very easily project a very different professional image to his colleague and in this way ICT is also very beneficial to the teachers as well. In accordance to the viewpoint of Suggate and Reese, (2012), ICT is helpful for the teachers because it helps the teachers in preparing a lesson effectively and at the same time the teachers also reserve resources and technology to design and prepare their lecture materials and thus could deliver a very good lecture to the students. Therefore Toki and Pange (2014), argues that with the help of ICT now the teachers could easily solve the problems that students because now the students could easily understand the lesson with the help of the ICT.

Learning process includes not only the teachers and the students but the parents too, plays an important part in this process. In accordance with the viewpoint of Suggate and Reese (2012), ICT is important and beneficial for the parents mainly because of the fact that it helps the parents to get involved as well as engaged with the school community. Earlier, during the traditional classroom teaching, the parents used to stay aloof from the community of the schools but now with the introduction of the ICT, things have changed a lot and today people, or rather the parents get more involved with the school community of their child. According to Mikre (2015), as because ICT helps in increasing the learning capabilities of the students, and at the same time it also helps in improving the learning activities of the student as well. Therefore, owing to this fact, the learning activities also experience a change in the home environment as well. Reddi (2015), states that for the development of the child, effective communication between the parents and the teacher is important and ICT helps in forming an effective and an easier communication between both the parents and the teachers.

According to the viewpoint of Galliers and Leidner (2014), during the implementation of ICT integration plan, teachers must need to emphasize towards the intermediates of ICT tools, which may help teachers to share and distribute their knowledge and skills amid the learners. Over the last few decades, different strategies are used in different countries to provide better education to the students. ICT implementation has created interest over recent decades in many countries for providing innovative education facilities to the students. Hence, an effective strategic planning is required for Implementing ICT based Education in the schools of Australia. ICT can be integrated in the schools for providing an innovative practicing ways to the traditional learning such as solving arithmetic problems and performing digital projects.

The planning of providing ICT based education can be of both types such as long-term and short-term. In the schools, the integration of ICT can takes place in three areas such as lesson-based (micro), topic-based (meso) and curriculum-based (macro). In case of lesson-based, ICT becomes helpful in case of understanding the concepts of their lessons, whereas, topic-based ICT provides a clear concept of the whole topic that enhances the student learning process. ICT can also implement in the schools to provide curriculum-based learning to the students. Curriculum-based ICT will contain the syllabus of the whole course.

A clear framework is required to be design before implementing ICT in the schools. Designing a framework will help to identify the requirements of the implementation and helps in reducing the cost of the implementation. The equipments that are needed in case of implementing ICT are digital equipment, network infrastructure and connectivity, relevant sources, technical support, innovative technologies, and digital content (Clark, et al., 2014). The digital equipments that are needed to implement ICT are Electric Board, Computer, Audio Cassette, projector, Support Application Systems (SAS) and Integrated ICT infrastructure. These equipments are necessary in case of presenting relevant educations in front of the students. These equipments are also necessary to the teachers to understand the required educating necessary to be given to their students. Network infrastructure and connectivity is essential in any school for implementing ICT. Required data regarding to the syllabus cannot be able to gather without effective infrastructure and good network connection (Richardson et al. 2015).

Relevant sources are required to access for collecting data of the courses to deliver required amount of education in the schools. Technical support is essential in case of implementing ICT in the schools. It will help in case of identifying the issues in the field of collecting and maintaining data and provide technical support to solve the issues. The innovation of ICT is present in wider ranges that will deliver a quality and effective education curricula and service to the educational institute. The innovative technologies such as online teaching, online lectures etc. are used to implement new and innovative teaching and learning process for the teachers and students (Galliers & Leidner, 2014). This process will be helpful in several communities and small schools, where not all types of relevant resources are available. They can use internet sources and online lectures of professors of different universities to provide the required education to the students. Digital content can also be helpful in case of saving memory and arrange more space to store the relevant data and information.

These processes of implementing ICT in the educational institutes will improve the process of pedagogy of providing education and learning to the students. Using the ICT technology, institutes can to provide both analytical and theoretical education to the students. Different plays and educational films can be shown to the students regarding any specific subject or topic so that they can get a clear understanding of the basic concepts of the subject or topic. According to (Kihoza et al. 2014), “it is noticed from the previous record of Australian education system that the students are able to catch faster, what they saw and feel, whereas, it takes  more times to understand and catch the theoretical study”.

For implementing ICT in the schools and educational institutions, relevant training are also required to be provided to the teachers so that they can understand how the ICT system can be used in the classes (Vovides et al. 2014). The training is also required for the teachers to understand how the ICT technology can be matched with their traditional teaching processes. IT specialist is also required to hire to solve the present and upcoming problems regarding the implementation and using of ICT technology in the educational institution. Content developer is also necessary to develop the content of different syllabus required for different level of studies and classes. Pouezevara et al. (2014) commented that the implementation of ICT technology in different institutes, colleges and schools would change and improve the whole education system of Australia.

In order to highlight the limitations of ICT based education, it can be stated that implications of ICT based education has sometimes have influenced negative impact on the students. In this regard, more specifically it can be argued that ICT based education does not able to meet the potential of teacher’s attitude, which can be regarded as an one of the potential barriers of ICT based education. In relation to this, rationally it can be argued that as attitude of the teacher may create a positive impact on the students’ mind, whereas ICT based education and learning process does not satisfy that particular factor. However, it is also revealed that in case of teaching and learning, applications and implications of ICT based approach may lead difficulties for teachers, if the teacher is not habituated with the teaching process (Mikre, 2015).

On the other hand, it can be argued that incorporation of ICT tools may lead disagreement amid the students. In this context, rationally it can be also argued that students may disagree with the use and application of ICT based education process, when they found difficulties to operate technology. Simultaneously, it can be also mentioned that incorporation of ICT based approach also may lead barriers as well as negative attitude for students through establishing unhealthy and hinder learning ambiance. Additionally, it can be also mentioned that in case of executing the ICT based education process, it is essential to adopt highly configured computers. In this regard, it can be mentioned that sometimes parents’ of the student found difficulties, when teachers are incorporate ICT based education process in the school as the cost of the computers are view high (Pouezevara et al. 2014).


Based on the above discussed arguments, it can be evidently asserted that through ensuring the implementation of ICT based education in the schools, it can be possible to enhance the knowledge and ability of the students. Simultaneously, it can be mentioned that through adoption of ICT based education, governments may enhance the overall quality of the education system. In relation to this, it can be also recommended that for implications of ICT based education government should come up with integrated plan, which will ensure the infrastructure of ICT based education. Moreover, government should need to concentrate on training related program for teachers, which will help students to gather technology based pedagogy knowledge. Moreover, it can be also suggested that during the execution of ICT based education, teachers should incorporate innovative approaches, which will help as well as encourage students more about concentrating on the academic studies.


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