Recommendation Three:
Write your third recommendation here … From your analysis what recommendations would you suggest to management regarding a strategy for the future profitability of the business Do not simply restate your observations. Be specific on what actions should be taken by Aquarius Video management and why. (100 – 150 words)
Hint: Your recommendation should be about a future overall strategy regarding increasing sales , managing lesser stock, more stock, particular types of products and incorporating your question 7 & 8 findings.
High inventory for costlier products indicate lower demand for the products, one strategy would be decrease the price, but it would adversely affect to the profits as most of the products are sold at a discount (some even at half of the quoted price). However, rather than reducing the price, the holding level of costlier products could be decreased so as to reduce the holding cost of the products. Another strategy would be to use overseas wholesalers to porcure the most of the products. This might not be an effective strategy but would help them in improving the profit levels by a small margin. The sales could be increased by active promotion of products in the homepage of the website or implement search optimization techniques as well as involving customers for reviewing the products in order to promote them , and thus, indirectly promoting sales and profits.
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