- Activities in everyday’s life are transparent and social cultures are associated with it. Everyday’s life becomes so bust that one not getting much time for talking about the cultural set by the earlier generation. It includes cleaning of teeth in morning, making a cup of coffee, showering, getting children ready, say hello to neighbors, going to office, lunch, and watching TV. These activities are set by the older and present generation is following them. There is more significance in everyday’s life that may not seem. Different people have their different lives and different routines. People may have different cultures and these cultures can vary from social and psychological points. People understand their way for living in the society and how these cultures set their complete routine. The routine is well organized and it depends on the values of the cultures. Societies have their meaning because of the people and their thinking, values, norms and different believes. The only difference is that thinking and believes varies from one society to other society. All humans are cultural being and having the ability to think and stimulate accordingly. For example in animals, when lion sees another animals then consider it as a prey and then it tries to hunt it. On the other hand humans on seeing others react according to their thinking, attitude and cultural values. Human relations are set according to their values, believes and norms. Cultural aspects are important as they teach the exact meaning of life. Cultural values are transferred from one generation to the next generation. The next generation keeps on the values, norms of the previous generation. This process is keep going on and the all the humans are related by these values and norms. Humanity lies within every human and this aspect make them to believe and trust on each other. For a better society trust and love are the two powerful tools and these tools are helpful in creating the relations. Orientation of the people or a particular group helps in creating the culture for the generations. Social contexts are operating in between these groups. (David Inglis, 2005)
Work in everyday life collaborates effectively with colleagues or client in daily routine of life. Societies are having different meaning in relation to the opposite sexes. Believes are set about the biology and psychological thinking. This will reflect the cultures of life and meaning in the society. The working ability of the male and female is different. The context is related to the social construction of the gender rather than the areas of working. Social intuitions are having the cultures that are basically relates to gender. These explain that female have to act in some different way. These kinds of values bind the societies and goals cannot be achieved successfully. This is termed as socialization and how the things are told that is how the culture is set has the prime importance. (Holmes, 2009)
Traditions are set in the social interaction between the humans beings in daily life. The norms and believes helps in understanding the self, society and the mutual interaction going on between them. Bond between the societies is individually and group dependent. The social values and traditions are set by the self and this is achieved by interaction with the other selves. Symbols are used by the humans for the communication with the other beings. Symbols reflect the images in the mind of one and these symbols are related to the other minds also. Language is vital in this interaction and communication. This conversation or interaction inspired from social meanings is termed as conversation of gestures. It involves the interaction with symbols and then monitors the interpretation derived from the social symbols. There is lot of difference between the attitudes related to the words such as ‘I’ or ‘me’. ‘Me’ define as socialized symbol and shows the attitudes of the others as a social symbol. ‘I’ is un-socialized and it outs the personal needs on the top priority. These two symbols reflect the demands made by the cultures of the particular society. Every society attaches itself to the some specific symbols and religions. Human beings in their everyday’s life follow these symbols. Generally human beings in their everyday’s life define their own actions and sometimes they define the action of others also. It is far away from the social interaction. Human beings have to define the action of the self and others in a mechanical fashion. Present generation is busier in the self indication and which is actuated from the referring to self. Social interaction involves the process for the study and analysis of the human beings action. It actually involves the behavior of the symbols variation from individuals to group. The study of the actions basically has the motive to understand the structures and ways to interpret the symbols. This will help to understand the values of the symbols related in the everyday life. This social process helps to understand the conversation of gestures and the identity of human beings. (Elliott, 2008)
Everyday life comprises a spectrum of micro perspectives. Perspective is symbolic interactions, dramaturgy, phenomenology, and ethno- methodology. It defines the theme that linked with approaches of social interaction and aspects. Every day of life indicates individual or more ideas in surrounding context. These Contexts and ideas help to maintain the shape of development of human beings. Every day of life justifies that individual way of working and methods in surrounding area. Sociology in social aspects is difficult due to its diversity and lack of systematic integrations. For example- In everyday’s life when an individual enters into the presence of others, they usually look to gather information about the person. People is interested in socio-and economic status, conception of self or individual, competence, trust and worthiness of the person which defines the daily routine of the life. Everyday life is well-established tradition in the discipline and area of interest. This engagement becomes interdisciplinary, across social science as well as outside areas. Sociological approaches to everyday life attempts to get and recognize the routine, practice and social relations in surroundings areas. Societies in everyday’s life are forming the self-awareness training and it is adapted from surrounding areas. Every day life is extensive tradition of writing in self. In other words, every day of life is the sphere of natural attitude and values. Culture is the way of life shared by individual or more in surroundings areas, including their ideas and traditions. It reflects the values, rules, instructions and believes in groups or in global society. In cultural aspects of everyday life, culture is emerging as a specific field of sociological science. Its values are analyzing with great contradictions of historical and political split between culture and society. (Adler, Adler and Fontanna, 1987)
- Various tools and techniques developed which helps to understand the basics of life. These aspects puts the social values on the front and then various norms and believes are developed. This helps to understand the relation between the everyday aesthetics and environmental aesthetics. The boundaries between the culture and arts are not clearly defined. Though the rules of one’s life can defines the life of others. This type of culture makes the things in discipline. Typically art is a vital part of everyday’s life. It attaches the emotional values and the relation between the people. Interaction between the people makes the social impact on the life. Habitat is built by the social practices done by human beings and the social space. Society terms the values and norms in context with the habitat. Its description is done in the terms of belief and trust. Contradictory mixture is created in life by the culture and the constraints puts by them. Generation to generation changes are developed and these changes are in the context of the person. These changes may not be acceptable for the latest generation as it opposes their personal freedom. Every day of life is created with these approaches. Constraints are in the terms of material, economic or social values. Present generation is the mix up of the rural culture and the urbanization. The urbanization puts more impact on the folk culture. The values of folk culture yet more impressive. Life of person is more limited with the rural cultures and this is the reason why human beings are moving on to the urban culture. Urban culture is mainly derives from the behavior and attitudes of the people and thus modern life provides more comfort than the rural cultural life. But the heritage of life makes the social norms and these norms are far away than the modern culture. Utilization of things and how the things are consumed is a major question. One can say that today the culture is more like hybridization of values. Human beings understand it in the different sociological ways and the different socio-cultural contexts. Refinement of the cultures forms the rules and civilization follows them. (Grossberg, Nelson, and Trichler, 1992)
Everyday’s life is related to the real world and its consequences are reflected in our daily life. Cultural practices and significant systems define the cultural geography. The distinct behavior in the cultural practices is derived from the different geographical norms. Scientific observation is different for the everyday life. Life is related to the all non scientific tasks of the relevant values, cultural and other natural aspects. Interaction between the individuals and the groups of people is termed as social interaction. The social pattern in the relationship is associated with the social structure. It represents in context of the individual and group which correlates with the surrounding area or environment. Social aspects are required in virtual world. But the relations between participants will also be as deeply rooted in sense of cohesion stemming from social relations around a religious community in the real world. Social security aspects in everyday day life say that social security system is becoming essential. The social aspects clearly achieving a constructive relationship with societies and will not easily achieved in a regime. (Lippunar, 2004)
Meaning of life is developed from the cultures and from the society. Creating the meaning of owns life is somewhat impossible. Life meaning is defined by the society and how they look at individual life is of prime importance. On one is bigger than the society. People in societies put their individual beliefs in the persons and then derives the meaning of life. Therefore societies and cultures build a system and this system is having the level of efficiency and the flexibilities for the individuals. The term flexibility is having a deep meaning. Un-clarity in flexibility is creating the unreliable problems. The social meaning of life is exactly the opposite of these problems. The cultural aspects define the certain way to think about the individual and the societies. People living in the societies are having certain meaning which are derived from believes of life. Goals are set by the societies and the individuals are always trying to get onto the goals. These goals may vary from person to person. Some wants to be happy and some wants to be richer. The both context are having the contradiction. These contradictory values create the different believes and thus the diversity in the society originates. This diversity makes people to understand the cultures set by the generations. Culture definitely gives the context for the individuals and societies to find the meaning of the life. The negative and positives views are generated in the societies itself. Various themes are generated by the people and these themes give them the ways to have the meaning of life. Cultures give many ideologies and people may choose some of them to reach at their goals. The ideologies may differ in the behavior attitudes and tactic to attain the goals. Change is the tool that gives wings to attain the goals of life. Change is not always required. It is necessary when the people and their cultures are not in context with the broad values of societies. Change can bring in life by achieving the important believes which may gives the economic and social benefits to life. Life is running around that particular change and releasing the change is a major tasks. Everyday life is associated with the change, behaviors of people and the economical values. Societies are making the difference between the thinking of people. (Baumeister, 1991)
- David Inglis (2005). Culture and everyday life, (3) 1-9.
- Mary Holmes (2009).Gender and everyday life. Introduction section 1.
- Anthony Elliott (2008). Concepts of the self. (6) 4-32.
- Patricia A. Adler, Peter Adler, and Andrea Fontanna (1987). Everyday life sociology, 217.
- L. Grossberg, C. Nelson and P. Treichler (1992). Cultural Studies. 156 154-159.
- Roland Lippunar (2004). Culture, space and everyday’s life. 3(2) 1-4.
- Roy F. Baumeister (1991). Meaning of life. 6 2-25.