English assignment on: Difference between Action and Static Verbs

English assignment on: Difference between Action and Static Verbs

Lesson Plan-1

Goal of the Lesson:

To let the students be aware about the nature of the verbs and the types of the verbs that how they should be used in routine and that how their use has to be made while writing sentences. The students would be made to know the importance of a verb and that how it in turn affects the structure of the sentence and the subsequent meaning. The lesson is meant for the Grade 4 students.

Essay Writing Tutor SydneyRationale: This lesson would attempt to give students an outline of the usage of the verbs and that how they define action in a context. In the common usage one doesn’t pay attention to watch and every aspect of the grammar before writing or speaking. This well let the students know that verbs are an important part of the speech as they hold the capacity to hold the action that is happening in a situation. This lesson would be helpful in letting the students know that in a as sentence according to the type of the action the spelling of the verb changes as it depends upon the use of the tenses in that sentence. The reason behind constructing this lesson plan is to teach the students by taking an inductive approach to grammar this would make the student practice the verbs in his own unique way so that the learner becomes motivated and the same remain increased. This method of learning grammar would increase the quality of the language and the same would be better understood by the learner. This method of inductive approach to learning grammar would include the clearing away of any misconceptions which are related to the concept of the static and the action verbs (Marlene, A. (2002)). Also, while imparting this lesson to the students some important points would be taken care of that is the three Ps, the first is called Presentation- this part would include the fact that the way something is being taught to the learners also matters, another important point is Practice- if the learners would be made to practice the daily worksheets then the base for this part of the grammar can become very strong for the learner and the third is the Production- if the learner has to contribute in this part in which he would be made to give the evidence of what he has learnt and thus needs to reproduce the task through tests or quizzes.

University Assignment Help AustraliaContent:

  • All verbs in English are classified as either static or action verbs (also referred to as ‘dynamic verbs’).
  •  Action verbs describe actions we take (things we do) or things that happen.
  • Static Verbs are the one which explain the function of the things as they actually appear and it could be about the smell of something, about the ‘being’ of something.
  • Both the verbs speak about the function of something that is happening, but the difference between the two is that they can be used in selected ways and according to the function that is currently happening.
  • On one hand the action verbs can be used in the continuous tense and whereas the static verbs cannot be used in explaining the situation in the continuous tense.

Communication Tasks:

I would impart knowledge to students about the usage of the static and the action verbs.

For example:

She heard her speak in England yesterday evening.

So, the verb ‘heard’ in this sentence cannot be used in the continuous tense, that is heard cannot be used as ‘was hearing’ as it would change the nature and the meaning of the sentence.


Learning Structure:

Weekday Grammar Exercise (10 min)

  1. Filling the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
  2. Finding out the correct forms of the verb out of the given options and give the reason why.

The same structure of this lesson would be carried forward for every alternate week in the classroom for Grade 4 students (Edufind.com. (2012)).

                                                      Lesson Plan 2


Topic: Adjectives

Goal of the Lesson: This grammar exercise lesson has been set for the grade 2 students, so that the value of the adjectives could be cleared to them. Basically adjectives are the ones which modify the meaning of the subject and explain the nature of that subject. The role of the adjectives is important in a daily routine and therefore it is important to let the grade 2 students to use the appropriate adjectives so that it can help them for better and the precise expression.

Get Sample AssignmentRationale: The reason behind using the adjectives is that it directly alters the meaning o the sentence. It is that important aspect of the grammar which tags the nature of the subject in the sentence. Any piece of communication in a sentence can become dull and boring to read if it doesn’t hold the capacity of making the reader of the speaker visualise a noun. The reason behind using this task is to make the student realise the importance of consciousness, and this in fact is an approach to learn grammar. At a point it might be a difficult task for the learner to imbibe the hierarchy of the rules to learn grammar and it might be testing the patience of the learners. So the approach of raising consciousness would let the students develop a sense of importance towards learning that lesson. This approach would let the students learn about adjective possessing better interpretation skills and thus focusing upon the significance of the lesson. Once the child feels intrinsically motivated using this approach and keeping it in the mind he would be more focused in understanding the lesson n that what it is trying to tell. Also the adjectives an its importance for the learner would be more valuable to the leaner as s/he grows up and develops a knowledge of better adjectives, this would be done by greater experience in the same and it would come with experience only. The feedback would also be sought from the learners of this lesson plan, as the nature of a general feedback is the statement of the quality of the imparted lesson so the feedback which the learners would give would be in the form of adjectives only. So through this lesson the main purpose is to know the value of the adjectives and that would be well received only when the learners would know the essence of the same (Wang, F.(2010)).

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  • The adjectives are the ones that are usually used in any descriptive context and therefore are important to be used correctly.
  • An adjective is used in a sentence structure so that a noun can be described.
  • If the multiple adjectives are used in a sentence the speaker or the writer would be responsible to determine the meaning of the sentence as the adjectives hold the capacity to solely describe the nature of a person, place or thing.
  • It is essential that each adjective that is used in writing, should be separated by a comma or a semi-colon. In case of speech if the same are used then, it has to have pauses and the breaks at the same time.

Communication Tasks:

I will clear the same to the students by making them write and speak sentences by making use of the adjectives in the sentences. The exercise would be made in an area other than the usual classroom of the second graders where they can relate to the surrounding atmosphere in a different way. The possible places could be the playground or the garden area (Reed, B. (2009)).


Learning Structure:

                 Week day grammar exercise (15 min)

  1.  I would make them sit in the groups and would ask for the descriptions around them and speak sentences using adjectives. For example:
    1. There are beautiful, colourful and cheerful butterflies in the garden.
    2. The building of our school is bright and tall.
    3. Adjectives would be used with specific nouns and so the examples would be given for the entries of the adjectives which are to be matched with the appropriate nouns. For example:

A healthy             stomach

A bright               fit

A full                   day

                                                            Lesson Plan 3


Topic: Adverbs

Goal of the lesson: This grammar lesson has been set for the basic course in the beginner level communication. This lesson plan would be for anybody it from school level or anyone who wishes to become a good communicator. Adverbs are said to be the helping verbs which help to portray an action in a more precise form. Through this lesson the willing communicators can boost up their practice of speaking the language by making the communication effective.

Buy Sample AssignmentRationale: Though the use of the verbs and the adjectives can be enough to communicate with the people, yet the use of the adverbs highlights the quality of the argument. This lesson will teach the students to make use of helping verbs so that they can reach the level of preciseness in their language. The reason behind taking up this program is to ensure that the children learn through practice and that they should be making the use of the adverbs in their spoken skills often. The verbs are always described in a sentence but it only becomes effective once there is precision in the same. The same lesson which would make the exercises more clear and elaborate for the learner so that he/she can communicate and also the risk of missing out on proper information is also reduced for the leaner (LIAMKINA, O and RYSHINA‐PANKOVA, M. (2012)). The reason why this plan holds importance for the learner is that it attempts to employ the deductive teaching approach for teaching grammar. The same approach is traditional and therefore relies upon the fact that the basic rules or the sue of the adverbs would be first dictated to the learners and even the proper format for the usage would be provided and once the learner would have taken help from the structure provided then using his/her own capabilities to follow the lesson by running the rules and the regulation which have been understood by the learner. To illustrate the same, it can be said that the teacher would begin by making the students aware of the purpose of the lesson plan and that how it would be important for the overall development of the structures related to adverbs and that where and when should they be used by the student. The lessons on adverbs would be helping the student to build up the right capacity to get a hold of sharp skills in communication as they are very helpful in writing resumes, the official/editorial letters (for an example) in the long run.

Assignment Expert AustraliaContent:

  • Adverbs are the ones which would add a precise meaning to the existing verb in a sentence.
  •  The acuteness of the action is added as the adverb answers the when, where and how of the situation therefore it makes the communication easier.
  • The way adverbs should be placed in the sentences varies from the context in which the sentence is said or written and also it depends on the length of the sentence. If there is a cause and the effect relationship in a sentence then the placement of the adverb would be accordingly differed from the usual.
  • There are types of verbs like Time Adverbs, Focussing Adverbs and Adverbs of Manners. Example: Tomorrow, Sometimes, Sundays, often, certainly etc.

 Communication Tasks:

The learners of communication would be made to sit in small groups and would be given the worksheets to be filled according to their reactions. The reactions have to be written down in the form of the sentences and those would be the responses to particular situations. If there are five groups, there would be five different questions for each group, but within a group the question worksheet would be the same (Ferrari, J. (2007)). The learners would have to write the answers and then different styles and ways of communication would be concluded once the whole exercise is done.

Learning Structure:


                 Monday Grammar Group Exercise (1.5 hr)

  • Communicate the sentence effectively by placing the adverb at the correct position. Example:
  1. Rhea visits her father in Chicago. (use : Often)

(This ‘often’ as a Time adverb would tell us that in what frequency Rhea visits her father in Chicago.)

  •  Alder plays golf, but loses. (Use: well/very well).

(The use of the ‘very well’ or ‘well’ would clearly bring out Alder’s position as a player, making the communication more effective.)

                                                       Lesson Plan 4

Topic: Personal Descriptions in Formal Situations

Goal of the Lesson: This grammar lesson is based for the spoken skills and so it is meant for the students belonging to the graduate level so that they should be sure of the concept that how does the description about the self has to be given to others. After college, the people look for jobs, and in the interview sessions the interviewers normally ask about the personal descriptions of the candidates. Usually it is seen that candidates show low-confidence level at the interviews as they can fail to reflect upon themselves and speak about themselves. The lesson plan would include the correction of the vocabulary, the differentiation between the formal and the informal language and the usage of the words.

Rationale: A personal description might be one of the most challenging tasks to be done, as a person one usually tends to observe the surroundings more than acknowledging the behaviour and the actions of the self. This exercise would let the people acknowledge themselves and thus comment upon themselves. This exercise would make the learners to reflect on the self and built the discourse keeping in mind the lexical and the semantic structures. The reason behind imparting this lesson is to prepare the students for the professional development further. The same plan is meant for the graduates and so the lesson of the personal description would be helping out the learners to have explicit skills in presenting on self. The plan would help the people to come up in groups and then write or speak about one another so that they might gain confidence while giving general descriptions. The process would be interesting as this way the students would be interacting with each and every one so that they can get a chance to explore themselves. Once it is practiced, half of the job would be done s the interaction among the candidates would lead to self realisation. In giving the personal descriptions one actually understands that the correct use of the pronouns should be made, once the learner gets to learn about the achievements which she/he have had while describing the self and so the achievements while descriptions would be a motivating element in the learner’s life. The personal descriptions would include a clear role of the active and the passive as it would be an account which is personal but would always be with respect to a third party.  The main purpose of this is to make sure that the learner can professionally choose the correct way to present the self and that would be make use of the correct vocabulary and the fine language which is formal and clear.


  • Personal descriptions are primarily meant to describe the information about you.
  • This description would explain the background of the persona and the position of that person in the society.
  • The personal descriptions have to be an honest account as it acts as the bridge in the interpersonal communication.
  • Personal description has to be given on the composed ground that should include the correct grammar and the valid order of sentences in the chronological way.

Communication Tasks:

The communication tasks would be more theoretical and instructional, as the learners would have to understand the basics of developing a discourse about the self. So the usage of the words and at the correct places would be made clear to the students. The explicit use of the word ‘come from’ would mean that it is the place where you were born and I ‘live’ would be used for the place where you currently reside. The clarification of the tenses shall be made to the learners so that they simply explain their routine work in the simple present tense, also the proper usage if the articles like a, an and the when they might be referring to anything in the conversation. The learners would be given a practical idea about FAQs in the interviews (Batstone, R and Ellis, R. (2009)).

Learning Structure:

                  Personal Description Weekly Exercise (0.5 hour)

  • The learners to write a paragraph on themselves by using the verbs, adverbs and the articles appropriately.
  • To write a paragraph about someone else (family member or friend). This would ensure their use understanding of the Active and Passive.
  • The possible examples can be used to illustrate the difference in the personal descriptions of the two students:

I live in Chicago BUT she lives in California.

My house is at the country-side. BUT His house is in the city.

                                           Lesson Plan 5


Topic: Using Tenses

Goal of the Lesson: The lesson aims at the Advanced level classes where according to the present day tends in the communication there seems an urgent need for that level to brush up their skills by reflecting upon the usage of the tenses. The exercise based on the tenses would be helpful in two important ways:

  1. The re-reflection and the revision of the tenses learnt at the early level.
  2. The linking of the tenses and the fluent use of the tenses while speaking would make the communication effective and free from any confusion.

Rationale: While communicating people tend to confuse time and if time is confused then it may lead to the occurrence of the invalid information. The reason behind including this grammar lesson is to make the students know the value of the right usage of the tenses with respect to past, present and the future. Once the same is clear to the learners they can easily start working upon themselves in reading. The knowledge of the tenses highly affect the usage of the verb, for example it is common among many students of English that they sue the third form of the verb with the pas tense, to illustrate, “I did not went there” instead the first form of the verb has to be put with ‘did’ (past tense) that is the sentence should “I did not go there”. In such cases when the speakers of a language forget or do not pay attention about the time at which the action took place they usually fail to acknowledge the validity of that an action and thus it makes a sentence meaningless (Batstone, R and Ellis, R. (2009)). The same would be instilling in students the right interpretations skills also so that the student makes the true interpretation of the event that occurred whether in past, present or if it would be occurring in the future. The lesson would let the students understand the basic structure of the grammar when they would be made to read the newspaper which report the events and then if the student has a prior knowledge of the tenses then that would be easier for the student to understand. Also, the type of the exercises which a student is being given would help the student to identify with the value of the tenses. Usually when somebody interacts with the other there comes the responsibility at the hands of the speaker that he should be highly responsible for all that is to be said with respect to the chronological order of the event and the activities that took place earlier sans that knowledge the language is said to lack lexical strength.




Tenses are something which predict the value of an action and explains an action with respect to the time in which it must have occurred. Therefore they are divided into: present, past and future. The usage of the tenses would be explained the learners in eight ways:

  1. Simple Present
  2. Present Continuous
  3. Simple Past
  4. Past Continuous
  5. Present Perfect Simple
  6. Present Perfect Continuous
  7. Past Perfect Simple
  8. Past Perfect Continuous

             Communication Tasks:

  • The students shall be made to stand individually and describe any two incidents either from present or past.
  • The students can further be made to sit in groups and discuss about their future plans with one another in brief, this exercise would make them realise if they speak anything wrong with respect to future tense and they would collectively raise any questions related to the same.
  • The emphasis would be made on the use of the present and future taking care of the thing that they have to be professionally prepared at this level (Lacina, J. (2005)).

Buy Assignment Australia   Learning Structure:

                Saturday Talking Club (1.5 hr)

  • Talking about present (Using present progressive tense) – We are just having Dinner.
  • Talking about the past- I didn’t read the book, I just gave it to Johnny.
  • Similarly the simple sentences can be asked at random about different tenses.
  • A personal quiz can be played in the talking club, which would be casual in nature:
    • When did you see a movie last time?
    • How long have you been attending ESL classes?
    • What are you currently planning?
    • What are you going to take up after this academic course?

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