Emerging Technologies Workshop 6-2352685

Task 3 (Text Generation):
a) What is tokenization?
Basically, tokenization deals with the segmenting process of a whole text into minimal units such
as words, subwords, and/or even characters for a machine to work on (Islam et al., 2021).
b) Why do we need to tokenize the input text?
Text tokenization is essential because neural networks can’t process raw text directly. It converts
text into numerical sequences that machines can understand and process (Islam et al., 2021).
c) How can we tokenize the input text?
Word-based tokenization: Splitting by spaces or punctuation.
Subword tokenization: Methods like BPE (Byte Pair Encoding) or WordPiece.
Character-based tokenization: Splitting text into individual characters.
Sentence tokenization: Dividing text into sentences (Islam et al., 2021).
Task 4: NLP and Sequence Models
a) What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?
Natural Language Processing alludes to a technique of using computational methods to make
computers generate and comprehend human languages (Min et al., 2023).
b) Sequence Models in Deep Learning:
Sequence models process data where order matters, like text or time series. They maintain
context across inputs, essential for understanding language structure and meaning.
c) Sequence Model Types:
One-to-One: Single input to single output (e.g., standard classification tasks).
One-to-Many: Single input generating multiple outputs (e.g., image captioning).
Many-to-One: Multiple inputs producing a single output (e.g., sentiment analysis)..
Many-to-Many: Multiple inputs generating multiple outputs (e.g., language translation) (Smith
et al., 2022).
Task 6: Image Generation Challenges
a) Diffusion Model Challenges:
High Computational Cost: Training and inference require significant computational resources
due to the iterative denoising process.
Slow Generation Speed: Diffusion models are slower compared to GANs because of their
sequential denoising nature (Huang et al., 2024).
b) Conditional GAN Operation:
Conditional GANs incorporate additional input (e.g., labels or conditions) alongside random
noise to control generation. The discriminator evaluates both the generated image and the
conditioning information, enabling targeted content generation.
Task 7: Advanced GenAI Concepts
a) Parallelization:
Parallelization is the process of splitting computations across multiple processors or GPUs to
perform tasks simultaneously, increasing efficiency and speed (Luitse and Denkena 2021).
b) End-to-End Deep Learning:
The system processes raw input directly to the desired output without manual feature engineering
and learns all transformations automatically (Qi et al., 2023).
c) Video Generation Challenges:
Temporal Consistency: Ensuring realistic motion and seamless transitions across frames while
maintaining coherence.
High Computational Requirements: Generating multiple frames while preserving spatialtemporal relationships demands significant resources.
Huang, Y., Huang, J., Liu, Y., Yan, M., Lv, J., Liu, J., Xiong, W., Zhang, H., Chen, S. and Cao,
L. (2024). Diffusion model-based image editing: A survey. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.17525.
Islam, T., Hossain, M. and Arefin, M.F. (2021, December). Comparative analysis of different
text summarization techniques using enhanced tokenization. In 2021 3rd International
Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0 (STI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Luitse, D. and Denkena, W. (2021). The great transformer: Examining the role of large language
models in the political economy of AI. Big Data & Society, 8(2), p.20539517211047734.
Min, B., Ross, H., Sulem, E., Veyseh, A.P.B., Nguyen, T.H., Sainz, O., Agirre, E., Heintz, I. and
Roth, D. (2023). Recent advances in natural language processing via large pre-trained language
models: A survey. ACM Computing Surveys, 56(2), pp.1-40.
Smith, J.T., Warrington, A. and Linderman, S.W. (2022). Simplified state space layers for
sequence modeling. arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.04933.
Qi, M., Shi, Y., Qi, Y., Ma, C., Yuan, R., Wu, D. and Shen, Z.J. (2023). A practical end-to-end
inventory management model with deep learning. Management Science, 69(2), pp.759-773.

  • Use IoT devices to monitor player movements in sports such as:
    o Soccer: Determination of player positioning and their levels of energy.
    o Basketball: Collect data on the heights of jumps and player ability to move
    quickly during the game.
    o Rugby: Measure the efficiency of sprints and tackling methods.
  • Enhances team results by establishing player strengths and weaknesses.
  • Offering coaches with comprehensive game analytics (Yuan et al., 2022).
    Future Research:
  • Integration with drones for synchronized aerial and ground-level motion analysis.
  • Player performance assessments using artificial intelligence for creation of individual
    training programmes.
    Example 2: Fall Prevention for Elderly Care
  • IoT wearables detect the gait patterns of elderly people and monitor them.
  • Signal caregivers in cases of detection of irregular movements or when a fall may occur.
  • Enhances safety and independence for the elderly.
  • Reduces the cost of health care by preventing fall injuries (Kulurkar et al., 2023).
    Future Research:
  • Advanced AI algorithms to predict fall risks based on historical motion data.
  • Smart home system integrations for automatic responses in case of emergencies.
    Example 3: Motion Monitoring in Fitness Apps
  • Wearable fitness devices can track workout efficiency in various activities including the
    o Yoga: Evaluate the correctness and stability of the pose.
    o Weightlifting: Keep track of the posture and range of motion.
    o Cycling: Cadence and energy efficiency analysis.
  • Personalizes fitness programs with individual performance data.
  • Enhances engagement through feedback provided in real time and indicating progress.
    Future Research:
  • Integration of virtual reality into fitness for better immersion.
  • New, wearable designs that offer unhindered motion tracking for several activities (Cai,
    Task 2 – Individual Research: Tools for Motion Analysis
    Summary of Findings
  1. Other Tools for Motion Analysis in Sports and Health Contexts
    a. IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) Sensors
  • What It Is: Small devices for measuring acceleration, angular speed, and orientation.
  • Applications:
    o Sports: Monitor biomechanics when it comes to exercising, for instance, jogging,
    swimming or cycling.
    o Healthcare: Controlling the mobility of the concerned patient during the
    rehabilitation exercise (Samatas and Pachidis, 2022).
  • Example Tools:
    o Perception Neuron: An inexpensive wearable system for full body tracking.
    o Xsens: High-precision sensors for biomechanical investigations.
    b. Marker-Based Motion Capture Systems
  • What It Is: Systems that rely on camera to detect reflectance markers of the body
    (Kanko et al., 2021).
  • Applications:
    o Sports: Assess some intricate patterns in either gymnastics or dance.
    o Healthcare: Applied in the clinical evaluation of walking pattern and in the
    design of artificial limbs.
  • Example Tools:
    o Vicon: The high-accuracy systems used in biomechanics are motion capture
    o Qualisys: The latest technological equipment for three-dimensional motion
    tracking in special laboratories.
    c. Markerless Motion Capture
  • What It Is: AI-based systems that doesn’t take use of physical characteristics (Kanko et
    al., 2021).
  • Applications:
    o Sports: Evaluate current athletic performance during a certain sport.
    o Healthcare: Management of natural movements during rehabilitation of patient
    that had a stroke.
  • Example Tools:
    o OpenPose: Open-source tool that estimates pose.
    o Kinovea: Free software analyzing motion from videos
    d. Pressure and Force Platforms
  • What It Is: Tools that measure ground reaction forces during movements.
  • Applications:
    o Sports: Evaluation of jumps and sprint starts.
    o Healthcare: Assess balance and fall risks in elderly individuals (Wang et al.,
  • Example Tools:
    o AMTI: Force plates for biomechanical research.
    o Bertec: Specific systems intended for gait and balance analysis.
    e. Smart Wearables
  • What It Is: The wearable devices popular among consumers as fitness and health
    tracking gadgets.
  • Applications:
    o Sports: Monitor metrics such as, heart rate, steps, and general body motions.
    o Healthcare: Keep track of physical activity as well as quality of sleep.
  • Example Tools:
    o Garmin and Fitbit: Popular fitness trackers.
    o WHOOP: A performance and recovery monitoring wearable.
  1. Research Trends and Directions
    a. Real-Time Feedback Systems
  • Tools are increasingly focused on delivering instant feedback to improve performance or
  • Examples: Smart glasses for information purposes, and vibrating feedback devices in
    wearable technology.
    b. AI Integration
  • AI improves motion data interpretation by enabling predictions and further analysis.
  • Examples: Machine learning models for estimating the probability of an injury from the
    movement profile.
    c. Remote Monitoring
  • Due to IoT, patient or athlete tracking systems are possible through cloud platforms.
    d. Immersive Visualization
  • Utilization of augmented and virtual reality for the visualization of biomechanical data.
    Cai, H. (2022). Application of intelligent real-time image processing in fitness motion detection
    under internet of things. The Journal of Supercomputing, 78(6), pp.7788-7804.
    Kanko, R.M., Laende, E.K., Davis, E.M., Selbie, W.S. and Deluzio, K.J. (2021). Concurrent
    assessment of gait kinematics using marker-based and markerless motion capture. Journal of
    biomechanics, 127, p.110665.
    Kulurkar, P., kumar Dixit, C., Bharathi, V.C., Monikavishnuvarthini, A., Dhakne, A. and Preethi,
    P. (2023). AI based elderly fall prediction system using wearable sensors: A smart home-care
    technology with IOT. Measurement: Sensors, 25, p.100614.
    Samatas, G.G. and Pachidis, T.P. (2022). Inertial measurement units (imus) in mobile robots
    over the last five years: A review. Designs, 6(1), p.17.
    Yuan, Y., Lu, Z., Yang, Z., Jian, M., Wu, L., Li, Z. and Liu, X. (2022). Key frame extraction
    based on global motion statistics for team-sport videos. Multimedia Systems, 28(2), pp.387-401.
    Wang, J., Zhu, Y., Wu, Z., Zhang, Y., Lin, J., Chen, T., Liu, H., Wang, F. and Sun, L. (2022).
    Wearable multichannel pulse condition monitoring system based on flexible pressure sensor
    arrays. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 8(1), p.16.

Week 5 Exercises
(By Name)
Exercises and Answers
Exercise 1: Application Area of Computer Vision
Favorite Application: Tesla’s Autonomous Driving
Tesla employs computer vision in its Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (FSD) systems to enable
real-time navigation with minimal human intervention. Key components include neural networks
trained on camera feeds, ultrasonic sensors, and radar.

  • Examples:
    o Tesla’s Smart Summon feature autonomously drives cars to owners in parking
    o AI Day presentations demonstrate the vision-first approach, avoiding LiDAR and
    focusing on camera-based perception.
    o Dojo Supercomputer trains its neural networks using millions of driving videos.
  • Videos and research on Tesla’s capabilities highlight advancements in lane detection,
    object prediction, and traffic analysis.
    Exercise 2: Deep Fake Videos
  1. Best Video: The Barack Obama deep fake video created by Jordan Peele. It convincingly
    showcased how AI can manipulate speech and facial expressions.
  2. How They Did It: This video was created using GANs (Generative Adversarial
    Networks) and facial mapping technology. Specific tools like DeepFaceLab or customtrained models were used to replicate Obama’s speech patterns and expressions.
  3. Time and Hardware: Likely required weeks of training on high-end GPUs, given its
    quality and precision.
  4. Realism: While highly realistic, close inspection reveals slight lip-sync inconsistencies
    and unnatural transitions in facial movements.
    Exercise 3: Wacky Object Variations
    Category: Potted Plants
  • Found images include:
    o A plant shaped like a cat.
    o A pot designed as a robot holding a small cactus.
    o A plant growing from a shoe instead of a traditional pot.
    Exercise 4: Rise of Deep Learning
    Key Points:
  1. Trends in GPU Price Performance:
  • GPUs have improved dramatically in computational power while becoming more
    affordable, enabling broader adoption of deep learning.
  1. NVIDIA and AI Dominance:
  • NVIDIA’s GPUs revolutionized AI training, surpassing CPU-based methods,
    with partnerships accelerating AI integration in diverse industries.
    Exercise 5: Object Detection
  • Tested images include the unusual plants from Exercise 3.
  • Observations:
    o Accurate detection of plant-like shapes.
    o Unique pots were classified as unrelated objects like furniture.
    Exercise 6: Image Classification
  1. Single Object: A clean headshot was identified with high confidence and minimal
  2. Cluttered Scene: A coffee cup amidst a desk setup confused the model, leading to
    multiple low-confidence classifications.
    Exercise 7: One-Stage vs Two-Stage Models
  • YOLO (One-Stage):
    o Speed: ~45 FPS
    o Accuracy: ~55 mAP on COCO dataset.
  • Faster-RCNN (Two-Stage):
    o Speed: ~5 FPS
    o Accuracy: ~60-65 mAP on COCO dataset.
    Comparison: YOLO prioritizes speed for real-time applications, while Faster-RCNN offers
    higher accuracy at the cost of slower inference.
    Bonus Insights:
  • DETR achieves mAP scores around 65-70 on COCO but has slower inference times (~10

Exercises and Answers
Exercise 1: Application Area of Computer Vision
Favorite Application: Tesla’s Autonomous Driving
Tesla employs computer vision in its Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (FSD) systems to enable
real-time navigation with minimal human intervention. Key components include neural networks
trained on camera feeds, ultrasonic sensors, and radar.

  • Examples:
    o Tesla’s Smart Summon feature autonomously drives cars to owners in parking
    o AI Day presentations demonstrate the vision-first approach, avoiding LiDAR and
    focusing on camera-based perception.
    o Dojo Supercomputer trains its neural networks using millions of driving videos.
  • Videos and research on Tesla’s capabilities highlight advancements in lane detection,
    object prediction, and traffic analysis.
    Exercise 2: Deep Fake Videos
  1. Best Video: The Barack Obama deep fake video created by Jordan Peele. It convincingly
    showcased how AI can manipulate speech and facial expressions.
  2. How They Did It: This video was created using GANs (Generative Adversarial
    Networks) and facial mapping technology. Specific tools like DeepFaceLab or customtrained models were used to replicate Obama’s speech patterns and expressions.
  3. Time and Hardware: Likely required weeks of training on high-end GPUs, given its
    quality and precision.
  4. Realism: While highly realistic, close inspection reveals slight lip-sync inconsistencies
    and unnatural transitions in facial movements.
    Exercise 3: Wacky Object Variations
    Category: Potted Plants
  • Found images include:
    o A plant shaped like a cat.
    o A pot designed as a robot holding a small cactus.
    o A plant growing from a shoe instead of a traditional pot.
    Exercise 4: Rise of Deep Learning
    Key Points:
  1. Trends in GPU Price Performance:
  • GPUs have improved dramatically in computational power while becoming more
    affordable, enabling broader adoption of deep learning.
  1. NVIDIA and AI Dominance:
  • NVIDIA’s GPUs revolutionized AI training, surpassing CPU-based methods,
    with partnerships accelerating AI integration in diverse industries.
    Exercise 5: Object Detection
  • Tested images include the unusual plants from Exercise 3.
  • Observations:
    o Accurate detection of plant-like shapes.
    o Unique pots were classified as unrelated objects like furniture.
    Exercise 6: Image Classification
  1. Single Object: A clean headshot was identified with high confidence and minimal
  2. Cluttered Scene: A coffee cup amidst a desk setup confused the model, leading to
    multiple low-confidence classifications.
    Exercise 7: One-Stage vs Two-Stage Models
  • YOLO (One-Stage):
    o Speed: ~45 FPS
    o Accuracy: ~55 mAP on COCO dataset.
  • Faster-RCNN (Two-Stage):
    o Speed: ~5 FPS
    o Accuracy: ~60-65 mAP on COCO dataset.
    Comparison: YOLO prioritizes speed for real-time applications, while Faster-RCNN offers
    higher accuracy at the cost of slower inference.
    Bonus Insights:
  • DETR achieves mAP scores around 65-70 on COCO but has slower inference times (~10

Exercise 1: Application Area of Computer Vision
Favorite Application: Tesla’s Autonomous Driving
Tesla employs computer vision in its Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (FSD) systems to enable
real-time navigation with minimal human intervention. Key components include neural networks
trained on camera feeds, ultrasonic sensors, and radar.

  • Examples:
    o Tesla’s Smart Summon feature autonomously drives cars to owners in parking
    o AI Day presentations demonstrate the vision-first approach, avoiding LiDAR and
    focusing on camera-based perception.
    o Dojo Supercomputer trains its neural networks using millions of driving videos.
  • Videos and research on Tesla’s capabilities highlight advancements in lane detection,
    object prediction, and traffic analysis.
    Exercise 2: Deep Fake Videos
  1. Best Video: The Barack Obama deep fake video created by Jordan Peele. It convincingly
    showcased how AI can manipulate speech and facial expressions.
  2. How They Did It: This video was created using GANs (Generative Adversarial
    Networks) and facial mapping technology. Specific tools like DeepFaceLab or customtrained models were used to replicate Obama’s speech patterns and expressions.
  3. Time and Hardware: Likely required weeks of training on high-end GPUs, given its
    quality and precision.
  4. Realism: While highly realistic, close inspection reveals slight lip-sync inconsistencies
    and unnatural transitions in facial movements.
    Exercise 3: Wacky Object Variations
    Category: Potted Plants
  • Found images include:
    o A plant shaped like a cat.
    o A pot designed as a robot holding a small cactus.
    o A plant growing from a shoe instead of a traditional pot.
    Exercise 4: Rise of Deep Learning
    Key Points:
  1. Trends in GPU Price Performance:
  • GPUs have improved dramatically in computational power while becoming more
    affordable, enabling broader adoption of deep learning.
  1. NVIDIA and AI Dominance:
  • NVIDIA’s GPUs revolutionized AI training, surpassing CPU-based methods,
    with partnerships accelerating AI integration in diverse industries.
    Exercise 5: Object Detection
  • Tested images include the unusual plants from Exercise 3.
  • Observations:
    o Accurate detection of plant-like shapes.
    o Unique pots were classified as unrelated objects like furniture.
    Exercise 6: Image Classification
  1. Single Object: A clean headshot was identified with high confidence and minimal
  2. Cluttered Scene: A coffee cup amidst a desk setup confused the model, leading to
    multiple low-confidence classifications.
    Exercise 7: One-Stage vs Two-Stage Models
  • YOLO (One-Stage):
    o Speed: ~45 FPS
    o Accuracy: ~55 mAP on COCO dataset.
  • Faster-RCNN (Two-Stage):
    o Speed: ~5 FPS
    o Accuracy: ~60-65 mAP on COCO dataset.
    Comparison: YOLO prioritizes speed for real-time applications, while Faster-RCNN offers
    higher accuracy at the cost of slower inference.
    Bonus Insights:
  • DETR achieves mAP scores around 65-70 on COCO but has slower inference times (~10

Exercises and Answers
Exercise 1: Application Area of Computer Vision
Favorite Application: Tesla’s Autonomous Driving
Tesla employs computer vision in its Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (FSD) systems to enable
real-time navigation with minimal human intervention. Key components include neural networks
trained on camera feeds, ultrasonic sensors, and radar.

  • Examples:
    o Tesla’s Smart Summon feature autonomously drives cars to owners in parking
    o AI Day presentations demonstrate the vision-first approach, avoiding LiDAR and
    focusing on camera-based perception.
    o Dojo Supercomputer trains its neural networks using millions of driving videos.
  • Videos and research on Tesla’s capabilities highlight advancements in lane detection,
    object prediction, and traffic analysis.
    Exercise 2: Deep Fake Videos
  1. Best Video: The Barack Obama deep fake video created by Jordan Peele. It convincingly
    showcased how AI can manipulate speech and facial expressions.
  2. How They Did It: This video was created using GANs (Generative Adversarial
    Networks) and facial mapping technology. Specific tools like DeepFaceLab or customtrained models were used to replicate Obama’s speech patterns and expressions.
  3. Time and Hardware: Likely required weeks of training on high-end GPUs, given its
    quality and precision.
  4. Realism: While highly realistic, close inspection reveals slight lip-sync inconsistencies
    and unnatural transitions in facial movements.
    Exercise 3: Wacky Object Variations
    Category: Potted Plants
  • Found images include:
    o A plant shaped like a cat.
    o A pot designed as a robot holding a small cactus.
    o A plant growing from a shoe instead of a traditional pot.
    Exercise 4: Rise of Deep Learning
    Key Points:
  1. Trends in GPU Price Performance:
  • GPUs have improved dramatically in computational power while becoming more
    affordable, enabling broader adoption of deep learning.
  1. NVIDIA and AI Dominance:
  • NVIDIA’s GPUs revolutionized AI training, surpassing CPU-based methods,
    with partnerships accelerating AI integration in diverse industries.
    Exercise 5: Object Detection
  • Tested images include the unusual plants from Exercise 3.
  • Observations:
    o Accurate detection of plant-like shapes.
    o Unique pots were classified as unrelated objects like furniture.
    Exercise 6: Image Classification
  1. Single Object: A clean headshot was identified with high confidence and minimal
  2. Cluttered Scene: A coffee cup amidst a desk setup confused the model, leading to
    multiple low-confidence classifications.
    Exercise 7: One-Stage vs Two-Stage Models
  • YOLO (One-Stage):
    o Speed: ~45 FPS
    o Accuracy: ~55 mAP on COCO dataset.
  • Faster-RCNN (Two-Stage):
    o Speed: ~5 FPS
    o Accuracy: ~60-65 mAP on COCO dataset.
    Comparison: YOLO prioritizes speed for real-time applications, while Faster-RCNN offers
    higher accuracy at the cost of slower inference.
    Bonus Insights:
  • DETR achieves mAP scores around 65-70 on COCO but has slower inference times (~10

Task 1
Quantum Computing: Transforming the Digital Frontier

  1. Introduction
    Quantum computing advances with the very principles of quantum mechanics to process
    information in ways utterly beyond the powers of ordinary computers (Rath et al., 2025). With a
    promise exponential improvements in performance, quantum computing will revolutionize
    various industries including cryptography, pharmaceuticals, and artificial intelligence. This latest
    technology has the potential to refine computational limits while solving hitherto unsolvable
  2. Development History
    Early Foundations (1980s-1990s)
    1980: Richard Feynman and Yuri Manin suggest quantum computation as a means to simulate
    quantum systems.
    1994: Peter Shor creates Shor’s algorithm that enhances factorization of large numbers,
    highlighting quantum computing’s potential for cryptography.
    1998: First experimental implementation of quantum algorithm in 2-qubit quantum computer
    (Rath et al., 2025).
    Advancements (2000s-2010s)
    2001: IBM implements Shor’s algorithm with a 7-qubit quantum computer.
    2007: Development of quantum annealing to solve optimization problems by D-wave Systems.
    2019: Google uses Sycamore processor to solve a problem quickly.
    Recent Progress (2020s-Present)
    2021: IBM presents a 127-qubit processor – the Eagle, which expands the scalability limits.
    2023: New ways of correcting errors enhance the reliability of quantum computing.
    2024: Introduction of Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms for solving everyday challenges.
  3. Current Research and Applications
    Key Research Areas
    Scalability: Creating quantum processors with an increasingly larger number of qubits, while
    decreasing their noise and errors.
    Quantum Algorithms: Development of algorithms for optimization, cryptography, and
    materials science.
    Error Correction: Advancing fault-tolerant quantum computing to make systems more robust.
    Cryptography: Creating quantum-safe encryption systems to counter quantum decryption
    Drug Discovery: Simulation of molecular interactions for faster pharmaceutical innovations.
    Logistics and Optimization: Enhnacing supply chain management as well as operational
    Artificial Intelligence: Leveraging quantum algorithms to improve machine learning models
    (Rath et al., 2025).
  4. Future Trends
    Near-Term (5-10 years)
    i. Scaling quantum processors to hundreds or thousands of qubits.
    ii. Wide adoption of hybrid quantum-classical systems.
    iii. Greater industry collaboration to drive more pragmatic quantum solutions.
    Long-Term (10+ years)
    i. Fully fault-tolerant quantum computers able to perform complex simulations.
    ii. Breakthroughs in material science, AI, and cryptography.
  5. Impacts
    Societal Impacts
    i. Revolutionizing healthcare through personalized medicine and drug development.
    ii. Enhance cybersecurity with the use of quantum encryption.
    iii. Addressing global challenges of climate modeling and sustainable energy solutions.
    i. Possible misuse in breaking existing symmetric encryption standards.
    ii. High development costs, greatly reducing accessibility.
    iii. Ethical concerns over the disruptive impact to industries and jobs (Rath et al., 2025).
    Industrial Impacts
    i. Transforming various industries including but not limited to finance, logistics, and
    ii. Accelerating the pace of innovation in materials and manufacturing (Rath et al.,
    i. Quantum infrastructure requires huge investments.
    ii. Risks associated with emerging technologies’ dependence.
    Impact on Daily Life
    i. Improvement in cybersecurity for the protection of personal data.
    ii. Possible breakthroughs in personalized healthcare (Ravindran et al., 2025).
    i. Privacy concerns regarding security of data.
    ii. Widening digital gap because of unequal access to quantum resources (Ravindran et
    al., 2025).
    Quantum computing is a revolutionary change in technology and holds immense promise for
    solving complicated problems in various walks of life. Though scalability and error correction
    are serious challenges, improvements being made are certain to lead toward practical
    applications. But great potential means great responsibility too, so ethics in development and
    equality in access will be very crucial in leveraging its benefits with minimal risks.
    Task 2
    Remote Healthcare Solution Plan
    Figure 1.0: Flowchart
    The solution will leverage the emerging technologies to facilitate remote health delivery, secure
    payment, and innovative delivery of medication to a patient in London who is consulting a
    doctor in Sunderland.
  6. Teleconsultation Solution
    Primary Technology: Secure Telemedicine Platform
    o Video conferencing system compliant with HIPAA
    o Integration with EHR
    o Secure document sharing and generation of digital prescription
    o Integrated appointment scheduling and reminder system
    Security Measures:
    o End-to-end encryption for all communications
    o Multi-factor authentication for both patient and doctor
    o Secure storage of medical records and consultation history
  7. Secure Payment System
    Technology Implementation:
    o Integration with a secure payment gateway that supports multiple payment methods
    o Blockchain-based transaction system for enhanced security
    o Smart contract that allows for automatic payment processing
    o Real-time payment confirmation system
    Security Features:
    o Tokenization of payment information
    o PCI DSS compliance
    o Transaction monitoring and fraud detection
    o Encrypted payment data transmission
  8. Innovative Medication Delivery
    Primary Solution: Drone Delivery System
    o Autonomous drone delivery network between pharmacy and patient
    o Real-time tracking and monitoring system
    o Weather-resistant drone design for reliable service
    o Secure storage compartment with temperature control
    Backup Solutions:
    o Partnership with local courier services for last-mile delivery
    o Option for autonomous ground robots in case of drone restrictions
    o Emergency delivery protocol for urgent medications
    Technical Requirements
    Infrastructure Needs:
    o High-speed internet connectivity
    o Cloud-based system architecture
    o Backup servers for continuous service
    o Mobile application support
    Integration Points:
    o Hospital management system
    o Pharmacy inventory system
    o Payment processing system
    o Delivery management system
    Safety and Compliance
    Regulatory Compliance:
    o NHS Digital standards compliance
    o GDPR compliance for data protection
    o CAA regulations for drone operations
    o Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) integration
    Quality Assurance:
    o Regular system audits
    o Performance monitoring
    o User feedback collection
    o Continuous improvement protocol
    Rath, K.C., Khang, A., Mohanta, G.K., Panda, R.A. and Sahu, R. (2025). The Quantum Shift:
    Transformative Innovations in the Digital Realm. In The Quantum Evolution (pp. 1-26). CRC
    Ravindran, D., Revathi, S., Sowndharya, V., Farzhana, I., Sathya, V., Girija, P. and
    Subramanian, S. (2025). Unraveling the Quantum Computing Frontier: Advancements,
    Challenges, and Future Prospects. Integration of AI, Quantum Computing, and Semiconductor
    Technology, pp.139-158.