
Chapter 1: Introduction

Background/Context of the Research 

In the opinion of Adamik  and Nowicki  (2018), the digital transformation can be considered to be a vital component which has assisted several enterprises in facilitating growth and helps in enhancement of the competitiveness within the current economy. Amazon acts as a suitable example of how digital transformation can contribute towards the transformation of the business operations and the overall way in which it engages in sales of varying products and related services to the customers on the e-commerce platform (Agustian et al. 2023). Amazon’s entire business model is an acute case of a digital transformation; however, it is vital to identify that Amazon currently leverages advanced as well as new technologies which thereby helps in the streamlining of the operations in the business and enables it to make use of the current opportunities which lie in the market and fulfil the customer needs thereby fulfilling the market gaps (Amazon.co.uk 2024). Hence, when Amazon is successfully able to encounter the requirements of the customers as compared to the other enterprises, they have become a customer favourite and have been able to hold their position in the market (Solis, Li  and Szymanski 2014).  The study is focused on establishing how the application of the digitalisation has an important effect on the way in which the business performs and competes in the market.

Drivers of digital transformation

Figure 2: Figure: Digital transformation at Amazon driving profit

 (Source: Richter, 2019)

The given two charts identify the manner in which the business drives profits due to the application of the digitalisation. It is vital to assess the fact that, there are several reasons for engaging in a digital transformation for an enterprise and that, enabling digital transformation for Amazon has been a unique experience driving profits for the business.

Research Question (s)

The research questions designed for the study are as the following:

What is the role of digital transformation in enhancing the competitiveness of Amazon in UK?

How did leveraging technologies lead to enhancing Amazon’s competitive advantage?

What are the various measures recommended to improve the competitive advantage furthermore?

Research Aims and Objectives

The research aims to evaluate how digital transformation plays a major role in enhancing Amazon’s competitiveness in the United Kingdom.  The objectives are as follows:

To identify the role of digital transformation in driving the business competitiveness of Amazon in the UK

To evaluate how the technology usage helped in enhancing its competitive advantage

To recommend various measures for Amazon to enhance its competitiveness within the marketplace

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction of Literature Review

The focus of this evaluation of literature is to critically assess and establish the best way in which the study can thereby focus on identifying and establishing the existing literature and thereby identifying the gap before the formulation of the research hypothesis in regard to the study.

2.2 Digital transformation and competitiveness

Digital transformation can be identified to an important aspect of the business landscape and as technologies are changing so the businesses have now adopted several transformation so as to adhere to competitiveness within the industry.  Digital transformations generally involve bringing about suitable engagement within the context of the firms (Evans, Bratton  and McKee  2021). Hence, streamlining the business operations and to be able to enhance the business efficiency is the need of the hour. It is vital to identify that that Digital transformation is generally engaged in so as to bring about better performance in the enterprise and thereby assure better management (Baker  2014). In consideration with this, is also suitable to assist the fact that customer behaviour has been shifting and now customers prefer to engage in online purchases so as to assure that they are being able to attain same day delivery change options, variety, and so on (Solis, Li and Szymanski  2014).  Digital transformation helps businesses to see to it that, they are able to keep up with the needs and desires of the different customers (Francis  2023).

The digital transformation involves not only engaging in transforming the business processes but similarly invocate the use of digital technologies which bring about better opportunities for the business (Kraus et al. 2021). In this regard, Amazon, as an enterprise has undertaken several initiatives which have helped the enterprise to change its current course of action and also assist, keeping up with the modern times and modern technology (Bruce  and Bruce  2021). The main aspect which affects the digital transformation are the financials of the business, the way in which the leadership and culture of the firm is identified in addition to the overall innovation and philosophy aspects of the founding members. When these aspects are in line with latest development, then digital transformation becomes easier to adopt and implement. In consideration with this, it is also important to understand that the competitiveness within the context of an enterprise involves its overall positioning which a firm has in regard to the current market scenario (Bughin, Deakin and O’Beirne  2019).

The competitiveness is determined by quality of the product, the quantity of the products purchased by the customers, the market involved and the overall satisfaction which the product provides to the different competitors (MIZRAK  2023). Here it is essential to understand and establish the fact that when the competition is disruptive, it is vital that the application of digital technologies are made to compact against this competition and gain a competitive edge (Chaffey, Edmundson-Bird  and Hemphill 2019).

2.3 Conclusion of Literature Review

Therefore, created in response to the findings of the research work, the given conceptual model has been formulated and the hypothesis has been developed.

(As created by the auhor)

The following hypothesis has been developed:

H1: the digital transformation at Amazon significantly impacts the overall competitive edge which the firm is trying to attain.

H0: the digital transformation at Amazon does not significantly impact the overall competitive edge which the firm is trying to attain.

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Research Process

The research procedure comprises of five simple steps. These are identification of the purpose of the research, designing an appropriate research plan, collecting the data, interpretation of the data and reporting of the findings. In this section, the key techniques applicable to engage in the data and findings have been identified significantly.

3.2 Research Approach

The research approach is established as the key procedure using which the information is collected for the purpose of the study may be examined significantly. The research approach identifies the appropriate method using which the research data may be examined suitably and simplified for the study purpose. The different research approach options available in regard to the research study may be stated to be the deductive research approach and the inductive research approach (Chalmers  and Cowdell  2021). The deductive research approach as available within the study helps in deducing critical information out of the research and thereby assessing the findings in a similar manner by applying the support of a hypothesis. In consideration with this, the use of the inductive research approach is applied whereby critical information out of the data collected is induced based on the overall thinking of the researcher and may involve bias (Sileyew  2019). For the context of the research, the use of the deductive research approach has been made whereby a suitable hypothesis has been developed and fact based data has been used to understand the association between the digital transformation and the competitiveness (Chatterjee  and Mariani  2022). This can further support the causal relationship which exists between the two set of variables. In this regard, it is vital that the use of the deductive research approach assures that the use of fact based data alongside existing theories and concepts which can further support the cause of the research (Sileyew  2019).

3.3 Research Strategy

The research strategy largely involves devising an effective plan which helps in guiding the different activities so that the researcher can achieve all the aims of the research study (Chikán et al. 2022). Pertaining to this, the different strategies present in response to the research context may be established to be the primary quantitative research strategy, the secondary quantitative research strategy primary qualitative research strategy, alongside the secondary qualitative research strategy. The use of the action based research strategy alongside the correlational research strategy is also made for research studies which have been designed in the same context. Considering this, the study has involved the usage of primary data only and thereby using the tools of survey questionnaire and the interview process (Clark et al. 2021). For this purpose, it can be well outlined that the use of the primary mixed research strategy has been applied. In this regard, the customers of Amazon would be surveyed critically and alongside the managers would be critically interviewed with the help of which a thorough understanding of the overall way in which the competitiveness is affected by the transformation may be suitably identified (Lohr 2021).

3.4 Research Methodology and Tools

The tools can be defined as the medium using which the researcher would successfully be able to collect and assess the data in an appropriate manner. In this regard, it is vital to outline that as the primary mixed research strategy has been selected in the context of the study, the use of the survey research questionnaire and the interview has been made (Sileyew  2019). In regard to the survey research questionnaire, the customers would be able to define how they largely prefer the enterprise’s products and offerings and additionally this helps in assessing the competitiveness of the firm’s offerings (Lê  and Schmid  2022). To understand the internal operations of the enterprise, the tool which has been planned to be used may be rightly taken to be the interview. Using the questions in the interview, the researcher has undertaken an initiative to collect the responses of the different managers at Amazon. This has assured that both quantitative and qualitative data is collected. The findings using the interview and the survey have been assessed through the application of the thematic analysis and the quantitative statistical tests. Considering this, the SPSS has been used to analyse survey data. This assures that the relationship between the variables can be well established (Liamputtong  2020).

Interview questions

What do you think about digital transformation at Amazon?

What are some digital transformations brought about by the firm?

What are the ways in which other e-commerce enterprises can carry out their business engagements?

What are the benefits of digital transformation within the business context?

What are some ways businesses can improve their operations and gain competitive edge?

Survey questionnaire development

Table 1: Survey questionnaire

Digital transformationThe interface of Amazon has been developing considerably over the last few yearsThe application offers a wider range of services to the customersThe application is easy to use via the website as well as the applicationAmazon’s procedures in terms of tracking and related delivery services have increased considerablyThe practices at Amazon reflect an innovative culture which is keen on transformation and excellence in customer service.  Ordinal scale: Likert scaleStrongly Agree: 1Agree : 2Neutral: 3Disagree : 4Strongly Disagree: 5 Kraus et al. 2022
Competitive edgeYou prefer to purchase from Amazon due to the fact that it has a better interfaceYou like to shop from Amazon as it provides better serviceThe pricing of the Amazon’s products is comparatively lessThe product quality of the Amazon’s products is very highAmazon’s after sales service through the chat bot is exceptional. Ordinal scale: Likert scaleStrongly Agree: 1Agree : 2Neutral: 3Disagree : 4Strongly Disagree: 5 Ko et al. 2022
General informationGenderIncome Age groupHow often do you shop from Amazon?Do you believe that Amazon engages in a considerate number of initiatives to engage in a suitable level of digital transformation?In your opinion, is Amazon better than other competitors in the field? Multiple choiceKara  2020

3.5 Sampling Approach

The sampling can be defined as the technique which determines the system by the use of which the data from the various sources can be collected suitably (Kane et al. 2015). In this regard, the simple random non probability sampling technique has been accepted whereby the researcher has successfully been able to collect the data without any bias from the participants who are managers who have provided their responses accordingly in the interview. The simple random probability technique has been made use of for the context of the survey data collection whereby the survey participants have been targeted on a random basis to get non biased responses suitably (Gupta  2018).  Using this technique, qualitative data from the managers and quantitative data from the customers has been engaged in (McGill et al. 2021).

3.6 Ethical Implications

The key ethical considerations which have to be involved within the research study may be described to be related to the involvement of the human participants. In this regard, it is vital to consider the fact that due permission of all participants has to be taken prior to the data collection and analysis. Furthermore, the participants should be well enquired associated with the context of the study and the overall risk if any they tend to face (Gupta  and Gupta 2022). Furthermore, more than consent, it is vital to maintain privacy of the varying respondents and the Data Protection Act of 2019 can be followed to keep the research materials protected and confidential data safe.

3.7 Limitations of the methods

Although certain suitable methods have been used, there are certain limitations involved. These are in the form of the selection of the number of participants involved in the survey and in the interview. Furthermore, several participants also did not understand the different questions and for this reason, there may have been bias involved in the particular research (Hennink, Hutter  and Bailey  2020). Moreover, in regard to the secondary data, there may have been limitations in regard to the application of the authentic data and data from suitable published reviews. The intention through the research application has been benefit for the businesses in general and an increase in the knowledge level of the various students in the field. The outcomes enable the audiences to understand how the different technologies within a business can be well leveraged to bring about a strong competitive advantage (Vaughn  and Jacquez  2020).

Chapter 4: Findings (Data presentation) 

4.1 Overview

The focus of this investigation has been to establish and gain an identification of the best way in which the overall understanding of the variables can be made and assessing the best technique using which the association among digital transformation and the competitive edge can be suitably brought about. The findings has been presented under two sections i.e. the Quantitative findings and the qualitative findings. The application of the quantitative findings has been done using the SPSS analysis followed by the qualitative analysis whereby the interview findings have been summarised systematically.

4.2 Quantitative findings

4.2.1 Descriptive statistics

 FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

From the table and graph provided, it can be outlined that a majority of the participants are male at 51% followed by 48% of the participants being female. In consideration with this, it may be underlined suitable to assess that, the opinions of both the genders has been well incorporated into the context of the research.

Table 3: Income

 FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent
ValidAbove £50000 annually4343.043.043.0
Between £30000 to £50000 annually4141.041.084.0
Less than £30000 annually1616.016.0100.0

Referring to the table and graph provided, it can be outlined that a majority of the participants are within the income slab which earns more than 50000 pounds annually which is thereby followed by earning of between 30000 to 50000 pounds annually. Hence, the perspectives of participants from all income groups have been well incorporated into the study.

Table 4: Age group

Age group
 FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent
Valid18-25 years3434.034.034.0
26-32 years5252.052.086.0
33 and above years1414.014.0100.0

Referring to the table and graph provided, it can be summated that widely held participants are within the age group 26 to 32 years of age. This is thereby trailed by the members of age 18-25 years of age at 34%. In consideration with this, all age groups have been well incorporated within the context of the research study.

Table 5: Frequency of shopping from the firm

How often do you shop from Amazon?
 FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent
Once a week22.02.064.0

Referring to the table and graph provided, it can be outlined that widely held participants are not shopping regularly from Amazon. In this regard, it is significantly suitable to assess and outline the fact that, certain participants have also purchased from the brand everyday followed by once a week, however, a majority of them have not purchased from the brand regularly.

Table 6: Opinion on digital transformation

Do you believe that Amazon engages in a considerate number of initiatives to engage in a suitable level of digital transformation?
 FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

From the table and graph provided, it can be outlined that widely held participants are under the opinion that the enterprise does undertake certain initiatives to ensure better performance and management. On the other hand, 47% of them are also under the belief that this is not the case.

Table 7: Opinion on competition

In your opinion, is Amazon better than other competitors in the field?
 FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

From the table and graph provided, it can be outlined that a majority of the participants are under the belief that Amazon is better than other competitors within this field.

4.2.2 Descriptive analysis

The descriptives tables depict the fact that a majority of the participants were in agreement with the statements given in regard to Amazon and its performance within the digital domain. The value of the standard deviation is close to 1 which showcases a close dispersal. On the other hand, the value of the skewness and kurtosis is amidst the range -3 to 3 which shows that the data follows a regular distribution pattern.

Table 8: Descriptive statistics

Descriptive Statistics 
 NMeanStd. DeviationSkewnessKurtosis
StatisticStatisticStatisticStatisticStd. ErrorStatisticStd. Error
The interface of Amazon has been developing considerably over the last few years1001.961.0141.326.2411.679.478
The application offers a wider range of services to the customers1001.85.9681.331.2411.562.478
The application is easy to use via the website as well as the application1001.881.1131.364.2411.087.478
Amazon’s procedures in terms of tracking and related delivery services have increased considerably1001.77.9831.586.2412.429.478
The practices at Amazon reflect an innovative culture which is keen on transformation and excellence in customer service.1001.85.9571.364.2411.740.478
You prefer to purchase from Amazon due to the fact that it has a better interface1001.841.1261.493.2411.485.478
You like to shop from Amazon as it provides better service1001.86.9951.291.2411.258.478
The pricing of the Amazon’s products is comparatively less1001.87.9711.482.2412.246.478
The product quality of the Amazon’s products is very high1001.871.0981.432.2411.521.478
Amazon’s after sales service through the chat bot is exceptional.1001.881.0181.536.2412.212.478
Digital Transformation1001.8900.87496.864.241.206.478
Valid N (listwise)100      

The reliability and validity analysis is a test which is undertaken to assess and measure the most significant technique in which the responses of the participants can be verified in regard to the reliability and validity. In this regard, it is engaging to classify the detail that, the reliability statistics is measured by the value of the Cronbach Alpha at 0.7. From the table given below, it can be deduced that the value is 0.908 which shows that the data is largely reliable in nature.

4.2.3 Reliability statistics

Table 9: Cronbach Alpha

Cronbach’s AlphaN of Items

The item total statistics reflects that even if any of the items are removed, the Cronbach Alpha value would be 0.908 and hence, it would not increase which indicates that none of the items need to be deleted.

Table 10: Item total statistics

Item-Total Statistics
 Scale Mean if Item DeletedScale Variance if Item DeletedCorrected Item-Total CorrelationCronbach’s Alpha if Item Deleted
The interface of Amazon has been developing considerably over the last few years20.470061.383.620.901
The application offers a wider range of services to the customers20.580062.347.588.903
The application is easy to use via the website as well as the application20.550058.412.742.895
Amazon’s procedures in terms of tracking and related delivery services have increased considerably20.660063.641.488.907
The practices at Amazon reflect an innovative culture which is keen on transformation and excellence in customer service.20.580061.478.658.899
You prefer to purchase from Amazon due to the fact that it has a better interface20.590059.719.648.900
You like to shop from Amazon as it provides better service20.570062.046.589.903
The pricing of the Amazon’s products is comparatively less20.560063.542.503.906
The product quality of the Amazon’s products is very high20.560060.289.632.901
Amazon’s after sales service through the chat bot is exceptional.20.550062.109.569.904
Digital Transformation20.540060.109.840.892

The scale statistics has been given.

Table 11: Scale statistics

Scale Statistics
MeanVarianceStd. DeviationN of Items

The validity analysis seeks to measure and identify the sampling adequacy followed by the data. In association with this, it can be assessed that the standard value is 0.7. It can be curated from the given table that the attained value is 0.743 which reflects that the sampling size is adequate. Moreover, the Significant value of the Bartlett’s test of sphericity is 0.00 which shows that there exists adequate level of autocorrelation within the data set.

Table 12: KMO and Bartlett’s test

KMO and Bartlett’s Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy..743
Bartlett’s Test of SphericityApprox. Chi-Square728.430

The value of the communalities needs to be above 0.4 for the data to be valid. All items have the extraction value to be above 0.4 which strongly reflects upon the fact that the data set surpasses the validity test significantly.

Table 13 Communalities

The interface of Amazon has been developing considerably over the last few years1.000.520
The application offers a wider range of services to the customers1.000.580
The application is easy to use via the website as well as the application1.000.654
Amazon’s procedures in terms of tracking and related delivery services have increased considerably1.000.576
The practices at Amazon reflect an innovative culture which is keen on transformation and excellence in customer service.1.000.526
You prefer to purchase from Amazon due to the fact that it has a better interface1.000.628
You like to shop from Amazon as it provides better service1.000.475
The pricing of the Amazon’s products is comparatively less1.000.574
The product quality of the Amazon’s products is very high1.000.634
Amazon’s after sales service through the chat bot is exceptional.1.000.445
Digital Transformation1.000.768
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

The total variance in the data set has been explained by the first two components itself.

Table 14: Total variance explained

Total Variance Explained
ComponentInitial EigenvaluesExtraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Total% of VarianceCumulative %Total% of VarianceCumulative %
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

4.2.4 Crosstab analysis

The cross tab analysis may be identified as a tool which seeks to measure the overall way in which the opinions of the participants vary in regards to the generic matters at large (Nadkarni  and Prügl 2021). Here, it is vital to assess and establish the fact that, the given table assesses and measures how the responses vary in regards to the gender of the participants.

Table 15 Cross tab 1

Gender * How often do you shop from Amazon? Crosstabulation
 How often do you shop from Amazon?Total
EverydayNeverOnce a weekRarely

It can be witnessed from the above given table that; a majority of males have not shopped from Amazon as compared to the female participants.

Table 16 Cross tab 2

Gender * Do you believe that Amazon engages in a considerate number of initiatives to engage in a suitable level of digital transformation? Crosstabulation
 Do you believe that Amazon engages in a considerate number of initiatives to engage in a suitable level of digital transformation?Total

It can be witnessed from the above given table that; a majority of male participants do not feel that Amazon tends to engage in a considerate number of initiatives so as to engage in a suitable level of digital transformation.

Table 17 Cross tab 3

Gender * In your opinion, is Amazon better than other competitors in the field? Crosstabulation
 In your opinion, is Amazon better than other competitors in the field?Total

It can be witnessed from the above given table that a majority of male participants although not supporting the firm’s overall performance, are under the impression that, Amazon is better than the existing competitors in this field.

Table 18 Cross tab 4

Income * How often do you shop from Amazon? Crosstabulation
 How often do you shop from Amazon?Total
EverydayNeverOnce a weekRarely
IncomeAbove £50000 annually111411743
Between £30000 to £50000 annually141201541
Less than £30000 annually651416

It can be witnessed from the above given table that individuals with the income group above 30000 pounds are likely to purchase from Amazon on a regular basis.

Table 19 Cross tab 5

Income * Do you believe that Amazon engages in a considerate number of initiatives to engage in a suitable level of digital transformation? Crosstabulation
 Do you believe that Amazon engages in a considerate number of initiatives to engage in a suitable level of digital transformation?Total
IncomeAbove £50000 annually192443
Between £30000 to £50000 annually212041
Less than £30000 annually7916

Individuals with income above 30000 pounds are under the strong belief that Amazon engages in a considerate number of initiatives so as to bring about a suitable level of digital transformation.

Table 20 Cross tab 6

Income * In your opinion, is Amazon better than other competitors in the field? Crosstabulation
 In your opinion, is Amazon better than other competitors in the field?Total
IncomeAbove £50000 annually152843
Between £30000 to £50000 annually192241
Less than £30000 annually8816

It can be duly witnessed that, in the opinion of the higher incomed group individuals, Amazon performs better than the different competitors.

Table 21 Cross tab 7

Age group * How often do you shop from Amazon? Crosstabulation
 How often do you shop from Amazon?Total
EverydayNeverOnce a weekRarely
Age group18-25 years101211134
26-32 years181402052
33 and above years351514

In regard to age group, it becomes significant to deduce the fact that, individuals within the age group 26-32 years were more likely to purchase from the enterprise as compared to the other brands.

Table 22 Cross tab 8

Age group * Do you believe that Amazon engages in a considerate number of initiatives to engage in a suitable level of digital transformation? Crosstabulation
 Do you believe that Amazon engages in a considerate number of initiatives to engage in a suitable level of digital transformation?Total
Age group18-25 years171734
26-32 years242852
33 and above years6814

It can be witnessed from the table given that individuals within the age group 18-32 years are under the belief that, the Amazon undertakes a considerable number of initiatives so as to ensure better opportunities in terms of leading a digital transformation and bringing about better operational efficiency.

Table 23 Cross tab 9

Age group * In your opinion, is Amazon better than other competitors in the field? Crosstabulation
 In your opinion, is Amazon better than other competitors in the field?Total
Age group18-25 years132134
26-32 years242852
33 and above years5914

Individuals who are between the age group 18-25 years of age are under the strong belief that, Amazon is better than other competitors in the field.

4.2.4 Regression

The regression analysis is a test which is largely utilised to measure and assess the most suitable technique in which the association between the varying variables can be suitably explained. In this context, it is vital to notify the fact that the regression analysis seeks to measure and examine the modification in the value of the dependent variable when a change in the independent variable is brought about. Here, it is vital to examine the fact that, the regression analysis alongside the correlation analysis has been carried out so as to assess and examine the association which is currently existing between the Digital transformation and the competitive edge (Pandey  and Pandey  2021).

The table given below examines the descriptive statistics and its distribution. It can be significantly understood that, the mean value is close to 2 which reflects that widely held respondents are in agreement to the fact given in regard to the competitiveness and the digital transformation. In this regard, the standard deviation reflects that the value is close to 1 which shows a close dispersal in the respondents as present.

Table 24 Descrptive

Descriptive Statistics
 MeanStd. DeviationN
Digital Transformation1.8900.87496100

The correlation analysis seeks to measure and assess the way in which the competitiveness and the digital transformation are strongly associated with one another. In this regard, the value of the correlation coefficient is 0.634 which largely expresses and denotes the fact that, any change in the Digital transformation impacts the competitiveness by 0.634.

Table 25 Correlations

Pearson CorrelationCompetitiveness1.000.634
Sig. (1-tailed)Competitiveness..000
a. Dependent Variable: Competitiveness
b. All requested variables entered.

The model summary expresses the value of the Adjusted R square and the R square. The difference between both the values is minimum which represents that the model is a good fit model. Furthermore, the value of the adjusted r square is 0.395 which shows that the digital transformation impacts the competitiveness of the enterprises by 39.5%.

Table 26 Model summary

Model Summary
ModelRR SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), DigitalTransformation

The ANOVAa table represents the value of the significant. In regard to this, it is vital to agree that as the value of the significant is less than the standard 0.05 at 0.05, it represents that there exists a significantly strong relationship between the different variables.

Table 27 ANNOVA

ModelSum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig.
a. Dependent Variable: Competitiveness
b. Predictors: (Constant), DigitalTransformation

The coefficients table reflects upon the fact that the beta value is 0.634 and if digital transformation changes by 1, it will bring about a subsequent change of 0.634 in competitiveness.

Table 28 Coefficients 

ModelUnstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientstSig.
BStd. ErrorBeta
1(Constant).663.169 3.914.000

4.2.5 Hypothesis analysis

The hypothesis as set for the research can be established as follows:

H1: the digital transformation at Amazon significantly impacts the overall competitive edge which the firm is trying to attain.

H0: the digital transformation at Amazon does not significantly impact the overall competitive edge which the firm is trying to attain.

As the p value is less than 0.05 at 0.00, this represents the fact that, the null hypothesis should be rejected and the alternate hypothesis is to be accepted thus establishing the fact that the digital transformation at Amazon significantly impacts the overall competitive edge which the firm is trying to attain.

Qualitative findings

The qualitative findings have been obtained from the interview taken from the managers at Amazon. These have helped in gaining a unique perspective in regard to understanding and obtaining a significant knowledge about the way in which the enterprise has been using the digital transformation as a tool and the overall technique in which the overall way in which the digital transformation impacts the different businesses can also be examined crucially. The given themes have been created based on the data:

Digital transformation at Amazon

Examples of digital transformation brought about by the enterprise

E-commerce enterprises carrying out their business engagements

Benefits of digital transformation within the firm’s context

Ways in which enterprises can improve their operations and gain a suitable competitive edge

Digital transformation at Amazon

The different managers were asked about whether Amazon engages in a considerable level of digital transformation and what is the way in which it carries out the overall transactions. In this regard, the following responses were received:

I am under the strong belief that Amazon engages in consistent digital transformation practices and seeks to carry out various initiatives with the assistance of which they can serve the customers in a well suited manner.– P1

Amazon has been carrying out a tremendous job in revolutionising the different business engagements and serving the customers in a systematic way. –P2

I believe that our enterprise has been carrying out significant endeavours in regard to which they would be able to appeal to the different customers and assure better endeavours. —P3

Thus, it can be rightly deduced that from the participant respondents it can be rightfully understood that Amazon has been carrying out several tasks and initiatives which would help in appealing to the different customers. Furthermore, it can be deduced that the enterprise has been undertaking several initiatives to ensure a better future and maintain a suitable lifestyle which thereby encourages better performance  (Gebayew et al. 2018).

Examples of digital transformation brought about by the enterprise

The different participants were further asked about the key examples of digital transformation within the context of the enterprise and the way in which the enterprise had been performing. In regard to this, it can be rightly understood that, the following responses were received:

Some of the key digital transformations which are brought about by the enterprise may be rightly identified to be the change in the process system, change in the product design and other such facilitations which seek to bring about better outcomes in terms of seeing to it that the enterprise can perform well. — P1

Some of the key digital transformations which are brought about by the enterprises may be established as One Day delivery, service provisions , after sales services and other such engagements  –P2

Some of the key digital transformations as brought about by the firm are One day delivery, facilitations associated with the after sales services and other associated facilitations. —P3

It can be well identified from the given responses that Amazon has successfully been able to bring about several transactions and changes. In this regard, it is essential to highlight and assess the fact that, same day delivery, customer service, high product quality and better tracking mechanism are some of the key ways in which the digital transformation can be brought about suitably (Gobble  2018).

4.3.3 E-commerce enterprises carrying out their business engagements

The different participants within the context of the interview were also asked about the way in which e-commerce firms like Amazon digitalise their overall performance and bring about better outcomes in terms of ensuring higher sales, then in this regard, the following responses were received:

They can digitalise their system regularly and at the same time improve it to ensure better customer satisfaction .– P1

They approach the different customers and enable better interactions to assure that the needs of the different customers can be met with sufficiently. –P2

Some of the ways in which the e-commerce enterprises can carry out their overall business engagements may be established as better pricing and product quality. —P3

It can be rightly deduced from the given responses that the different participants believed that the other enterprises were bringing about a significant level of change and better organisational opportunities by applying a number of key techniques and tools which could further assist them in performing well (Siebel  2019).

4.3.4 Benefits of digital transformation within the firm’s context

The benefits of the digital transformation within the firm’s context have been well reviewed and examined. When the participants were asked about the key benefits of the digital transformation within the firm’s context, then in such a regard, the following responses were achieved:

It brings about better sales and at the same time assures better brand marketing .– P1

Some of the benefits of the digital transformation within the context of the business are the approach to the consumers, Better interactions with the clients and at the same time, ensuring seamless deliveries. –P2

It leads to better profitability and better sales. —P3

It can be largely deduced from the given responses that, a large number of benefits of the digital transformation could be rightly identified. In this regard, it is essential to understand that, the digital transformation boosts sales, profitability and helps the businesses from combatting against the competition (Lang  and Lang  2021).

4.3.5 Ways in which enterprises can improve their operations and gain a suitable competitive edge

To understand the perspectives of the different participants, they were also asked about the way in which the enterprises can improve their operations and gain a

suitable competitive edge (Schwertner  2017). In regard to this, the following observations have been made:

Some of the key ways in which the businesses can improve their overall operations and gain a considerable level of competitive advantage may be stated to be as improving business solutions regularly, ensuring better opportunities and at the same time giving in to better engagements with the clients.– P1

Some of the key ways in which the businesses can improve the overall operations as well gain a significant competitive edge may be established as listening to customer needs and alongside ensuring higher product quality. –P2

It can reduce the delivery time, engage in seamless sales process and at the same time it may bring about better customer satisfaction through reduction of delivery fees.  —P3

It can be rightly understood that, the participants were able to establish upon the fact that this contributes towards reduction of the delivery time, ensures engagement at a seamless procedure and at the same time brings about better customer satisfaction through faster delivery (Tang  2021).


The following findings have been achieved from the research study:

It can be deduced from the findings that the digital transformation and the competitive advantage of the enterprise tend to share a strong association with one another. In this consideration, it is engaging to deduce that, the hypothesis testing was engaged in and from the test results, it could be identified that the null hypothesis has been rejected and the alternate hypothesis has been accepted.

In line with this, the qualitative findings have denoted that the managers at Amazon are under the strong belief that, when the enterprise engages in digital transformation, it is successfully able to bring about better opportunities for the enterprise and furthermore, this leads to better environment and customer service as well (Sui et al. 2024).

Chapter 5: Discussion (Data interpretation)

A number of research questions have been curated for the purpose of the study. The first research question which the  study has set for the research can be identified as understanding the role of the digital transformation and the competitiveness of Amazon in the United Kingdom. “ What is the role of digital transformation in enhancing the competitiveness of Amazon in UK?”. In regard to this, it has been observed that by adopting the digital transformation , companies are able to conceptualising new ways to serve (Gurbaxani  and Dunkle  2019). The customer responses mentioned that there exists a significant impact on the competitiveness of Amazon. There have been several e-commerce technologies and websites which have served the customer successfully and have been able to ensure that needs are being met with, however, it is also important to understand that the relationship which exists between the digital transformation and the competitiveness of the firm in UK is very strong and hence the enterprise to ensure that it is being able to engage in regular upgradation with the help of which all outcomes can be successfully achieved (Leão  and da Silva  2021). The next research question as set for the research can be established to be “ How did leveraging technologies lead to enhancing Amazon’s competitive advantage?” In consideration with this, it is also essential to note that there are several technologies, the use of which can be made by the enterprise to appeal to the target audience, whereby it is essential here to consider the fact that Amazon has been utilising the different technologies in a suitable and sustainable manner to be able to engage in better opportunities and better outcomes in terms of ensuring that all business goals can be achieved successfully (Verina  and Titko  2019). Use of same day delivery, enhancement and supply chain management, enhancement ordering procedure and  processing and other such aspects sure that Amazon is being able to engage in better opportunities (Zaoui  and Souissi  2020). There are several ways in which Amazon will be able to ensure that a competitive advantage can be achieved. In regard to “What are the various measures recommended to improve the competitive advantage furthermore?” Here it is important to note that forming a committee, or separate department is one of the most suitable techniques to give way to better opportunity and to assure that the firm is being able to attain all its objective (Vial  2021). Here it is also vital to consider the fact that the firm is  being given to engage in suitable measures with respect to the management of the employees in addition to management of customers is the key to success (Warren-Payne  2019).

Chapter 6: Conclusion, Recommendations and Implications for Further Research


Therefore, the focus of the study was to ensure that the digital transformation and its impact on the overall competitive edge of Amazon can be examined successfully. In this regard, the chapter follow structured layout whereby a total of six chapters have been given each chapter is focused on achieving a certain goal. The focus of the first chapter has been to lay down to objective of the study, which is then followed by the analysis of the rationale. In regard to this, the review of literature focused outlining the current findings in the field of digital competitiveness and the digital transformation alongside designing the hypothesis and the conceptual framework on which the study has based on. The research methodology chapter justifies the choice of the primary mixed research strategy and in the chapter four, the research findings have been represented and the hypothesis has been tested. From the findings chapter, it has been deduced that the managers of Amazon a strong belief that when the enterprise engages in digital transformation in the form of use of artificial intelligence, use of same day delivery procedures, improvement in delivery alongside customer service. Hence, it is successfully able to adhere to the competitive environment and able to gain a competitive advantage Moreover, the relationship between the competitive edge and the digital transformation has identified, through the hypothesis testing.

Alignment with the objectives

To identify the role of digital transformation in driving the business competitiveness of Amazon in the UK

From the review of literature and the findings of the survey, a suitable association and a positive correlation was established between the digital transformation and driving the business competitiveness of the Amazon in the United Kingdom. In this regard, it is integral to deduce that when the digital transformation is brought about within the context of the business, it tends to bring about better opportunities for the enterprise and assures success.

To evaluate how the technology usage helped in enhancing its competitive advantage

The technologies in the context of the business tend to bring about better opportunities for the success of the business and seek to engage the enterprise in serving the customers better. Here,it is vital to understand the fact that when the enterprise intends to achieve long term success, then in such a regard, it is vital that the firm is being able to engage in better use of technology to serve the cystomers. Both the qualitative and quantitative findings affirm the findings significantly.

To recommend various measures for Amazon to enhance its competitiveness within the marketplace

It can be rightly identified that, Amazon tends to make use of a significant number of practices and endeavours so as to ensure that it is successfully being able to bring about better performance opportunities and is thereby assuring better business results. However, there are a number of ways in which Amazon can further enhance its competitiveness within the marketplace. The same has been identified in the following section.

Future scope

It can be deduced that the findings of the current study have made significant contributions to the field of research. It is essential here to deduce that a strong association between the digital transformations alongside the compeitivenss of the business has been made. In consideration with this, it may be identified crucial to understand here that this study has used only primary mixed strategies and a limited sample size so as to engage in establishing and understanding the best way in which the digital transformation impacts the overall performance at large. In association with this, it is vital to assess and underline the fact that, in the future, the current sample size can be extending significantly and at the same time, it is vital that secondary analysis can also be engaged in to assure better understanding of the key concepts.


Based on the outcomes, the key recommendations can be made in the context of the enterprise:

One of the first initiatives, which the enterprise can engage is analysis of the competitors (Schneider  and Kokshagina  2021). In this regard, it is essential to identify that when the enterprise would be able to analyse competitors, it would be able to identify and comprehend the way in which it can serve the customers well and gain a competitive advantage. Moreover, is also important that Amazon continues to invest in innovation and assure is that they are being able to manage the operations well. In this context, it is important to assess that, innovation forms a suitable technique of engaging in a successful competitive advantage and therefore Amazon needs rely on it for a better future (Ruzekova, Kittova  and Steinhauser  2020). Additionally, the leadership of the firm and the culture also needs to be adaptable and needs to adapt to the change in business environment and with time having a fixed and rigid culture alongside and leadership would not help the enterprise in achieving its goals successfully. Pertaining to this, it is vital to examine the fact that when the leadership and culture would be modified in a manner such that the enterprise is being able to achieve all goals and objectives, then in such a regard, the firm then successfully assure better opportunities at the same way lead to a better performance (Rodríguez-Abitia and Bribiesca-Correa  2021). Moreover, fostering customer relationship can also be identified to be a key in which the enterprise can perform well. In this regard, it is significant to note that only when the firm will be able to assure a better future for itself, it can engage in strong relationship with a different customers and ensure better service to them (Schallmo  and Williams  2018).


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