Table of Contents

Math. 1

References. 2


’=1/pcos^2(+ (lambda r-q) sin^2

P and r are the positive number

The interval is 0 and 1

The differential value is -1/p2cossin+ lambda r-q 2sin

The value is 2q

This value has been obtained by putting the value of the intervals 0 and 1

In the above case the interval is 0 and 1, each and every function needs a tome for execution.

The above mentioned equation has been executed within the time period.

Cos=-sin, this is the differentiate value of Cos

Sin=Cos, this is the differentiate value of Sin

A function can be described by u(x, t), if the function will be differentiated, then the value of the function will be du/dt.

The double derivative value of the function can be obtained by d^2u/dt^2


For obtaining the value the boundary conditions also should have to maintain.

The boundary conditions are very essential for the obtaining differential equations; the boundary condition is homogeneous condition which helps to make the partial differentiation. Another important condition is the linear condition.


 The above mentioned graph showcases the   overall operations of the differential equations. Sometime the Laplace equations are used for obtaining the time variable related differential equations. The Laplace equation is denoted by the

The value of the is 0

With the help of this equation many problems regarding the differentiation can be solved.


Blokhin, A. (1996). Differential equation theory. 1st ed. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Braun, M., Coleman, C. and Drew, D. (1983). Differential equation models. 1st ed. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Schiesser, W. and Griffiths, G. (2009). A compendium of partial differential equation models. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Schiesser, W. (n.d.). Differential equation analysis in biomedical science and engineering. 1st ed.