Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology: 1274849

Data Sheet

  1. Overall Stoichiometric Equations

2Cu2+(aq) + 4I(aq) → 2CuI(s) + I2(aq)

           white solid          brown

2S2O32-(aq) + I2(aq) → S4O62-(aq) + 2I(aq)

  colourless                 brown           colourless                 colourless

2 Cu2+(aq) + 4 I(aq) + 2 S2O32-(aq)  + I2(aq) → 2CuI(s) + I2(aq) + S4O62-(aq) + 2I(aq)

2Cu2+ (aq) + 2I(aq) + 2S2O32-(aq) → 2CuI(s) + S4O62-(aq)

  • Results and Observations

Unknown No.: 40

Concentration of standard Na2S2O3 solution 0.0206 M

         Trial 1         Trial 2     Trial 3   

Initial burette reading, mL   0.48             10.32        20.21      

Final burette reading, mL         10.32           20.21        30.11        

Volume of Na2S2O3 used, mL 9.84             9.89          9.90      

Amount of Na2S2O3 used, mol           0.000303      0.000204              0.000204    

Amount of Cu2+ in unknown sample, mol               0.000303       0.000204             0.000204   

Volume of original Cu2+ solution used, mL       10.00          10.00                    10.00      

Concentration of Cu2+ in original solution, M              0.0303          0.0204             0.0204       

Average Concentration of Cu2+, M         0        0.0237M


  1. Calculate the number of moles of Na2S2O3 used in each titration.

Trial 1: 9.84mL Na2S2O3  = 0.000202704mol Na2S2O3

     = 0.000303 mol Na2S2O3

Trial 2: 9.89mL Na2S2O3  = 0.000203734mol Na2S2O3      = 0.000204mol Na2S2O3

Trial 3: 9.90mL Na2S2O3  = 0.00020394mol Na2S2O3        = 0.000204mol Na2S2O3

  • Determine the number of moles of Cu2+ in each sample.

Trial 1: 0.000202704mol Na2S2O3  = 0.000202704mol Cu2+= 0.000303 mol Cu2+

Trial 2: 0.000203734mol Na2S2O3  = 0.000203734mol Cu2+ = 0.000204mol Cu2+

Trial 3: 0.00020394mol Na2S2O3  = 0.00020394mol Cu2+ = 0.000204mol Cu2+

  • Calculate the original concentration of Cu2+ in each sample.

Trial 1: 0.000303 mol Cu2+ / (10.00mL) = 0.0303M Cu2+

Trial 2: 0.000204 mol Cu2+   / (10.00mL) = 0.0204M Cu2+

Trial 3: 0.000204 mol Cu2+   / (10.00mL) = 0.0204M Cu2+

  • Calculate the average concentration of the original Cu2+ solution.

 = 0.0237M Cu2+


Han, N. S., Li, H. K., Sin, L. C., & Sin, K. P. (2018). The evaluation of students’ written reflection on the learning of general chemistry lab experiment. MOJES: Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Sciences2(4), 45-52

Lee, N. (2020). CHEM 124-102: General Chemistry Lab

Stephenson, N. S., & Sadler-McKnight, N. P. (2016). Developing critical thinking skills using the science writing heuristic in the chemistry laboratory. Chemistry Education Research and Practice17(1), 72-79