The Damned Human Race


Why does Twain compare animals to human beings in “The Damned Human Race”? What seems to be his overall point? Explain.

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In the satirical essay “The Damned Human Race”, Mark Twain had significantly discussed his ideas concerning the useless moral sense of the mankind (Twain). Agreeing to Darwin’s viewpoint that every animal has evolved from the same starting point, Twain suggested that man is a descendant of animals. He observed that humans being the only species to possess a moral sense had used it in performing evil. Thus, in the given piece of work, Twain had motivated the readers to analyze their morals by using the element of satire.

Taking the role of a scientist who is associated with analyzing the differences and similarities between animal and humans, Twain’s essay revealed about the ridiculousness of man for possessing certain behavior. Comparing man to different animals like an anaconda, squirrel, cat or a roster, Twain’s impartial speaker had demonstrated that humans in their cruel traits and unpredictable behaviors are worse than animals. Using the element of satire, Twain suggested that man is cruel, indecent and destructive. Using animals as a vehicle for satire, Twain highlighted the cruel, destructive, greedy and avaricious nature of human trait. Through the use of vivid metaphors, he persuaded in evaluating the evil qualities of humanity. Thus, by retaining the spirit of humor, Twain successfully criticized people showing humans to be lower than animals. Twain also addressed the problems of the society by using satire without directly insulting his audience. With a hope to change the traits of human nature, Twain used the examples of animals for demonstrating the problems that existed in the human world. Furthermore, the essay in an indirect way helped the readers to examine their moral values.

In conclusion, the satiric elements and the vivid metaphors used helped in engaging people on an emotional level. This state was achieved by highlighting the destructive behavior that remains in conflict with having good morals.

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Twain, Mark. Letters From The Earth. New York: Harper & Row, 1962. Print.