Business Finance: 688695



Stock Analysis
Overview of the stock analysis section.  2 – 3 paragraphs.  Each of the sections Pricing, Performance, and Value Forecast may include charts created by you (not image copied from website).  Use the references – Figure label and include a Table of Figures.  Each section should include discussion on (a) company results, (b) Industry or competitor results (may choose one main competitor), and (c) Market results (gurufocus has market results).  This section uses Case Data Collection Worksheet – 3.
1 – 2 paragraphs for each of the following:
Price – describe method of growth
1.         Max / Min closing for each year
2.         Average closing for each year

Describe – No charts or graphs***

You may include a bar graph of average price if it assists in the exp.
Earnings Per Share – discussion of row 14 including average, growth, competitor and market (market growth over 5 years -0.7% – Discuss row 15 (excel)
***Dividends Per Share – no dividends (growth in EPS indicates no dividends because of reinvesting) (decline in EPS indicates no dividends because no profit)
Book Value Per Share – row 17
**Rows from Valuation Worksheet completed in class

Stock Performance
1 – 2 paragraphs for each of the following:
Price Earnings Ratio – row 18
***Dividend Yield – row 21
Payout Ratio
Return on Equity – row 25
Financial Leverage ratios can be obtained at:
The stock performance trend for XYZ illustrated in a 5-Year pattern in Figure 1. 3
Figure 1 – XYZ 5-Year Stock Performance (,2017)
Compare and contrast with the NASDAQ performance.  “When compared with the NASDAQ performance over the same period of time a (similar/different/contrasting,etc) trend can be seen in Figure 2 – NASDAQ 5-Year Performance.  You can have up tp 3 charts but no fewer than one chart.

Must Include:


Company and Competitor

Company and Market (Nasdaq)

Each chart must be accompanied by a description of 1-2 paragraphs which includes the key highlights from columns JK&L (EXCEL)4
Figure 2-NASDAQ 5 Year Performance (, 2017)
Valuation Forecast
Complete and discuss a value forecast based on earnings and based on dividends. (3 paragraphs – covering each of the following bullets)
•           Price forecast for next year (Market Value).  High and low forecast.  % Change from 2016 (or last year / quarter)
(Forecast – 2016) / 2016 = % change next year
•           Book value forecast for next year – calculate using row 16
Shareholder equity / number shares outstanding
5 year average growth rate * 2016 Book Value Per Share
Last year growth rate = (2016-2015)/2015 * 2016 Book Value Per Share
•           Likelihood of consistency in forecasts based on trends (likely consistent or likely overvalued/undervalued)
Stock Analysis Summary
2 – 3 paragraphs summarizing the above findings and transitioning paper to next section.


Company: Planet Fitness, INC Current Price $: 27.35 Date: 01-03-2018
Ticker: PLNT Exchange: NYSE Current P/E: 0.4 Current Yield: 1.0%
Financial Statement & Ratio Analysis
Company Indus. or Competitor NASDAQ Composit
Use Year 1 for the most recent data, Year 5 for the oldest data.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 3-yr 3-yr 2017 5-Year 2017
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 Avg Growth Avg
Per Share Information
Price: High  $34.82  $24.54  $19.10 26.15 16.2% 14.4 8.95 7,307.85
         Low  $18.63  $13.26  $  4.81 12.23 40.3% 11.75 3.56 7,117.66
Average  $23.89  $18.27  $10.91 17.69 21.6% 12.84 5.94 7,212.76
Earnings per Share (EPS) 0.48 0.50 0.07 0.35 61.8% 7.4
Dividends per Share 5.56 5.56 0.0% 7.3
Book Value per Share (BV) 12.72 98.64 55.68 -40.1%
Financial Ratios
Price-Earnings Ratio (P/E): Avg* 55.68 37.80 170.79 88.09 17.7 9.0 15.1
         High (High Price ÷ EPS) 72.54 49.08 272.86 131.49 13.6
         Low (Low Price ÷ EPS) 38.81 26.52 68.71 44.68 4.4
Dividend Yield % (DY): Avg* 0.0% 32.3% 0.0% 10.8% 3.2 1.5 1.9
         High (DPS ÷ Low Price) 0.0% 41.9% 0.0% 14.0%
         Low (DPS ÷ High Price) 0.0% 22.7% 0.0% 7.6%
Payout Ratio % (DPS ÷ EPS) 0.0% 1112.0% 0.0% 370.7% 5.9 9.2
Return on Equity % (EPS ÷ BV) #DIV/0! 3.9% 0.1% ##### 7.2 22.4 22.4
Financial Leverage 2.1 2.8 1.3 2.1 0.2 0.2 1.1
* Avg (High + Low) ÷ 2 Shaded areas do not need to be filled in.
Valuation Estimates
Model based on earnings:
Average high P/E x estimated Year 6 EPS: 131.49 x 0.78 = $102.14   (high valuation estimate)
Average low P/E x estimated Year 6 EPS: 44.68 x 0.78 = $34.71   (low valuation estimate)
Model based on dividends:
Estimated Year 6 annual DPS ÷ average low DY 0.00 ÷ 7.6% = $0.00   (high valuation estimate)
Estimated Year 6 annual DPS ÷ average high DY 0.00 ÷ 14.0% = $0.00   (low valuation estimate)