Requirements and Questions
Basically, this assignment will talk about some product that I already create my own product. The product that I will talk is multifunctional electronic cigarettes and I already make my own company name as well that I called MC Pty Ltd. For more information about the product you can look at power point document.
- No of word: 1400-1500
- Need to answer the question.
- Harvard style referencing
- All information that is taken from the lecture notes, text book, etc must be referenced, both in body as well as a reference list at the end of the paper\
- The author of lecture notes is University of Technology, Sydney 2012
- Doesn’t need conclusion
- Due on 24-5-2012 (due on Thursday. I need to submit to my group)
1. Business Concept
1.2 ‘Business Concept’: A brief paragraph stating: what does your business do? How does your concept address a need identified in the wicked problem?
(In here you just need to write down my business concept. You can have a look the example on PDF doc page 6 of 77)
1.3 ‘Credo/Vision Statement’: Write the credo/vision of your wicked concept. This should be a one two sentence statement of the business vision.
(In here you need to write down and make my business): Vision statement
Mission statement
My company credo
(You can have a look the example on PDF doc page 7 and 8 of 77)
(Please create me a good vision and mission statement. Also credo and my company credo) thx…
1.4 ‘Organisational Stakeholders’: Identify and rank the key stakeholders for the business. Write how the organisation directly affects and is affected by the following stakeholders:
‐ Competitors
‐ Regulatory Authorities
‐ Choose one other….
(In here you need to talk about the organisational stakeholders and(identify and rank)the key stakeholder for my business and I already rank my business stakeholder:
- Customers
- Regulatory Authorities
- Competitors
- Society
- Environment
- Employees
- Suppliers
- Owners
After you rank the key stakeholders. You just need to talk the first 3 stakeholders which are:
- Customer…….
- Regulatory Authorities….. (please find the regulatory authorities of e-cigarettes)
- Competitors…..
Have a look the lecture notes that I already provide if you needed.
(For example you can look on PDF doc page 8-11 of 77)
- Please read the note on the power point document for more info.
- If the information that I already provided is not enough please find me other resources.
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