Marketing Study Assignment Help Online Review Analysis: Description of PESTLE analysis and its impacts

Marketing Study Assignment Help Online Review Analysis: Description of PESTLE analysis and its impacts

Q?? Write a short description on PESTLE analysis and its impact in the organization??

Solutions represented:: PESTLE Analysis

PESTLE Analysis of NHS will give a clear idea regarding the things that are harming the organization and also an idea about the things that are beneficial to the organization.

Analysis of Political Environment

The political environment in the country is affecting the operations at NHS. Few of the things that are affecting the political environment of the NHS are as follows: –

  1. The rules and regulations of the NHS and the government don’t go hand-in-hand and this is noticed after the elections which were held in 2010. The funding for certain treatments is done by the government and their rates are not in sync with the actual rates of the hospital.
  2. The managers at NHS aren’t able to focus on the long-term strategy because of the continually changing political environment. If a political party is in power then they laid down rules and regulations accordingly and when another party comes in power, they change the rules and regulations thus, disturbing the strategies which have been previously set as per the previous government.

Impact The government of the country influences NHS to a large extent. The politicians aren’t aware about management and hence, the managers are really stressed with the continuous change (TheKingsFund).

Analysis of Economic Environment

The movement of money from or to the organization causes a change in the environment. Few of the changes that have been caused in the NHS due to the economic environment are as follows: –

  1. The NHS requires qualified staff and hence, the cost of labor has increased drastically thus, making it difficult for NHS to spend more. The NHS cannot work without qualified staff and hence, they will have to cut on the other expenses so that they can spend here.
  2. Procurement and service delivery of the NHS needs to be improved so that the efficiency can be improved. A proper process needs to be set for procurement and service delivery. A proper process for service delivery will allow more patients to be treated in less time and a process for procurement will reduce wastage.

Impact Economic environment can increase the profits or losses of the NHS so that needs to be analyzed and required changes should be implemented (NHSCommercialProcurementCollaborative, 2009).

Analysis of Social Environment

Social environment of the country in which NHS is present will decide on the changes that they need to make. Few of the changes that have been caused in the NHS due to Social environment are as follows: –

  1. The NHS should take into consideration, the number of aging people who are present in the country. Aging people require more health care services and hence, it should increase the capacity of the hospital.
  2. The NHS should be located nearby in the locality so that people can reach the hospital when they need emergency care.
  3. Social environment affects the staff in the organization as well. Employees believe in work-life balance and hence, the NHS should take care of this so that employees can work and spend quality time with family as well.

Impact Social environment can increase or decrease the number of patients and staff associated with NHS (NHSEastofEngland, 2011).

Analysis of Technological Environment

Technology is improving fast and the NHS should implement it so that they can stay ahead in the competition. The current technological environment of the NHS is as follows: –

  1. Technology may not touch other areas in the NHS but surgical equipments have to be changed as per the improving technology. If the surgical equipments are outdated then it is very risky.
  2. The patients who will be visiting the hospital should be tracked in the computer so that the data can be retrieved as and when required.

Impact – Technology can help NHS to treat patients efficiently and more importantly, data is stored with the NHS, for years to come (Mathieson, 2012).

Analysis of Environment

Every organization is legally and ethically responsible to contribute to the environment in which they survive. Few of the impact of environment on the NHS are as follows: –

  1. NHS plants trees in their campus and locality so that they can provide a healthy environment for the patients who are admitted in the hospital and people who reside in the locality.
  2. NHS uses disposable surgical equipments so that no harm is caused to the environment.

Impact NHS treat patients for the health issues that they face; they also take care of the environment so that unwanted diseases are avoided (DepartmentOfHealth, 2005).

Analysis of Legal Environment

Legal environment affects NHS the most and if there is any deviation then the NHS will have to face a lot of problems. Few of the issues with legal environment are as follows: –

  1. The NHS will have to follow quality issues which have been set forth by the government. The quality issues are adhered so that the patients in the hospital are safe.
  2. The NHS has to produce the accounts every year so that the government can keep a track of the taxes that they pay and the income that they earn.

Impact If the legal issues are ignored then there are possibilities of the NHS being shut down and hence, this is one of the most important environment (NHSEastofEngland, 2011).

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