Military Wireless Communication: 1443895


Enhancing efficiency in communication within the military is a key attribute which ought to be addressed and maintained at all times. A research process aimed at establishing more secure and convenient wireless communication gadgets would be a timely venture.

1.1 Aim

 The aim of the research project is to identify advanced configurations on wireless communication devices which makes them more secure and convenient.

1.2 Expectations

At the end of the research process, it is expected that a number of practical options shall have been identified, outlined and placed as recommendations for implementation.

1.3 Research question

How can military wireless connection be made more convenient and secure?

2 Study Design/Approach

The research process shall rely on a cross-sectional design of study. This approach involves the incorporation of analytical skills where the central components is used to derive the association between the noted gaps and practical solutions to the research problem (Colombi & Cobb, 2012). As such, the current military wireless communication devices shall be analysed to identify the specific components which when configured differently would make the gadgets and the whole system more secure and also convenient especially during complex situations (Gansler, Lucyshyn & Rigilano, 2012). The design shall involve a mixed method approach of both qualitative and quantitative cross-sectional studies. The outcome shall of these derivations shall be used to make the most tacit conclusions.

3 Experimental

3.1 Materials

Materials to be used during the research shall include peer reviewed journals, magazines, online databases, testing instruments and technical equipment.

3.2 Instruments

The instruments which shall be used during the research process in a bid to collect data include: tests, interviews, surveys, scales, and questionnaires.

4. Methods

4.1 Data collection

The process shall involve the incorporation of a mixed method. This therefore implies that both qualitative and quantitative approaches shall applied to obtain and analyse data. In line with the qualitative approaches, data shall be derived through review of literature. To obtain the most relevant sources, key words shall be used to complete electronic searches (Daniel & Herbig, 2013). At the same time, peer reviewed journals shall be retrieved from physical and online libraries. The materials shall then be reviewed to retrieve the data that would be helpful for completion of research. In line with the quantitative research approach, sampling, interviews and questionnaires shall be used. Stratified random sampling shall be used to obtain the sample population. The project intends to work with a total of 30 participants. They shall mainly comprise military personnel and IT experts, specifically, in the field of information and communication technology. Once the sample has been obtained, the participants shall be issued with questionnaires which would be filled and returned within a span of two weeks. To cater for the geographical challenges, questionnaires shall be prepared in soft copy and sent to participants via email. Interviews shall also be conducted on 10 of the participants, randomly picked from the total population (Goswami, 2014). These methodologies were chosen because they enhance the process of obtaining data. The instruments are easy to prepare and the data obtained can be easily arranged for analysis. At the same time, instruments such as sampling are not only time consuming but also affordable; they can therefore be used in situations where resources are constrained.

4.2 Data Analysis

The core approach of analysis shall involve the use of statistical methods. The data obtained shall be arranged in tables and graphs for easy interpretation and derivation of conclusions. Software such as excel and rapidMiner shall be used to extract correlations in the data obtained. The outcome shall then be used to predict the possible solutions in relation to the research problem.

5 Limitations

The process of data collection requires a lot of resources. Effective data collection and analysis can therefore be hampered when there are minimal resources. At the same time, some of the processes are time consuming and this may interfere with the research schedule making it take longer than expected, at an additional cost.

6 Timeline

ItemDuration (days from the beginning of research)
Preliminary  research10
preparation of materials20
Data collection35
Data analysis45
Summary and conclusion50


Daniel, D. C., & Herbig, K. L. (Eds.). (2013). Strategic military deception: Pergamon policy studies on security affairs. Elsevier.

Gansler, J. S., Lucyshyn, W., & Rigilano, J. (2012). The Joint Tactical Radio System: Lessons learned and the way forward.

Goswami, S. (2014). Monolithic RF frontends for ubiquitous wireless connectivity (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

Colombi, J. M., & Cobb, R. G. (2012). Application of systems engineering to rapid prototyping for close air support. Air Force Institute of Technology Wright Patterson AFB United States.