Engineering Principles: 843405

Engineering Principles

Solution 1a

As given in question,

Y = -h, a = -9.8 m/s, t =?, S = -2.0 m, u = 4.5 m/sec

            We know that distance travelled is given by

By solving these equations, we get,

            T = 1.245 and -0.3276,

Time is non-negative, therefore, her feet in the air = 1.245 sec

Solution 1b

            The highest point is calculated through

            Putting the requied value from question (a)

              Putting the value in this equation,

            1.03316 m          Ans

Solution 1c

            The velocity at water level =

             = -0.70701 m/sec

Solution 2a

As given in question, V = 80 m/sec, g = 10 m/sec2, u = 0

            We know that

                        Then, Putting the value


Solution 2b

Suppose the ball started from ground h = 0, Then time taken to reach the ball at the height of 320 m

            Then t = 8 sec

            Time taken to reach to the ground = 8*2 = 16 sec     Ans

Solution 2c

            , u = 80 m/sec, g = 10 m/sec2, u = 0, t = 4 sec


            Putting the value =

Solution 2d

            The maximum acceleration of the ball at maximum height,

The acceleration will be 10 m/s2 downward

Solution 2e

Since there is no external force acting on ball after release, therefore, acceleration = 10m/sec2 upward or downward. The graph is as follows


Solution 2f

Since initial velocity is constant, the final velocity is changing with time, The graph of final velocity vs time is given below


Solution 3a

            Suppose the value of acceleration due to gravity is taken as 9.8 m/sec2

            H = 30 m, T = 1 second,

            We know that,            Putting the value in it.

            The distance travelled in 1 second = 4.9 m

Solution 3b.

            u= 0, g = 9.8 m/s2, h = 30m,

            As per equation

                                     then, v = 24.25 m/sec

Solution 3c.

            First, we must calculate time taken to reach the ground

                                    Putting the values

                             t = 2.47

            Distance covered in 1.47 sec = 0.5*9.8*1.47 = 10.58 m

            Then, distance covered = 30.0-10.58 = 19.41 m

Solution 4a.

            The relative velocity of 2nd runner = 4.5-3.75 = 0.75 m/sec

Solution 4b.

            Time taken by first runner = 250/3.75 = 66.66 sec

            Time taken by second runner = (250+50)/4.5 = 66.66 sec

            The time taken to cover their respective distance is equal to 66.66 sec, Therefore, both runners reach at the same time

Solution 5a.

            Since both the runner, move reach the finish time at same time, so no gap between them at finish line.


            As given in the figure,

            Suppose the velocity of jet w.r.t air is given as Vja


            And velocity of air w.r.t. ground = Vag


            Now velocity of plane w.r.t ground

            Then Vjg =   ….(i)

                        Vjg = -219.081i-31.333j

Solution 5b.

            The magnitude of this vector is resultant speed = 221.31 m/sec

            The direction =      Ans

Solution 6a.


Solution 6b.

As given in figure, the equilibrium of motion can be given as for horizontal direction

The constant velocity means, force will be applied only for friction  , and acceleration is zero

                         Or F = 50/0.866 = 57.73 N

 Worksheet One – Measurement and Mensuration

Solution 1a

            100 km/hour = 1000*100/3600 = 27.77 m/sec

Solution 1b

            100 km/hour = 100/1.609 = 62.1371 miles/hour

Solution 2a

            33 m/s = 33*3.6 = 118.8 km/hour

Solution 2b

            The result is 118.8 km/h, therefore, it is exceeding 90km/h

Solution 3

Since we know that,

            Since, distance covered in 1 sec = 1 m

                        Then, distance covered in 3600 sec = 3600 m

                        Distance covered in 1 hr = 3600m = 3.6 km

                        Therefore, 1.0 m/s = 3.6 km/h

Solution 4

            1 yard = 3ft, and 3.281 ft = 1 m

            Then 100 yard = 300ft = 300/3.281 = 91.435 m        Ans

Solution 5

            Length of the Soccer field = 115 m = 115*3.281 = 377.315ft = 377 ft and 0.315*12 = 3.78 inch

            Length of the Soccer field = 377’ 3.78”         Ans

            Width of the Soccer field = 85 m = 85 x 3.281 = 278.885 ft = 278 ft and 0.885*12 = 10.61 inch

            Width of the Soccer field = 278’10.61”

Solution 6

            6 ft 1inch = 72+1 = 73 inch,

Solution 7

            As given in question,

                        3281 ft = 1 km

            Then, 29028 ft = 29028/3281 = 8.8473 km

Solution 8

As given in question

            Distance in 1 sec = 342 m/s

                        3600 sec = 342*3600 = 1231200 m = 1231200/1000 = 1231.2 km /hr          Ans

Solution 9a

            As given in question

                        1 year = 24*364*60*60 seconds move to 4 cm

                        1 sec = 4/3153600 = 126839 x 10-7 cm /sec                Ans

Solution 9b

            As given in question,

                        In 1 year moves 0.00004 km

            Then 1000000 yrs. moves = 0.00004*100000 = 40 km/million-year              Ans

Solution 10

            As given in figure, distance between earth and sun = r = 108 = 10000000 km

Assuming as circular orbit, the distance covered by earth in 1 revolution

                        Putting the values,

            Distance travelled by earth in 1 year (31536000 sec) =

            Distance travelled by earth in 1 second =                 Ans

Solution 11

            The uncertainty for a quantity is given as

            The uncertainty of mas in 65 kg is 1.95 kg

Solution 12

The % uncertainty in measuring            (0.5 cm = 0.005 m)


Solution 13

            The uncertainty for a quantity is given as

The uncertainty of mas in 90 km is 4.5 km, which means the actual speed is in the range of 90-4.5 = 85.5 km/h or 90+4.5 = 94.5 km/h

Or, range is 85.5*0.6214 = 53.13 miles/hour to 58.72 miles/hour

Solution 14

The % uncertainty in measuring


Solution 15

As given in question, 72 beats /min = 72/60 = 1.2 beats /sec (Since 1 year = 31536000 sec)

            In 2.0 years, the no of beats = 31536000*1.2*2 =75686400 = 7.5 x 107 beats

            In 2.00 years, the no of beats = 75.68x 106 beats

            In 2.000 years, the no of beats = 7.568 x 107 beats

Solution 16

            The Soda left after 308 ml removal = 375-308 = 67 mL

Solution 17a

                    In the given equation the lowest number of significant figures is 3.

            Therefore, answer should be 3 significant figures

Solution 17b

            (18.7)2 Only one number which has significant figure 3. Therefore, solution will be 3 significant figures.

Solution 17c

            (1.60 x 10-19) (3712) = The lowest significant figure is 3, Therefore solution should be 3 significant figures.

Solution 18a

            The number 99 consists of 2 significant figures, and 100 has 3 significant figures

Solution 18b

            The uncertainty in 99 =

            The uncertainty in 100 =

Solution 18c

            As per result obtained from part a and b, The % uncertainty show deviation from the results, therefore, % uncertainty is more meaningful.

Solution 19a

            The % uncertainty in speedometer =  = 2.22%

Solution 19b

            The range of speed at 60 km/h =

            The range of the speed in between = 55.667 to 61.333 km/h             Ans

Solution 20a

            The % uncertainty in blood pressure=  = 1.667%

Solution 20b

            The uncertainty in blood pressure at the 80 mmHg = 80*1.667/100 = 1.33 mm Hg

Solution 21

            The heart rate for one minute =

            The % uncertainty in heart rate=  = 2.5% + 1.7% = 4.2%

            Therefore, uncertainty in heart rate

            Therefore, heart rate is 80 beats/min with uncertainty 3 beats/min

Solution 22

            The area of circle is given by = Then putting the values


Solution 23

            The time taken to cover the marathon at the speed of 9.5 mi/h           Ans

Solution 24

            The distance in meter = 42188 m

Solution 24a

            The uncertainty in distance =

Solution 24b

            Time in seconds = 2*3600+30*60+12= 9012 sec                              Ans

            The uncertainty in time = Ans

Solution 24c

            The average speed in meter / sec = 42188/9012= 4.681 m/sec                       Ans

Solution 24d

            In this condition we must take two averages as per uncertainty, one is max and other is min average.

            Max average

            Min Average =  m/sec                      Ans

Solution 25

            The volume of the box can be given as        (Putting the value)

                        Volume of box = 1.8 x 2.05×3.1 = 11.439 cm3

            The max volume with uncertainty = (1.8+0.01) (2.05+0.02) (3.1+0.1)

                                                            Vmax = 11.99 cm3

            The min volume with uncertainty = (1.8-0.01) (2.05-0.02) (3.1-0.1)= Vmin = 10.90 cm3

            The volumetric with uncertainty = 11.99-10.90 = 1.09 cm3   Ans

Solution 26

            Since 1 pound = 0.4539 kg

            Then, 0.0001kg = 0.0001/0.4539 = 0.00022 lb

            The % uncertainty in pound = 0.00022/1 % = 0.022 %

            The uncertainty in 1kg = 1000 gm = 1000*0.022 = 22 gm    Ans

Solution 27

            The area of room A = lxb = 3.955*3.050 = 12.063 cm2

            The Max area of room with uncertainty = (3.955+0.005) (3.05+0.005) = 12.098

            The min area of room with uncertainty = (3.955-0.005) (3.05-0.005) = 12.028

            The amount of uncertainty in area = 12.098-12.028 = 0.070 cm2                  Ans

Solution 28a

            The volume of piston =

            The gas decreases in piston in volume = 143.508 cm3

Solution 28b

            The max volume with uncertainty =  = 143.63 cm3

            The max volume with uncertainty =  = 143.39 cm3

            Uncertainty in volume = 143.63-143.39 = 0.2414 cm3

Worksheet Two – Kinematics

Solution 1a

            The distance covered by path A =                          Ans

Solution 1b

            The magnitude of the distance covered =             Ans

Solution 1c

            The displacement from start to finish =                  Ans

Solution 2a

            The distance covered by path B =                      Ans

Solution 2b

            The magnitude of the distance covered =       Ans

Solution 2c

The displacement from start to finish =                        Ans

Solution 3a

            The distance covered by path C



Solution 3b

            The magnitude is given by =                                      Ans

Solution 3c

The displacement from start to finish =                              Ans

Solution 4a

            The distance covered by path D

 =                   Ans

Solution 4b

            The magnitude of the distance covered =                           Ans

Solution 4c

The displacement from start to finish =               Ans

Solution 5a

As given in figure, distance between earth and sun = r = 108 = 10000000 km

Assuming as circular orbit, the distance covered by earth in 1 revolution

                        Putting the values,

            Distance travelled by earth in 1 year (31536000 sec) =

            Distance travelled by earth in 1 second =

Solution 5b

            Since the average velocity in a year = displacement /time,

But in case of revolution displacement is zero, therefore, average velocity = 0

Solution 6

            Since the average velocity in a year = displacement /time,

But in case of revolution displacement is zero, therefore, average velocity = 0

Solution 6

            As given in question, 100 revolution /min = 100/60 = 5/3 rev /sec

            The circumference of the radius =  = 2 *3.14*5 = 31.4 m

            Distance covered in 1 sec = speed = 31.4*5/3 = 52.33 m/sec            Ans

Solution 7

            500 km = 500*1000*100 cm

            Speed of drifting = 3 cm/year

            Time taken to cover 5.0*107 cm = 5/3 * 106 = 1.66 x 107 year           Ans

Solution 8

            590 km = 590*1000*100 cm

            Speed of drifting = 6 cm/year

            Time taken to cover 5.90*107 cm = 5/3 * 106 = 9.833 x 106 year       Ans

Solution 9

            Total time in hour = 13h + 4/60 h+ 58/3600 hour = 13.08278 h

            Average speed of train = distance / time = 1633.8/13.08278 = 124.88 km/h

            Speed in m/sec = 124880/3600 = 34.68 m/sec

Solution 10

            We know that, 3.84 x 106 m = 384×106 cm

            Time taken to cover this distance = 96 x 106 year               Ans

Solution 11a

            The average speed of the car = 12*60/18 = 40 km/hour

Solution 11b

            The average velocity = displacement / time = 10.3 *60/18 = 34.33 at the direction 25o south of east.

Solution 11c

            Total time by trip = 7.5 hr

            Overall speed of return journey = 24/7.5 = 3.2 km /hr.

Solution 11d

            Since the overall displacement is zero, therefore, average velocity will also be zero

Solution 12

            Time taken to travel the nerve cell = 1.1/18 = 0.0611 sec                                          Ans

Solution 13

            Distance covered by echo time = distance between earth and moon = speed x time

                        Distance between earth and moon = 2.56 x 3 x108 = 7.68 x 108 meter          Ans

Solution 14a

            The velocity for straight down 15 m = 15/2.5 = 6

            The velocity of backward 3 m =3/1.75 = 1.71 m

            The velocity of straight forward = 21/5.2 = 4.0384 m/sec

Solution 14b

            Total displacement = 15 -3+21 = 33 m

            Total time = 2.5 + 1.75 + 5.2 = 9.45 sec

            Then average velocity = 33/9.45 = 3.49 m /sec in forward direction

Solution 15a

            Circumference of the hydrogen atom  = 3.14 x 1.06 x 10-10 m,

            Speed of the electron = 2.2 x 10-10 m/s

            Time in one revolution =  = 1.5129 x 10-16 sec

            Revolution in one sec = 1/(1.5129 x10-15) = 6.61 x 1015

Solution 15b

            Since displacement is zero after each revolution, then velocity will also be zero.

Solution 16

            We know that acceleration = v-u/t = 30-0/7 = 4.286 m/sec2               Ans

Solution 17a

            For first case, v = 282 m/s, u = 0, t = 5 s

            Acceleration = 282-0/ 5 = 56.4 m/sec2 = 56.4/9.8 = 5.755 g

Solution 17b

            For second case, u = 282 m/s, v = 0, t = 1.4

            Then deceleration = 0-282/1.4 = -201.42 m/sec2 = -201.42/9.8 = 20.55g       Ans

Solution 18a

            As given in question, v = 2.00 m/s, u = 0, a = 1.4 m/s2

            V =u+at = 0+1.4t, or t = 2.00/1.4 = 1.4285 seconds

Solution 18b

            U = 2.00, v = 0, t = 0.8 sec

            Then a = v-u/t = 0-2/0.8 = -2.5 m/s2                Ans

Solution 19

            As given in question, 6.5 km/s = 6.5*1000 = 6500 m/sec t = 60 s, u = 0

            Then acceleration = v-u/t = 6500-0/60 = 108.33 m/s2

            The average acceleration of ballistic missile = 108.33/9.8 = 11.054 g            Ans

Solution 20

            As given in question,

                        A = 4.50 m/s2,  t = 2.4 s, u = 0

            Then v = u+at , v = 0+4.5*2.4 = 10.8 m/s2                                                           Ans

            The graph of distance vs time is given below



Solution 21

As given in question,

v = 0, a = -2.1 x 104 m/s2, u = ?, t = 1.85 x 10-3 seconds

            We know that, v = u+at, Putting the values,

                        0 = u – 2.1 x 104 x 1.85 x 10-3  or,  u = 2.1 x 104 x 1.85 x 10-3  = 38.85 m/s

            Velocity when touches the mitt = 38.85 m/s

Solution 22

            As given in question,

            U = 0, t = 8.1 x 10-4, a = 6.2 x 105 m/s2, v = muzzle velocity = ?

            We know that v = u+at, then v = 0+ 8.1*10-4 x 6.2×105 = 502.2 m/s

            Therefore muzzle velocity = 502.2 m/s

Solution 23a

            As given in question,

            U = 0, t =?, a = 1.35 m/s2, v = 80*1000 m /h = 22.22 m/s

            We know that v = u+at, then 22.22 = 0 + 1.35*t

            Time taken to accelerate = t = 22.22/1.35 = 16.46 sec

Solution 23b

As given in question,

            U = 22.22, t =?, a = -1.65 m/s2, v = 0

            V = u+at, t = v-u/a = -22.22/-1.65 = 13.46 seconds

Solution 23b

            During emergency

            U = 22.22, t = 8.3, v = 0, a =?

                        We know that,   putting the values,

In case of emergency train decelerates at -2.67 m/2

Solution 24a

            In this problem,


Solution 24b

            The known variable are listed below

            U = 12 m/s, a = 2.4 m/s2, t = 12 seconds, and unknown is final velocity v

Solution 24c

            The unknown variable is final velocity, which can be calculated as follows

                             Putting the values

                        V = 0+2.4 x 12 = 28.8 m/sec.

            After knowing the unknown variable we can calculate the distance travelled in 12 seconds, which is as follows

                                   Where S is the distance travelled in meter. Putting the value in above equation,

                        28.82 = 02+2 x 2.4 x S

            Or, S = 28.82/4.8 = 172.8 m. therefore, distance travelled = 172.8 m

 Solution 25a

            U = 9.00 m/s, a = 2.00 m/s2, t = 5.00 sec

            Distance travelled in 5 sec = ut +0.5at2 = 9*5-0.5*2*52 = 45-25 = 20 m

            Therefore, distance travelled by runner = 20 m

Solution 25b

Final velocity after 5 sec, v = u+at, v = 9-2*5 = 9-10 = -1 m/sec

The calculation shows that, final velocity is negative, we must calculate the time at final velocity 0

            T = v-u/a = 0-9/2 = 4.5 sec,

Solution 25c

            The runner stops at 4.5 sec, therefore final velocity of the runner must be zero after 5 sec


Solution 26a

            The sketch is given below


Solution 26b

            The known variable in this problem is listed below

            U = 0, v = 30 cm/s, S = 1.8 cm

Solution 26c

            As given above known variable,

                                   Putting the value in this equation

                        302 = 0+2 x a x 1.8

            Then, a = 900/3.6 = 250 cm/sec2,

            Then time taken to accelerated = t = 30/250 = 0.12 seconds

Solution 26d

            Since our heart rate is 72 beats in 60 seconds, i.e. one beat is in 0.83 seconds, The time of blood acceleration is only a fraction of time, therefore, answer is reasonable.

Solution 27

            U = 8 m/s, v = 40 m/s, t = 3.33 x 10-2 s, a = ?, S = ?

            We know that, a = (v-u)/t = (40-8 )/3.33×10-2 = 960.961,

            The distance covered during acceleration

                                   Putting the value in this equation

                        = 402 = 82 + 2 x 960.961xS

            Then S = 1536/1921.922 = 0.7992 m             Ans.

Solution 28

            U = 0, v = 26.8 m/s, t = 3.9 s, a =?

            The average acceleration of bike = 26.8-0/3.9 = 6.87 m/s2

            Distance travelled during acceleration

                        S = 0.5 x 6.87 x 3.92 = 52.25 m                      Ans

Solution 29a

            As given in question,

            U = 4 m/s, a = 0.05m/sec2,      v = ?, t= 8*60 = 480 sec

            We know that, v=u+at, Putting the value in eq.

                        V= 4+480*0.05 = 24+4 = 28 m/sec

Final speed of train is 28 m/s

Solution 29b

            U = 28 m/s, v = 0, a = .55m/s, t = ?

            We know that,  =( 28-0)/0.55 = 50.9090 seconds

Time taken to stop the train 50.9090 seconds

Solution 29c

Case 1 Acceleration,

Now, u = 4 m/s, t = 480 s, a = 0.05

            We know that

                        S = 4 * 480 + 0.5 x 0.05×4802 = 7680 m

Case 2 deceleration,

            Now, u = 28 m/s, t = 50.91 s, a = 0.55

            We know that

                        S = 50.91 * 28 – 0.5 x 0.55×50.912 = 712.7273 m

Solution 30a

            U = 0, v = 65.0 m/sec, S = 0.250 m, a =?, t = ?

                       Putting the value in this equation

            = 652 = 02 + 2 x 0.25xa

            a = 4225/0.5 = 8450 m/s2

U = 0, v = 65.0 m/sec, S = 0.250 m, a = 8450 m/s2, t =?

            T = (v-u)/a = 65/8450 = 0.007692 s    Ans.

Solution 30b

            U = 0, v = 65.0 m/sec, S = 0.250 m, a =?, t = ?

                       Putting the value in this equation

            = 652 = 02 + 2 x 0.25xa

            a = 4225/0.5 = 8450 m/s2

Solution 31a

            U = 0, v = 6 m/s, a = 0.35 m/s2

Distance travelled in accelerating

            62 = 02 + 2×0.35xS

            Then S = 36/0.7 = 41.42 m

Solution 31b

            V = 6 m/s, u = 0, a = 0.35 m/s2, t =0

                        T = (v-u)/a = 6/0.35 = 17.14 seconds

Therefore, time taken to become airborne is 17.14 seconds and distance covered is 41.42 m

Solution 32a

As given in question,

            U = 0.60 m/s, v = 0, S= 2.00 mm = 2 x 10-3 m

            We know that,  = -90 m/s2

            The deceleration in g format = 90/9.8 = 9.184 g

Solution 32b

            Now time can be calculated as

                                    Putting the values

                         0.00667 seconds                      Ans

Solution 33a

            U = 7.5 m/s, v = 0, S= 0.35 m,

            We know that,  = -80.36 m/s2        Ans

Solution 33b

            Now time can be calculated as

                                    Putting the values

                         0.0933 seconds                 Ans

The deceleration of player -80.36 and time to collide = 0.0933 s

Solution 34

            As given in question,

            U = 54m/s, g = -9.8 m/sec2,     v = 0, t=? Sec, S = 3 m

                        We know that,  = -486 m/s2

Solution 35a

            As given

            V = ?, u = 0, g = 9.8 m/s2, h = 3 m

                       Putting the value in this equation

            V2 = 2 x 9.8 x 3 , then v =  7.668 m/s

Solution 35b

            Now, u = 7.668 m/sec, v = 0, S = 2/100 = 0.02 m

            We know that,  = -1469.96 m/s2

Therefore, squirrel decelerates at 1469.96 m/s2

Solution 36a

            As given, u = 22 m/s, a =- 0.15 m/s2, S =210 m,

            The time taken to travel the nose of the train will be distance covered by engine on the platform

                        S = ut +0.5at2 Putting the value in equation

            210 = 22t-0.5×0.15t2,

            Then 0.075t2 – 22t+210 then t = 9.8781, 283.46

            Therefore, t = 9.8781 and 283.46       Ans.

To decide the time of crossing the train, we must find the time to become stops the train

            Using V = u + at, Then, 0 = 22-0.15*t, or t = 22/0.15 = 146.667.

Since the train stops at 146.667 seconds, therefore, train must cross the platform at time 9.87 s

Solution 36c

            The distance travelled by train must include platform + length of train = 130+210 = 340m

            We will use the following station

            Putting the values, 340 = 22t- 0.5*0.15*t2

                        Or, 0.075t2 -22t +340 = 0 , T = 16.37 seconds                       Ans

Solution 36d

            U = 22 m/sec, S = 340 m, a = -0.15 m/s2

            Using the formula,


Solution 37a

            The average acceleration of the dragster         Ans

Solution 37b

            As information obtained from (a)

            U = 0 m/se, S = 402 m, v =?, a = 32.58 m/s2

                         = + 2 *32.58*402

                        Then v = 161.8466 m/sec                    Ans

Solution 37c

            For any vehicle, the change of gear reduces the acceleration of the vehicle, same has happened to dragster also. The final velocity would be less that what calculated above.

Solution 38a

            U = 11.5 m/s,  a = 0.5 m/s2, t = 7 sec

Solution 38b

            Time taken to cover 300 m at constant velocity 11.5 m/s = 300/11.5 = 26.09 s

            Distance covered at 0.5 m/s2 acceleration = S = 11.5 x 7 +0.5×0.5*7 = 92.75

            The distance covered by racer in 7 seconds is 92.75

            The rest distance covered by constant velocity of 15 m/sec = 300-92.75 = 13.82

            Total time taken by racer = 13.82+7 = 20.82

            Saved time = 26.09-20.82 = 5.27       Seconds

Solution 38c

            Th time taken by 2nd racer = 295/11.8 = 25.0 s

Time taken by first racer to cover 300 m = 20.82 sec

            The time difference of winner racer = 25-20.82 = 4.18 seconds        Ans

The difference in distance = 4.18*15 = 62.7 m

Solution 39

            The acceleration can be calculated as,

The time required to attain the speed = 183.58 mi/h

            The distance travelled during acceleration

            The distance remained to cover = 5.0-0.31 = 4.7 mi

            And Time for rest of the distance =

Then total time required to cover the distance = 92.17 + 12.2 = 104.37 seconds

Solution 40a

            A given in question u = 0, t = 9.69 sec, time for acceleration = 3 s,  S = 100 m

            The distance covered in constant speed =

            If we substitute the value of d for velocity part

                               Putting the value d =1.5v

                        100-1.5v= 6.69v

                        Or, v = 100/8.19 = 12.21 m/s

            Now we got final velocity v =12.21 m/s

            Then acceleration


Solution 40b

            In this case the decelerating part is = 200-d

            The covered distance = d =

            Equating the problem as previous

                        200 – d = v(16.30)

                        Or, v = 200/17.88 = 11.2 m/se

            Therefore, maximum velocity of Usain Bolt = 11.2 m/se

Solution 41a

            As given in question,

            U = 15.0 m/s, g = -9.8 (Upward), t = 0.5

            The attained height H = 15*0.5 – 0.5*9.8*.52 = 7.5 – 1.225 = 6.275 m

            Final velocity v = 15-9.8*0.5 = 15-4.9 = 10.1 m/s

Solution 41b

            As given in question,

            U = 15.0 m/s, g = -9.8 (Upward) t = 1.00

            The attained height H = 15*1 – 0.5*9.8*12 = 15 – 4.9 = 10.1 m

Final velocity v = 15-9.8*0.5 = 15-4.9 = 5.2 m/s

Solution 41c

            As given in question,

            U = 15.0 m/s, g = -9.8 (Upward) t = 1.50

            The attained height H = 15*1.5 – 0.5*9.8*1.52 = 22.5 – 11.025 = 11.475 m

Final velocity v = 15—14.7=   0.3 m/s

Solution 41d

            As given in question,

            U = 15.0 m/s, g = -9.8 (Upward) t = 2.0

            The attained height H = 15*2 – 0.5*9.8*22 = 30 – 19.6 = 10.4 m (falling)

Final velocity v = 15—19.6=   -4.6 m/s (downward)

Solution 41e

            As given in question,

            U = 15.0 m/s, g = -9.8 (Upward) t = 2.5

            The attained height H = 15*2.5 – 0.5*9.8*2.52 = 37.5 – 30.625= 6.875 m (falling)

Final velocity v = 15—24.5=   -9.5 m/s (downward)

Solution 42a

            As given in question,

            U = 14.0 m/s, g = 9.8 (Downward), t = 0.5, H = 70 m

            The attained height H = 14*0.5 + 0.5*9.8*.52 = 7 – 1.225 = 8.225 m

            Position of stone = 70-8.225 = 61.775 m above ground

            Final velocity v = 14+9.8*0.5 = 14+4.9 = 18.9 m/s

Solution 42b

            As given in question,

            U = 14.0 m/s, g = 9.8 (Downward), t = 1.0, H = 70 m

            The attained height H = 14*1 + 0.5*9.8*12 = 14 + 4.9 = 18.9 m

            Position of stone = 70-18.9 = 51.1 m above ground

            Final velocity v = 14+9.8*0.5 = 14+9.8 = 23.8 m/s

Solution 42c

            As given in question,

            U = 14.0 m/s, g = 9.8 (Downward), t = 1.5, H = 70 m

            The attained height H = 14*1.5 + 0.5*9.8*1.52 = 32.025 + 37.975 = 37.975 m

            Position of stone = 70-32.025 = 37.975 m above ground

            Final velocity v = 14+9.8*1.5 = 14+14.7 = 28.7 m/s

Solution 42d

            As given in question,

            U = 14.0 m/s, g = 9.8 (Downward), t = 2.0, H = 70 m

            The attained height H = 14*2.0 + 0.5*9.8*2.02 = 28 + 19.6 = 47.6 m

            Position of stone = 70-47.6 =22.4 m above ground

            Final velocity v = 14+9.8*2.0 = 14 19.6 = 33.6 m/s

Solution 42e

            As given in question,

            U = 14.0 m/s, g = 9.8 (Downward), t = 2.5, H = 70 m

            The attained height H = 14*2.5 + 0.5*9.8*2.52 = 35 + 30.625 = 66.625 m

            Position of stone = 70-4.375 =4.375 m above ground

            Final velocity v = 14+9.8*2.5 = 14 +24.5 = 38.5 m/s

Solution 43

            U = 0, g = -9.8 m/s2, H = 1.25 m

            We know that,          Putting the value in equation


Solution 44a

            The known variable is as follows

            U = 1.4 m/s, t = 1.8 s, g = 9.8 m/s2

Solution 44b

            H = ut+0.5t2 = 1.4×1.8 + 0.5*1.8*1.8*9.8 = 2.52 + 15.876 = 18.396 m        Ans

Solution 45a

            The known variable in this problem is as follows

                        U = 13.0 m/s, g = 9.8 m.s2, v = 0, H = ?

            The height attained by dolphin, is at hat point where final velocity gong upward will be zero.

Solution 45b

                        From the equation

                                  Putting the value of known variable

                        0 = 132 -2 *9.8*H, or H = 169/19.6 = 8.62245 m

Solution 45c

                        The time taken to reach the highest point t =

The time taken to going upward is 1.327 s, similarly time taken to going downward = 1.327

            Total time in air = 1.327+1.327 = 2.653 s

Solution 46a

            As given in question, u = 4 m/s, g = -9.8 m/s2(upward), H = 1.8 m, v = 0

Since The swimmer jumps from board, therefore, distance covered will addition of board height

                       0 = 42 – 2*9.8 *H

            Or H = 16/19.6 = 0.816 m,

            The total height = 1.8 m+0.816 = 2.616 m

            The time taken in going up = t = 4-0/9.8 = 0.408 s

            Now time taken to come to the water

                        S = ut+1/2gt2 Putting the value,

                        2.616 = 4.9t2 or, = 1.37 sec

            Total time in the air = 0.408+1.37 = 1.77661 s

Solution 46b

                        As given in question, u = 4 m/s, g = -9.8 m/s2(upward), H = 1.8 m, v = 0

Since The swimmer jumps from board, therefore, distance covered will addition of board height

                       0 = 42 – 2*9.8 *H

            Or H = 16/19.6 = 0.816 m,

            The total height = 1.8 m+0.816 = 2.616 m

Solution 46c

            The final velocity can be calculated as

                        V2 = 2 * 9.8*2.616 = 51.2736, then v = 7.1606 m/sec           Ans

Solution 47a

            As given, t = 2.35 s, u = 8.00 m/s, g =-9.8 m/s2 (Upward)

                        H = ut+0.5gt2 = 8*2-0.5*9.8*2.352 =

                        H = ut+0.5gt2 = 8*2+0.5*9.8*2.352 = 18.8 + 27.0602 = 8.26 m

            The height of the Thrown stone from cliff = 8.26m

            Time taken to reach the top point

                        T = -8/-9.8 = 0.816 s

            The time taken by stone to reach the ground = 2.35 – 0.816 = 1.533673

                        Now I must calculate distance covered in 1.534 sec

                        H = ut +0.5gt2 = 0+0.5*9.8*1.5342 = 11.52556

                        Then height of the cliff = 3.265 m

Solution 47b

            Time taken to reach the stone when thrown downward,

                        U = 8.0 m/s, H = 3.265, g = 9.8

            We know that, H = ut +0.5at2, Putting the value

                                    3.265 m = 8t+4.9t2

                                    4.9t2 + 8t-3.265 = 0

            Calculated root is

                                    T = 0.33811 and – 1.97076

            Since negative amount is neglected for time, t = 0.33811 seconds    Ans

Solution 48

            As given in question,

                        U = 11 m/sec, g = 9.8 m/sec2, height = 2.2m, another height = 1.8 m

            The equation for distance covered = H = H’ + ut +0.5at2

                        Putting the value

                                    2.2 = 1.8 +11 -0.5 *9.8*t2

            Solving the equation through quadratic equation

                        Negative value is omitted, t = 2.26 seconds,

            Then shot putter must get away = 2.26 seconds

Solution 49

            As given, u = 15 m./sec, H = 7m, g = 9.8,

            The formula for distance

            With the help of above equation, the equation of time

            Putting the required value from question,

After solving the above quadratic equation, we get t =0.57 and 2.49 s

            Tome taken to pass the branch while upward = 0.57 s

            Tome taken to pass the branch while upward = 2.49 s

The required time interval = 2.49 -0.57 = 1.92 s                     Ans

Solution 50a

As given, H = 2.5 m, v =0, u =?,  g = 9.8 (upward)

                                Putting the value

                        02 = u2 – 2*9.8*2.5, u2 = 49, then u = 7 m/s               Ans

Solution 50b

            Time taken to reach the air = t = 2H/(u+v) = 5/7 = 0.714 seconds     Ans

Solution 51a

            The reference plane distance = 0, Suppose the rock reaches at place H after 1.5 s


                        H-Ho = ut+1/2gt2, y = 0*1.5 + ½(-9.8)(1.5)2 = -11.02 m

                        The rock will be visible for hiker H = 105 – 11.02 = 93.98 m

Solution 51b

            The time taken to reach the ground by rock can e given as

                           Putting the values

Time for hiker to take action = 4.6-1.5 = 3.1 seconds            Ans

Solution 52a

            As given in question

            U = 0, t = 1 sec, g = 9.8 m/sec2 (downward)

            We know that,

                        , H = ut +0.5at2, Putting the value

                                    H = 0-4.912 = -4.9 m

Distance traveled in 1st sec = 4.9 m

Solution 52b

            The final velocity of the object is

            The velocity at which the ball reach at ground = 38 m/sec

Solution 52c

            We know that,

                         or            Ans

            Then distance travelled by body in first 2.9 second

                        H = 0 + 0.5*9.8*2.92 = 41 m

Hence distance travelled in last second = 75-41 = 34 m        Ans

Solution 53a

            As given, u = 0, H = 250 m, g = 9.8 m/sec2(Upward)

                        The final velocity while hitting the ground = 70 m

Solution 53b

            Sound speed = 335 m/s, H = 250

            Time taken to reach to sound =250/335 = 0.75 seconds

            The reaction time by tourist = T = 0.75 + 0.30 = 1.05 seconds

            Time taken by rock to reach = t = (v-u)/a = 70/9.8 = 7.143 seconds

            Then time for action taken by tourist = 7.143 – 1.05 = 6.10 seconds                        Ans

Worksheet Three – Kinematics

Solution 1a

            As given in figure,

            The distance covered by A is three blocks to the north and one block east,

            Then, distance travelled by A = (120 +120+120) +(120) = 480 m     Ans

Solution 1b

            The displacement is measure as perpendicular = 120 + 120 +120 = 360 m

Now we must calculate hypotenuse

            The direction =          Ans

Solution 2a

            As given in figure,

            Distance travelled in east direction, d1 = 4 *120 = 480 m

            Distance travelled in north direction d2 = 3 *120 = 360 m

            Distance travelled in west direction d3 = 3 *120 = 360 m

            Total distance travelled = 480 + 360 + 360 = 1200m = 1.2 km

Solution 2b

            Net movement in east = 120 m

            Net movement in north = 360 m

            The displacement can be given by h =

            The direction of the movement =       Ans

Solution 3

            The displacement component in north direction can be given as

                                     Putting the value

                        Sn = 5 x Sin40o = 5 *0.642 = 3.21 km

Solution 4


            Resultant vector at 90o

            The angle between these two vectors

                        Actual angle = 90o 54.250 = 35.75o

            Therefore, the magnitude and direction = 30.8 m and 35.75o west of north

Solution 5

            The figure for the arrangement is as follows.


Suppose x component vector = As =A*Cosθ

Putting the value for given θ

            As = 12.0 x Cos (90o +20o)

                        As = 120 x Sin(20o) = 12.0 * (-0.342) = -4.104 m

For the same way, component along y axis

            Ay = 12.0 x Cos20o = 12.0 x 0.939 = 11.27 m

Similarly, for B vector component along the x and y axis

                        Bx = 20 *Cos(220o) = 20 * (-0.667) = -15.32 m

            And     By = 20 *Sin(220o) = 20 * (-0.6427) = -12.85 m

Therefore, resultant force in x and y axis

            Rx = -4.104 – 15.32 = -19.42 m

            Ry = 11.27-12.85 = -1.58 m

The resultant magnitude

            R =   Ans

And direction                          Ans

Solution 6

            The diagram for the problem can be stated as


We must calculate the x component

            The resultant R can be calculated as


Solution 7a

            The component in Ax and Ay can be given as

            Suppose x component vector = As =A*Cosθ

Putting the value for given θ

            As = 12.0 x Cos (90o +20o)

                        As = 120 x Sin(20o) = 12.0 * (-0.342) = -4.104 m

For the same way, component along y axis

            Ay = 12.0 x Cos20o = 12.0 x 0.939 = 11.27 m

Similarly, for B vector component along the x and y axis

                        Bx = 20 *Cos(40o) = 20 * (-0.667) = 15.32 m

            And     By = 20 *Sin(40o) = 20 * (-0.6427) = 12.85 m

            Therefore, resultant force in x and y axis

            Rx = -4.104 +15.32 = 11.21 m

            Ry = 11.27+12.85 = 24.12 m

            The resultant vector

The resultant magnitude

            R =   Ans

And direction                          Ans

Solution 7b

            The component in Ax and Ay can be given as

            Suppose x component vector = As =A*Cosθ

Putting the value for given θ

            As = 12.0 x Cos (90o +20o)

                        As = 120 x Sin(20o) = 12.0 * (-0.342) = -4.104 m

For the same way, component along y axis

            Ay = 12.0 x Cos20o = 12.0 x 0.939 = 11.27 m

Similarly, for B vector component along the x and y axis

                        Bx = 20 *Cos(220o) = 20 * (-0.667) = -15.32 m

            And     By = 20 *Sin(220o) = 20 * (-0.6427) = -12.85 m

            Therefore, resultant force in x and y axis

            Rx = -15.32 –(-4.104) = -11.21 m

            Ry = -11.27-12.85 = -24.12 m

            The resultant vector

The resultant magnitude

            R =   Ans

And direction                                    Ans

Solution 8

            Suppose there are three two dimensional vectors,

Now Adding three vectors, like X+Y+Z

                        X+Y+Z = ( ( +(

And adding these vectors in different order

            Z+Y+X = ( + (

                         = ( ( +(

In this condition we can say that, sum of these vector in different order results the same

Solution 9


The rectangular form of vector


            Adding both vector

            R =

            The resultant magnitude

            The direction can be given as

            Angle w.r.t x direction

             = 180-89.9o = 90.1o                Ans

Solution 10


If we resolve the vector into x and y component, then vector in x direction can be given as


Similarly, in y direction

             ………. (ii)

If we eliminate VB from equation (i) and (ii)

Similarly, for equation (ii),

            Equating the above two equation

Therefore,                 Now putting the values


            Now putting the value of VA and VTotal


Solution 11

            The component of VTotal can be given as


Solution 12

            The resultant component of rotated axis can be given, the x component is given as


            And the y component

Solution 13a

            As given in figure, 3.58

            The distance traveled by C is given as

            X = 1*120+5*120+2*120+1*120+1*120+3*120 = 1560 m = 1.56 km

Solution 13b

            Resolving the component in x and y direction,

Then resultant will

            The angle can be given as


Solution 14

            The distance travelled along the path D

            S = 2*120+6+120+4*120+1*120 = 1560 m

            If we resolve the component into x and y direction

            And the direction

Solution 15


Resolving the vectors in x and y components


Solution 16



                       Putting the values

            R =

The direction  The compass reading will be 90 – 54.25 = 35.75o west to north. Analytical technique is more accurate process.

Solution 17

            As given in question,

            R = X+Y = Y+X

            The resultant

            And direction

In this condition we must take alternate path where there is not obstacle.

Solution 18a

            As given in fig.


                   We can see that, <ABC = <BAD

                    Segment AC is in the direction east

The distance AC

                                  Putting the value in it

                    AC = 7.5 Sin15o = 1.94 km

Similarly CB = 7.5*Cos15o = 7.24 km

Solution 18a


In this condition the overall route must be ADB. In this condition we can say that, the resulting displacement is still same as AB.

Solution 19a


As per figure the resultant displacement

            R = X+Y = X-Y = 18i-25j

            And its magnitude

            And direction

Solution 19b


            As per figure the resultant displacement

            R = X+Y = X-Y = -18i+25j

            And its magnitude

            And direction              Ans

Solution 20


As per the vector diagram,

            The sum of vector = A+B+C = 0

            Or C =-A-B

            Resolving the vector into x and y component

            The resultant vector C

            And its magnitude

            And direction        Ans

Solution 21a


The component along south direction

                  Ds = RSinθ = 32Sin(35o) = 18.4 km

                  DW = RCosθ = 32Cos(35o) = 26.2 km

Solution 21b

            Similarly, distance towards South and north direction is SSW and SNW

                        SSW = RCosθ = 32Cos(10o) = 31.5 km

                  SNW = RSinθ = 32Cos(10o) = 5.56 km                  Ans

Solution 22a



As given in diagram, we must resolve all the vector into x and y component

As per the vector diagram,

            The sum of vector = A+B+C+D = 0

            Or D =-A-B-C

            Resolving the vector into x and y component

            The resultant vector C

            And its magnitude

            And direction        Ans

Solution 23

            The given vector can be Summerside as follows

  1. i) 5 km at 135o
  2. ii) 7 km at 300o

            iii)        1.3 km at 205o

  1. iv) 1 km at 0o
  2. v) 7 km at 85o
  3. vi) 2 km at 235o

            vii)       2.8 km at 10o

            The given problem can be represented as in fig


               After resolving the given vector in question into x and direction,


                    The resultant can be given as

            And direction        Ans

Worksheet Four – Kinematics

Solution 52