Strategic and Key Management:550346


Assignment Remit

You are part of a highly organised specialist events management team (EMT), comprising five members, who have been approached by Birmingham City Council to form part of an advisory committee with regard to the strategic development and planning of a new city wide “ethnic music” festival – a new addition to the city’s events portfolio.

As part of this process, you have been invited to attend a board meeting with a remit to highlight the potential management issues that such a large event might generate in both the planning and execution phases.

Individual members of your EMT are therefore requested to present their analysis of the key strategic management issues anticipated by event organisers and provide sound recommendations as appropriate, with regards to the following areas:


1-   Programme content and delivery

2-   Operations management


It is essential public sector policy and strategic events planning theory are considered in your individual analysis, with wider recognition given to the event’s potential tourism value within Birmingham’s annual events calendar.

This early meeting in the event proposal phase is scheduled to last 50 minutes in duration including questions you are required to support your individual focussed analysis with your own A3 sized info-graphic poster


Module Learning Outcomes

This assignment has been designed to address the following learning outcomes:


  1. Examine key management issues in the delivery of a festival programme
  2. Review and analyse festival tourism evaluation and reporting methods



Students must submit an individual Frontispiece together with their infographic poster, supporting notes, research evidence and references by the deadline specified above.

The FET Advisory Committee Board Room Meeting will start promptly and should last no longer than 50 minutes.  Please note students failing to attend on time, will not be allowed to participate


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