OB assignment help on: Organizational theories

OB assignment help on:  Organizational theories

Organizational theories are based upon the studies of organizational structure so that we can understand how an organization can be controlled and predicted it helps to define the basic planning of organizational functional so that there is no hindrance in the growth path of organization

Essay Writing Tutor SydneyThere are 4 basic types of organizational theories like:

  • Classical Theory
  • Contingency theory
  • Human relation theory
  • Modern Systems Theory

1) Classical theory-Classical theory also known as the scientific theory .Scientific theory is based on certain assumptions like: All organizational functioning should be based on certain scientific principles as this will help to solve problems more easily.

Classical theory is based on certain management functions ie.palnning, organizaing, directing, controlling and staffing

Buy Assignment Australia.Classical theory includes certain principles of management like: Division of work, authority responsibility, unity of command, rumeneration of employess, unity of direction, subordination of individual inters of individual for general interst, Centralization, equality among all, Esprit de corps (union is strength), Espirit de corps (strength is in unity), Taking initiative for all works, good co ordination line senior employees and staffs (Hersey-Blanchard 1972).

2) Contingency theory-this theory states that any planning done in the organizational should be based on all the contingent factors in the oragsniation.Managerail style chosen must be most suitable for such conditions. The problems generated in the organization are the best way to guide for solutions. Every individual should understand the environment in which he/she is working a will guide him to understand the variable factors in oragnsiationn.So this theory is basically based on how individuals react in a certain contingent environment, how much they understand.

3) Human relation theory-Human relational theory is also called neoclassical theory.Thsi theory is based on the concept that psychological and the social concept of workers should be identified and worked upon and organization should be defined as group of diversified people with same objectives.

Assignment Writing Tutor AustraliaAn organization should understand the differences among each individual, and this will result in defining the different types of motivation theory for employess.participative techniques should be involved in the orahsnaition and every employees hold be given part in decision making. This will help to motivate employees. Social aspects in organization should be encouraged so that informal aspects in formal organization are also achieved which will help in building teams.

4) Modern Systems theory:

Modern system theory viewed organization as different entity which scaled system which believes in certain way of functioning between all individuals, parts and the subsystems. It defines that there is open system which receives inputs from the outside environment, closed system which is complete in it and does not receive inputs from external environment. There should be certain structure a dplocies, upon which all functions should depend. (Kalimullah et al, 2010).

 There must be certain framework of work as this will help to identify the problems in the organization and take necessary action accordingly are right time.

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