Information Technology-Medium Sized Telecommunication:539022


Discuss about the Information Technology for medium sized telecommunication organization .



FutureMedia is one medium sized telecommunication organization that offers broadband as well as pay-tv services to the residual customers of UK. Recently they have merged with UltimateMobile one mobile service provider within UK for improvising their providences of services. In addition to this, FutureMedia is experiencing the double digit growth with respect to their system architecture and policies that they have implemented within their organization. In spite of these changes the organization wants to increase their profit limit with respect to offerings of UltimateMobile. Apart from all information about FutureMedia the organization is facing several issues within their corporate culture due to lack of effective communication and collaboirative measures specifically among their marketing team and sales team about their new launches and offerings within their organization (Guiso, Sapienza and Zingales 2015). In contrast with these facts, FutureMedia is planning to implement a new CRM system that will provide them easy management of customer data and information about the consumer policies.

This report is elaborating about the betterment of the organizational system architectures with respect the organizational goals and objectives. In addition to this, the first segment of this report is critically evaluating the responses of the mails and issues highlighted within those mails. Some recommendations are also provided within this report with respect to the improvising policies of the corporate culture involved within FutureMedia. The first part of the report is providing use cases and class diagrams for understanding the interrelationship between the customers and staffs of FutureMedia. The second part of this report is providing one reflective response to the CRM system implementation within FutureMedia. In addition to this, this section of the report is also providing some answers to the questions that specify the feasibility of the various system architectures as well as hardware components.

Section 1

a) Suggestions to the Questions of email

Email 1

Suggestions for integrative and collaborative corporate culture

Identification of lead: In case of highly collaborative and integrating corporate culture, the leader shows collaboration and integration tools and strategies for encouraging the employees. These are organizational benefits that are considered as the effective skills and structure of organizational processes of FutureMedia.

Identification of Organizational benefits: Collaborative and integrative solutions are considered as the organizational benefits of the organization as well as benefits of employees and responsible heads involved within organizations (Bushman et al. 2016). The collaborative and integrative culture is benefitted by this structure of operations within FutureMedia.

Involvement of employees in decision making: Involvement of employees in decision making perspectives is very important for managing the collaborative and integrative corporate culture for managing the operational excellence within organizational structure (Davidson, Dey and Smith 2015). The decisional support if comes from the employee then the collaborative and integrative structure can be created within FutureMedia.

Creation of supportive environment: Creation of supportive environment is another beneficial option for making the organizational culture collaborative and integrative with respect to various critical situations involved within organizational structure of FutureMedia. Therefore, these processes and functional suggestions are helpful in making the corporate culture of FutureMedia collaborative and integrative in nature.

Process of encouraging senior executives within corporate culture

There are various processes and segments that encourage the senior executives and officers for managing the planned initiatives within the organizational structure in order to achieve high functional outcomes with respect to the organizational objectives and goals with respect to highly competitive target market. In contrast with these facts, some of the encouraging elements and functional measures are being elaborated as follows:

Development of strategic thinkers: Development of strategic thinkers are the best options for giving the chances to organizational heads and senior executives for making the system architecture and corporate culture highly competitive and advantageous with respect to developed organizational structure (Witt et al. 2015).

Value providences among seniors: Value providences among seniors are another process encouraging them with respect to various opportunities and chances provided to them (Bolton, Brunnermeier and Veldkamp 2013). In addition to this, the senior managers get encouraged for these kinds of opportunities within the corporate culture that offers them chances to take interesting and innovative initiatives.

Special training to organizational heads for making better initiatives: Special training chances as well as providences to the organizational heads for adopting effective system architecture as well as modern functionalities of systems offers them to make the corporate culture more strong and efficient with respect various competitive advantages involved or evolving within the competitive marketplace.

Adoption of modern policies for taking initiatives: Adoption of modern policies are another options that encourages the organizational heads for doing innovative changes within the concerned corporate culture (Singh and Sadri 2015). The corporate culture has great functionality in making the organization developed and established with respect to various evolving trends and technologies. The support to the organizational structure and developmental aspect needs to be managed with respect to various critical aspects and functional areas of operations.

Benefits from recommendations

The improvised corporate culture is one of the better options and solutions for making one organization successful with respect to various competitive advantages and functionalities involved within any organization. There are various benefits of improving the corporate culture within FutureMedia. These benefits are elaborated as follows:

Improvised productivity: Improvised productivity is another benefit that is provided to the organization for incorporating high productivity. The improvised productivity is maintained with respect to effective corporate culture.

Improvised marketability: Improvised marketability is achieved with respect to the improvised corporate culture and incorporation of advanced functionality (Novis 2014). These functionalities are achieved with respect to improvised corporate culture within organization.

Establishment of unity of among employees: Establishment of unity among employees is another advantage of improvising the corporate culture (Graham et al. 2017). The corporate culture provides the efficient structure to the organization in managing the system architecture within any considered company structure.

Email 2

            Sales team of any organization is one of the most vital teams involved within organizational structure. The main functionality of sales team is to check profit margins and design activities according to the demands and needs of the organization. In contrast with these facts, in case of FutureMedia, the organization has poor corporate culture and they are not capable of providing information to other teams in accordance with situations and complexities. In contrast with these facts, some recommendations are being provided within this segment of the assignment in order to mandate the system architecture and functional areas of the sales team as well as the organizational culture of FutureMedia. These recommendations are given as follows:

Embrace of transparency: Embracing to the transparency is key element for the organization to achieve the trust of employees with respect to various critical aspects and conflicting situations within organizational structure (Gupta and Kumar 2013). In addition to this, embrace of transparency provides the employees unfiltered insights for managing organization’s tough and critical activities with respect to various change management processes and functional measures within organization. Therefore, this element is considered as the foundation of great and developed company culture or corporate culture with respect to various demands and significant area of interests involved within organizational structure of any organization (Toaddy 2016).  In contrast with these facts, the corporate culture is managed with respect to systematic infrastructure within the sales team of FutureMedia with respect to their demands and needs of making good collaborative and advanced corporate culture within organization.

Recognition and valuable remuneration management: Recognition and valuable remuneration management is another aspect to be considered by the organizational heads and responsible member heads involved within the organizational structure. In addition to this, this idea of remuneration management provides effective opportunities of managing an efficient corporate culture (Peltier, Zahay and Krishen 2013). The sales department of FutureMedia can easily manage their corporate culture with respect to this functional measures as well as evolving threats and complexities within the organizational structure. Each and every departments of FutureMedia is suggesting some way of improving the corporate culture within their organizational structure, therefore if their suggestions are promoted for organizational development then these organizational members will get good remunerations for this step (Josiassen, Assaf and Cvelbar 2014).

Cultivation of strong coworker relationship: Cultivation of strong coworker relationship is provided by the effective decision making perspective. The coworker relationship is created with respect to same value providence to each employee with respect to various functional areas involved within the organizational structure (Wang, Dugan and Sojka 2013). In contrast with the situation of FutureMedia, it is clear that the establishment of coworker relationship is very important for managing the system architecture and effectiveness of the corporate culture (Chuang, and Lin 2013). Therefore, the strong coworker relationship among the sales team and marketing team can be established with the help of arranging meetings and other communication process that helps the team as well as organizational members to be connected with the organizational processes.

Inspiring employee autonomy: Inspiring the employee autonomy is another solution for managing the corporate culture within any concerned organization. In contrast with these facts, the organizational structure and culture can be easily managed with respect to the inspiration of employees within organizations (Chuang, and Lin 2013). In addition to these facts, the organizational activities are dependent on the system architecture and organizational work progresses and these can be measured with respect to organizational cultures involved within organization. In contrast with the position of FutureMedia it is clear that the organizational structure can be managed with respect to the demands and needs of different departments within the organization.

Benefits of Recommendations

These recommendations can provide the following benefits to the organizational structure and employees of the organization. These are as follows:

Improvised corporate culture: Improvised corporate culture is provided to the organizations with respect to the provided recommendations (Cheng and Yang 2013). In addition to this, the corporate culture provides solutions to the issues identified within specific organization.

Improvised productivity of organization: Improvised productivity of organization is another option for managing the productivity of the organization in order to achieve the benefits with respect to organizational objectives (Rodriguez and Trainor 2016).

Improvisation of organizational objectives: Improvised organizational objectives are another option that offers the effective corporate culture for managing the benefits over the organizational structure (Vandenbroeck et al. 2014).

b) Rich Picture

Figure 1: Rich Picture

(Source: Created by author)


  • Stakeholders are considered in this rich picture in order to highlight the primary issues involved within the system architecture of CRM system architecture.
  • Primary issues are assumed with respect to various functionalities of CRM system.

c) CATWOE Model

CATWOE is model is nothing but one soft system methodology that offers rigorous and comprehensive root definitions of system architectures and system functionalities for solving problems involved within the system architecture of the system (Guay and Waaub 2015). There are multiple perceptions that are used within this model of soft system methodology.

Root Definition

The Customer Relationship Management System is used for managing the corporate culture and internal and external system architecture within FutureMedia with respect to their organizational objectives and goals.

Three Elements of Root Definition of System

What, How, Why three elements of Root Definition and form of this are is given as follows:

A (CRM System) System to do X (to manage customer relationship within FutureMedia), by Y (for achieving organizational excellence) to achieve Z (for achieving Triple profit margin)

X= CRM system operates on customer data and it functional areas

Y= Analyzes various critical areas of customer relationship management

Z= CRM system is implemented within FutureMedia for achieving triple profit margin within market.

The “What” is referred to the immediate aims of the CRM system architecture,

The “How” is referred to the means of achieving the aims,

The “Why” is longer term aim of purposeful activity

CATWOE analysis is helpful in proper formulation of root definition.


Explanation of CATWOE
C: Customers or clients In case of Customers and clients of customer relationship management involves organizational members of FutureMedia and clients UltimateMobile is the clients for this CATWOE model (Klinker et al. 2015).
A: Actors or agents The transformations carried out by some agents involved within the network of CRM system. The actors involved within FutureMedia are CIO, CEO of organizations (Mastropietro et al. 2015).
T: Transformation process The CRM system inputs all kinds of customer related databases and they provide output as the managed system architecture and functional output that helps the organizational members in developing other system ideas and functional areas (Trainor et al. 2014).
W: Weltanschauung process or world view This word means the broad context of highlighting the contexts and consequences coming from the output of CRM system. The considered consequences of CRM system implementation are development of better corporate culture and management of functional areas within organizational structure (Karjaluoto et al. 2014).
O: Owners Owner of this system is the CIO of the FutureMedia.
E: Environment Ethical limits are considered as the environmental measures involved within the system architecture of the implementation process of CRM system within FutureMedia. Ethical limit of this environmental fact is that there should ethical boundaries in providing services to the organizational members for managing the applications of CRM system architecture (Choi et al. 2013).





d) Use case

Use case 1: Selecting Package

Figure 2: use Case Diagram for selecting package

(Source: Created by Author in MS Visio)

This use case is describing about the selection of packages involved within the system architecture of CRM system. The customer selects the products and options in accordance with options available within the Product options of FutureMedia. The user generally logs in to the system for checking options and also this provides the verification option. If the selection is done through the phone then FutureMedia informs the clients about their offers and options to be selected from their offering lists. This use case is mainly specifying the selection of packages.


Use Case Diagram 2: Select Special Offer

Figure 3: use Case Diagram for selecting special offer

(Source: Created by Author in MS Visio)

This use case is elaborating about the selection of special offers within the providences of FutureMedia. In addition to this, the users can chose two options for choosing special offers and making payment. In case of making payment the user types code and then this verified. After this stage of verification the payment is considered and payment verification is done and the record is updated. This use case is elaborating about the Selection of Special Offer.

e) Class Diagram

Class Diagram1: Place Order

 Figure 4: Class Diagram for selecting special offer

(Source: Created by Author in MS Visio)



Class diagram 2: Using Offer Code

Figure 5: Class Diagram for using offer code

(Source: Created by Author in MS Visio)



f) Sequence Diagram

Sequence 1: Selecting Package

Figure 6: Sequence Diagram for placing order

(Source: Created by Author in MS Visio)

Sequence Diagram 2: Applying Special Offer

Figure 7: Sequence Diagram for applying special offer

(Source: Created by Author in MS Visio)

g) State Chart Diagram

State Chart Diagram 1: Placing Order


Figure 8: state Diagram for placing order

(Source: Created by Author in MS Visio)


State Chart 2: Using Offer

 Figure 9: state chart Diagram for applying special offer

(Source: Created by Author in MS Visio)



h) Use case 3: Provide Review

 Figure 10: Use case diagram for providing review

(Source: Created by Author in MS Visio)




Section 2

1. Assessment of Overall Process

The overall process is combined with the study of the demands and needs of the FutureMedia with respect to changing demands and evolving trends within the competitive market. In accordance with my point of view I have assessed this project based on two particular segments of tasks: rationale of the project and identification of the design issues within new CRM system implementation.

1.1 Rationale of the Project

I have found that FutureMedia is changing their system architecture and mode of operations. FutureMedia has taken initiatives in implementing the new CRM system architecture within their workplace for managing the organizational culture as well as for making the objectives and goals stronger. In accordance with my perspective FutureMedia has taken this initiative to make their corporate culture improvised with respect to various critical issues being identified within the organization.

1.2 Design Issues within Project

Design issues are core part of any design of any system architecture and this aspect makes the organization strong within their competitive marketplace with respect to their customer demands and needs. Following are the issues identified within implementation of CRM system:

Missing key information: I have analyzed that there are certain issues that are considered as the missing information within CRM system implementation. These issues need to be identified for improving the system effectiveness.

Out of date information: I have noticed that out of date information are considered as main issues within system architecture of CRM system.

Incorrect data: Incorrect data are also another issue that I found to exist the problems within old CRM system.

Lack of insights: Lack of insights is considered as other issues that affects the system architecture and work flow of CRM system.

2. Assessment of Dynamics and Functionality

The dynamics of the CRM system is measured with respect to the structural components of the system. I have identified that lead management and human resource management are two major factors involved within CRM system architecture that offers effective support to the improvement of functionalities of CRM system. According to various research papers published on effective CRM system I have found that the CRM system architecture provides support in solving issues involved within the system.

The functionality of the CRM system is evaluated generally with respect to the functional patterns of the system. I have identified that FutureMedia has merged them with UltimateMobile in order to get effective benefits from combining their offerings with wireless functional measures provided by UltimateMobile.  I found that this functional measure can be considered as the effective support to the system architecture of new CRM system implementation process going on within FutureMedia.

Therefore in accordance with the findings of the system architecture and functional areas of the CRM system I have found that it is being considered by FutureMedia for managing their corporate culture as well as considered for managing system effectiveness. This decisional element is considering both the benefits of employees as well as benefits of clients related to FutureMedia.

3. Areas need Attention of Project Members

In accordance with my review on the decisions and functional measures of FutureMedia, I have identified two significant areas that did not get the attention of the project members or organizational heads. These are security concerns and connection with new data warehouse.

Security concern: CRM system is one of the information system architecture that needs cloud support for its functionality or for operational excellence. Therefore, I think there are various functional aspects that need to be managed by the organizational heads for increasing their performance within the competitive market. Therefore, the implementation of security measures has become one mandatory aspect to be considered within this project. I think FutureMedia should provide more concern towards their security architecture of their new system.

Connection with data warehouse: I think connection with the data warehouse is very important aspect to be considered by FutureMedia, as there are various cases of data misplacement and missing data. The connection with data warehouse will prevent this type of conditions and circumstances. This will provide benefit to the organizational structure as well as system development patterns.

Therefore, these two segments can be identified as the functional areas to that are not considered by the project manager as well as organizational heads and these were not included within the project development context.

4. Question Answers

a) Software Development

Benefits of understanding and modeling for designing solutions

There are various benefits of understanding and modeling in designing good software development solution. Some of the benefits are being elaborated as follows:

Determination of success or failure: The determination of the success and failure is dependent on the understanding of software development stages and functional areas of the development aspect (Thüm et al. 2014).

Understanding the chances of failure: The understanding based on the chances of failure involved within project development perspectives are considered with respect to the development of software development perspectives.

Cost effective Model driven solutions: Model driven solutions are cost effective in nature in comparison with other effective software development tools in this field (Highsmith 2013).

Less error prone MDD:  MDD is less error prone to the system architecture of developing software development solutions.

Soft Systems Methodology

Soft system methodology provides a method for participatory design of software solutions based on the development of information systems. This aspect also provides support to the multiple aspects involved within any software development phases (Holland and Garfield 2016). In addition to this, the analysis tools for each segment of decision making are chosen with respect to various sensitive modeling techniques. This technique permits the system architecture of any software development solution to be effective and innovative. Soft systems methodology is considered as the organizational process modeling technique that offers effective problem solving solutions to the system developer.

The analysis and design process includes requirement exploration and refinement as well as testing (Baskerville and Wood-Harper 2016). The design head can use the soft system methodology for managing the effectiveness of the analysis and design approach. The reason for doing this is given as follows:

Analysis of the situation: The design heads can easily analyze the situation with respect to various critical issues involved within the project development stages (Chunpir, Ludwig and Badewi 2014). Therefore, the design and analysis part can be easily managed with respect to various critical aspects.

Clarification of problems within software development: Clarification of problems within the software development aspects can be easily managed with respect to various issues and contradictory problems involved within project (Vandenbroeck et al. 2014).

Root definition of relevant systems: Root definition of relevant system architectures are another solution for managing the system architecture as well as for managing the designing patterns involved within the system architecture of software development life cycle.

Action selection: The required solutions can be easily identified with respect to various issues and aspects by the system designer within the contextual area of software development phases (Hopkin et al. 2016).

Rapid Application Development (RAD)

The rapid application development model is based on the prototyping and iterative development process without any specific planning (Dennis, Wixom and Tegarden 2015). The process of designing the software itself introduces the planning needed for the developing any software solution with respect to the demands of the project (Konstantinou 2013). RAD is nothing but one software development methodology that utilizes the minimum planning in favor with respect to rapid prototyping involved within any software development phases.

Figure 11: Rapid Application Development (RAD)

(Source: Choi et al. 2013, pp- 110)

Advantages and disadvantages of RAD within software development process

There are advantages and disadvantages of RAD are involved within the software development process. Therefore, these advantages and disadvantages are being elaborated within this part of the assignment. These are explained as follows:


  • Changes involved within the software development phases are easily accommodated within the system architecture of the software development lifecycle (Emfinger et al. 2013).
  • The iteration time of the software development will be shorter with the help of RAD model
  • The software development time is reduced with the help of RAD model (Poulsen et al. 2014).
  • The initial reviews become quicker with the help of this model within the software development cycles.


  • Only modularized system architecture can be build with the help of RAD model of software development methodology.
  • This model provides complex operational features to the software development perspectives with respect to various critical aspects and characteristics of software development life cycles (Quine 2014).
  • The software development can only be done with respect to scalable systems and design with the help of this software development model.
  • Technically complexity is increased when any change is incorporated within the system architecture of software development measures and software development aspects.

b) Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Features of Object Oriented Programming and design

Data Encapsulation: Data encapsulation is referred to the data hiding technique. This process hides the implementation details of the class from the user (Tosuntas et al. 2015). The user is only capable of performing the restricted set of operations upon the hidden members of the class by the execution of the special functions generally called as methods (Dennis, Wixom and Tegarden 2015). The main advantage of using the data encapsulation is that it offers no change to the interfaces when the implementation of class changed.

Inheritance: Inheritance is one of the properties of Object Oriented Programming Languages that offers capability to one class that can inherit the properties of other specified classes for managing some set of properties within the concerned program (Alter and Bolloju 2016). Generally any sub class inherits the properties of the base or parent class with respect to various variables. This property provides clean mechanism for common classes that they can easily share their common properties among themselves with respect to various features facts.

Dynamic Binding of Functional Calls: When the inheritance is used this is discovered that a specific series of classes shares a common behavior but the process of implementation of this particular aspect is different for different classes (Vishal and Bhattacharya 2013). In this situation, the concept of dynamic binding or polymorphism is used or incurred within the development of program.

Unified Modeling Language

Unified Modeling language is nothing but the modeling language that is mainly used by the software developer with respect to various demanding situations and conditions applied on developing the program (Buede and Miller 2016). In addition to this, the UML can be used for developing the diagrams that provides the users effective model and diagrams that supports the modeling system of any conditional situations. Unified Modeling Language is one graphical Language that is used for visualizing and specifying the information about various software intensive system architectures.

Utilizations of Unified Modeling Diagram (UML)

Structure diagrams: A Structure diagram shows the view of the system architecture and objects that includes classifiers, relationships and attributes as well as various operations (Tosuntaş, Karadag and Orhan 2015). There are various applications of this structure diagrams: class diagram, component diagram, composite structure diagram etc.

Figure 12: Structure diagrams

(Source: Baskerville and Wood-Harper 2016, pp- 190)

This diagram is showing the internal structural diagram for one classifier. This classifier is decomposed into its properties (Central processors: Modem, processor), parts (Display, reader) and relationships etc. Class, part, port, connector, usages are being elaborated within this diagram.

Behavior diagrams: Behavior diagram is defined as the diagrams that are considered for illustrate the behavior of a system (Netzer 2015). These diagrams are extensively used for describing the functionality of software system architectures. There are various kinds of behavior diagrams, such as activity diagram, state machine diagram, use case diagrams etc.

Figure 13: Behavior diagrams

(Source: Schenning et al. 2014, pp- 76)

This business use case diagram is showing the details about the associations and multiplicity process with respect to the actors customers, clerks.

Interaction diagrams: Interaction diagrams are nothing but the subset of behavior diagram and emphasizes the flow of control with respect to the data used and distributed elements within the systems and information system architectures (Buede and Miller 2016). There are various interaction diagrams involved within the systems such as communication diagram, interaction overview diagram, sequence diagram and timing diagram etc.

Figure 14: Sequence diagram

(Source: Tosuntas et al. 2015, pp- 178)

This sequence diagram is showing that the system is showing one new event and also announcing it. This situation generally occurs when we open Google calendar for knowing the dates and other details. This can be utilized for making any meeting marked with a specific date or time.

Difference between traditional structured systems analysis and design and object oriented analysis and design

Structured systems analysis and design Object oriented analysis and design
SSAD is developed from structured programming This is developed form the object oriented programming
This is process oriented This is entirely based data
SSAD divides the system into data flow diagrams for simplification purpose. This system breaks down the system into use cases.
SSAD systems are derived from the DFDs In this case the class diagrams and other UML diagrams are utilized (Domínguez-Villegas et al.  2014).
Planning, analysis and design is used in this case of SSAD. Most of the time it follows iterative development process.
There are separation data and processes. In this case the data and objects are encapsulated within objects.




This can be concluded that the CRM system implementation is one of the best solution for managing effective system architecture within any organization with respect to various critical aspects involved within concerned organization FutureMedia. In accordance with the case study provided about FutureMedia, it was planning to implement new CRM system architecture within their organization for reducing the conflicts among the stakeholders specifically the marketing team and sales team. The company has specified their functional areas under with respect to CRM system architecture. The CRM system architecture demands effective system architecture with respect to various organizational objectives and structures that depends on the demands of the customer of FutureMedia. This report is presenting different diagrams for understanding the system architecture and interrelation among the consumers and staffs of FutureMedia. In contrast with these facts, this report is also considering the critical review of responses involved within the emails send by the marketing and sales team heads of FutureMedia. These responses are critically analyzed within this report and also some recommendations are provided within this report for building effective corporate culture. The team project is critically evaluated with reflective responses based on the system architecture of the CRM system. All of these responses are provided based on the demands of the system architecture of FutureMedia and their customers that offers sustainable outcomes to the organization.




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