HR assignment on: People management in organization

HR assignment on: People management in organization

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The employees or people working towards the achievement of a common goal are the biggest assets of an organization. Managing the people of an organization is known as people management or human resource management. In this context, the main purpose of the report is to talk about the issues related to people management and itself as issues in changing world of business and workplaces. Next segment of the essay attempts to focus on the challenges that are contributing to people management issues in organizations. Afterward, a number of theories have been presented in the discussion that can help dealing with issues related to people management. The essay has illustrated the critical review of people management theories discussing their integration to assist the managers in dealing such issues. In contrast, the way of using these theories by managers to overcome the people management issues also have been delineated in this essay.

Buy Assignment AustraliaBefore highlighting the issues in relation to people or human resource management, it is necessary to know what people management is and how is it perceived within the organization. It is understood that people are the soul of the organization and success and the failure of then business totally depends on their attitude and performance. Therefore, the very difficult task for a manager or an employer in the organization is managing the people. A manager is supposed to lead, train, inspire and encourage the people working in the company. The management of people working is also responsible for hiring, rejecting, firing, retaining, training, developing and evaluating. People management is similar to human resource management. It comprises of recruitment, selection & retention, management and providing full support to the employees of an enterprise (Stein & Nueno, 2010).

Furthermore, people management also includes compensation, performance management, motivation, organizational culture and development, safety and well-being of the employees, training & development. The main challenge while managing the people of a company or an enterprise can be bringing the best suitable person out of pool of candidates. In this regard, people management is considered a constant issue in modern work environment because there is lack of proper individual and team management. The motivation level among the managers for managing people is less and they show less interest with people management. The major issues can take place when the employees have inappropriate and less competent skills, capability and knowledge. In this case, it becomes difficult for the managers to manage the employees with the support of strict policies and procedures. Rest, people management is a growing issue in current work environment when the supportive or relevant factors are out of organization’s and individual’s control (Martin, 2006).

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Moreover, modern organizations can meet a broader number of challenges such as attracting, recruiting and then retaining the best talent within the organization. The challenges can also be with respect to people’s benchmarking and performance measurement. Other issues can arise in relation to benefits and privileges for employees and compensation policies such as pensions for retired people. Afterward, the key point where people management refers to a constant issue is transaction-related issues of human resources. On the other hand, new emerging technologies, diverse workforce, multiple stakeholders, responsiveness, and other rapid changes are the factors which are contributing to these issues of people management. In their current business world, technologies are being given more importance than people working in organizations. Therefore, this issue lessens the motivation level of employees as they are considered less (McPheat, 2012).

Another factor which amounts to people management issue is diverse workforce stating that employees are from diverse cultures and have different characteristics which forms inconsistency among the employees and differentiate them on the basis of demographic aspects. This situation creates a big issue before the managers to manage the people in a proper way so that justice could be made while recruitment, retention, compensation, performance appraisal and training & development. Next, when an organization faces any sort of challenges and gets ready to face them, it requires quick response from both internal and external environment. In this case, responsiveness contributes to an issue related to management of human resources or people when response is not attained on time when it is required most. Apart from this, internal and external environment changes take place and affect the organization and its employees (Boselie, Dietz & Boon, 2005).

Sample AssignmentConsequently, managing the people of an organization depends upon three achievements which are meeting both organizational and employees’ expectations. The issues in managing people can be in relation to work-life balance, creating a challenging and thriving environment and gaining commitment from the employees. Therefore, there are some modern management theories which are exercised and approached by the organizations to come up with in addressing people management issues. These theories not only help increasing the overall output and productivity, but also helps retaining and attracting the best talent for an organization. The theories are McGregor’s theory X & theory Y, Maslow’s hierarchy theory, human relations theory, Herzberg’s motivation theory, etc (Kopelman, Prottas & Davis, 2008).

According to theory X, management has an assumption that people feel inherently lazy at workplace and therefore dislike their work if they can. Consequently, management has believed that the workers or people at workplace should be watched over and supervised closely with the support of exclusive systems of control within the workplace. Thus, a hierarchical framework can be designed concerning the slender span of control for each and every level. Similarly, to get the attention of market, accomplish the goals and to gain their compliance, the managers exercising theory X for people management rely on threat and coercion. As a result, it can be delineated that employees can be managed by using theory X in       the organization (Kopelman, Prottas & Falk, 2010).

Alternatively, according to theory Y, management presumes that employees may be determined and self-motivated and need the right guidance only. Moreover, Theory Y plays a vital role in helping managers to foster and maintain the potential in the people at workplace and guiding them towards achievement of common organizational goals.

Essay Writing Tutor SydneySimilarly, Maslow’s hierarchy theory of need is also used as theory X and Y in order to manage the people in the organization. In contrast, Maslow’s self-actualization and esteem needs of hierarchy are similar to theory Y where organization attempts to form the symbiotic relationship between managers and the employees. Therefore, it is noticed that in order to get along with self-actualization, managers require to foster an environment of optimum workplace through impulsiveness, recognition of facts, morality, lack of injustice, resourcefulness and problem solving skills. On the next façade, hierarchy need of esteem can be used by the managers to promote self-esteem, realization, others’ respect, respect by others and self-confidence in the employees (Dennis & James, 2007).

 In addition, by taking theory Y into consideration, an organization can step forward to harness its employees’ motivational energy and competency. Thus, if the organization has decentralization control over its employees and reduced the number of management’s level, it can make an advantage of it for better people management. Each manager can have good number of subordinates and as a result can be delegated some responsibilities. Likewise, according to the experts, it is understood that ego need of the employees should be satisfied in order to manage them in an effective way.  It can be made possible by the managers by implying theory Y through which the scope of an employee’s job is broadened and variety is added to his/her job for better career opportunities. In support, employees can be consulted during the decision-making process which would help tapping their creative and innovative capacity. It will also provide the managers with some control over the people’s work environment. Next, performance appraisal is also a part of McGregor’s theory Y in which the objectives are set for the employees to achieve so that appraisals can be made on the basis of their participation and performance in achievement.

Buy Sample AssignmentFurthermore, Herzberg’s two factor theory of motivation is also taken into account for overcoming people management issues in the organizations. This theory talks about two main hygiene and motivational factor that can be implemented in a firm to manage the people working there. Hygiene factors refer to those factors of job which are necessary for the subsistence of motivation. In sum, it is not necessary that those factors will lead to positive satisfaction for long-term. But if these factors are absent or do not exist in an organization, may lead to dissatisfaction among the employees. The main fact behind using those factors is to avoid dissatisfaction. On the other hand, the hygiene factors relate to the psychological needs of the employees which have been described in Maslow’s hierarchical need theory of motivation (Singh, 2009).

Subsequently, first hygiene factor is pay or the salary structure which requires being suitable. Next factor is company and administrative policies which should not be too inflexible. The policies used by the companies should be clear and understandable including flexible working timings, breaks, leaves and dress codes for the employees so that could bring the consistency. Apart from this, employees can be provided other benefits such as health care benefits, help programs, training & development and privileges for family members. Correspondingly, physical working environment should be safe, clean and hygienic and all the tools used should be well-maintained and organized. Apart from this, employees’ status in the company, interpersonal relations with peers and superiors and job security are some other hygiene factors which are exercised for overcoming the issues in managing people in the organizations.

Buy Assignment AustraliaFurther, Herzberg also mentioned in his theory that these hygiene factors cannot be considered as motivators because they do not yield positive satisfaction what motivational factors do. The motivational factors are also known as satisfiers because they generally motivate people for their superior performance and satisfy them. The motivational factors are recognition, sense of achievement, growth and relevant promotional opportunities, reasonability and work’s meaningfulness. When the managers face the challenges regarding evaluating the performance and achievements of employees based on the standard level acquired, they can praise and recognize the employees for their accomplishments. Next, there should be better opportunities available in a firm for career growth in order to motivate people for effective and efficient work. Finally, the managers can make the environment more challenging and interesting for the workers to perform and to get them encouraged and motivated (Bassett-Jones & Lloyd, 2005).

Other than these theories, one is human relations theory which states that the managers require becoming more involved with the employees at an individual level so that specific needs could be known and they could be managed effectively. Therefore, human relations theory discussed about three key approaches, first the individual, then informal organizations and last participative management. First approach delineates that the level of output and productivity depends upon human relations at workplace because their emotions and perceptions matter. So the managers should concern about people’s attitude and perception toward work and their relations with others at workplace. Next, informal organizations approach explores the attention of managers on social aspects of the employees. It states that the management should be informal enough to know and understand the overriding needs of the employees from societal point of view. This approach is considered one of the best among all because major issues related to people management are supposed to solve by using informal approach. Afterward, management should ensure the active participation of every employee in decision-making process and other important activities of a firm which encourages the employees and represent their importance in the organization. The core concept of human relations theory depicts that when employees were noticed and involved in the process; they felt more significant and appreciated by the firm. Consequently, it results in high productivity and output in the organization (Rose, 2005).

Sample AssignmentAdditionally, these theories contribute to both organizational and personal learning and assist in the achievement of the company goals and objectives. Moreover, performance management systems, effective job designs, team-building, training & development are other corners of these theories which contribute to effective management of people. Managers can use these theories in the organizations and maximize the productivity, increase active participation of staff, think objectively and can adapt to global changes. As a result, it can be articulated that not only employees are responsible for inefficiency but also managers are responsible on account of not managing them. Therefore, while assessing the workforce of an organization, managers should consider some areas vital such as tools and resources. Specific roles should be allotted to each individual according to their specialization and expertise. Finally, the employees should be provided an opportunity to have fun         with coworkers at proper time.

This overall discussion of theories also recommends the adoption of people empowerment as a successful tool in the domain of people management. People empowerment is used to make active involvement and participation of employees in every improvement program conducted in an organization. Throughout this, employees are delegated authority, responsibility and proper authority to improve the processes and make changes but with the permission of management. It can be made possible by recognizing, congratulating, and rewarding the employees for their attempt and attainment of improvement and development. There are more theories that are relevant to people management such as Taylor’s management theory, Henry Fayol’s theory of principle management, etc. However, all these theories have different perspective for people management and are not that much satisfactory in this field, some points and aspects are considered for better management of human resources (Michael, 2008).

Get Sample AssignmentAt the end, on the basis of overall discussion, it can be articulated that people management relates to management of people of an organization. Moreover, people management is also regarded as human resource management. As the employees of a company are the biggest assets of a firm, managers’ have that responsibility and authority to hire, fire, retain and train the best talent for the company. This essay further has talked about the issues which may arise while managing people. The issues can be in relation to team building, proper job designing, selection of suitable candidates, retaining the best talent and motivating them for effective work too perform. All such issues cover a huge part of people management challenges and issues before the management of a firm which requires implementation of some modern management theories. Therefore, the next sections of the report has discussed management theories such as McGregor’s theory X and theory Y, Maslow’s hierarchical need theory, Herzberg’s motivational theory and human relations theory.

These theories have been illustrated separately for suggesting the best possible ways and point of views to manage the employees of the organization. According to theory X, people dislike the job at workplace inherently if they can. Therefore, management takes support of threat and coercion in that case to manage them effectively. On the other hand, theory Y states that management has presumption based on employees that they are aware of the organizational goals and have self-confidence to achieve them and need only proper guidance and direction. Whereas, Herzberg’s theory demonstrates hygiene and motivational factors including pay, salary structure, fair policies, fringe benefits, recognition, rewards, etc. Similarly, concept of human relations reveals that each employee should be known as an individual by the management so that their specific needs and requirements could be put forward in order to satisfy them. Moreover, this theory suggests that every employee should be involved in decision-making process. One of the survey stated that people those who were involved in decision making process and other important activities of the organization felt their importance and value of their voice within the firm.

Assignment Writing Tutor AustraliaIn this regard, managers have been recommended to integrate those theories in people management because they can increase the productivity, staff’s active involvement in each and every organizational activity and satisfaction among the workers. The essay has made an attempt to put the theories from the point of view of thinkers before the management to overcome the issues of people management.

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