Hiring Ex-Offenders an Attempt to Minimize the Square


Discuss about hiring Ex-Offenders an attempt to minimize the square?

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People tend to commit crimes from time to time and for many reasons. This is tough to avoid in any society or justice system. The general rule is that once the offender is convicted and he repays the harm caused by him, he is free to go back to the society and pursue a productive and happy life. In reality, many of the ex-offenders who are released from prison each year have to face a steep path after their release (Allen, Latessa & Ponder, 2013). Their way to re-enter the society is obstructed because they are prohibited from many of the excellent employment opportunities. This is only based on their criminal background. Their chances to again fully integrate with the society are never fully achieved due to lack of an opportunity for meaningful employment. They are in fact transformed into citizen falling in the criteria of the underclass. Some even think that they have no other option other than returning to the criminal path (Goodman, 2012). So this is a serious issue that needs to be discussed. Otherwise, it would be harmful to the society. This assignment discusses the aspects of hiring ex-offenders in the attempt to minimize the square. To reduce recidivism is the responsibility of the correctional system. It is critical if the system is strongly intended to deter the increase in the number of criminal activity. Hence, discussion on this topic is important for every responsible citizen as it tends to affect the entire society.

Research Statement

A research statement is a gist of the achievements of the investigation and a proposal for upcoming research. It usually includes current objectives and findings, and also goals of the future.  This topic discusses the various aspects of hiring ex- offenders to minimize the square. These reports are often tailored towards particular audiences and may be used to portray proficiency of job or particular underline areas within a program. It can be said that the main purpose of a research statement is to let the readers understand the essence of the document of research, highlighting the central idea of the research and where the research would lead later on. Some of the questions that a good research statement can answer are given below:

  1. What is the interest factor in the particular research?
  2. What idea compelled the researcher to undertake the subject?
  3. What are the major results that came out of the particular study?
  4. What are the elements that limited the research scope?
  5. What is the actual application of the research, particularly in the society?
  6. What were the challenges that the researcher faced during the exam?
  7. What further studies can be conducted using the research?

Now, this research focuses on the subject matter of ex-offenders. It focuses on the issue of hiring ex-offenders and an attempt to minimize the square. Crimes are committed by some people every day, throughout the world.

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It is important to discuss now the barriers the ex-offenders face regarding employment. These are discussed below:

  1. Most of the times, ex-offenders have a long history of dejection and failure behind them. They feel that possibly there is very less that they can do to change their state of living. They may have failed in various aspects of their life, be it education or relationships, but they now have petite self-believe that they can make a difference in their lives (Johnson, 2013).
  2. Offenders very often feel separated from the various mainstream institutions. Their experiences with the various elements of the society have usually been negative.
  3. If considered as a group, they are usually less educated. Also, they are less matured and less skilled. Especially those who had the history of substance abuse were probably poor performer in their schools and perhaps did not learn the skills that are needed to work in an institution in the future.
  4. Some psychological findings show that offenders usually have a higher rate of attention deficit disorder and other related learning disabilities than the rest of the general population.
  5. In most of the cases, offenders’ problems like mental, educational or social problems are not correctly addressed during their stay in the prison. Later when they are released, they fail to adapt themselves to the society as a whole (Woods, 2015).

It can be seen from the above discussion that there are so many problems ex-offenders face when they re-enter the mainstream society after leaving the prison. These are definite barriers to their employment opportunities. After their release, most of the offenders are faced with financial and personal problems. Some even find it difficult to adjust to relationships.  Release from the prison gives a kind of the cultural shock to most of them (Jones Young & Powell, 2015).

There is no federal statute compared to the Americans with Disabilities Act to protect the interest of the ex-offenders and guard them against discrimination related to employment. There are rules that prohibit the potential employers from enquiring potential employees about arrests (McWhirter, 2013). But employers are free to enquire and ask questions about past convictions. Also, prospective employers can get various criminal information about applicants by establishing the good relationship with various law enforcement agencies. These processes are carried out unofficially. Some states like New York provide statutory protection for employees in an explicit manner from discrimination in employment (Servan & Mittelmark, 2012). Certain Statute of New York states that it is illegal to deny any ex-offender an opportunity to employment just by his criminal history (Motiuk, Cousineau & Gileno, 2005). Except that his convictions bear a direct relation to the job the offender seeks, or there is a considerable amount of risk to the safety of property and people due to his employment.  This statute requires every employer to give due consideration to the ex-offenders as a healthy individual. Though the statute intends to protect the ex-offenders against employment discrimination, still most of the prospective employers reject their application on grounds that their conviction has a direct role in the job profile (Saliba, 2013).

Research Question

The research question usually addresses a research problem. It mainly serves two purposes:

  1. It decides where and what type of research the writer would be looking for,
  2. It identifies the particular objectives the research or study would address.

Some of the research questions for this topic would be:

  1. Why is it necessary to discuss the job opportunities of the ex-offenders?
  2. What is the role of Statutes in protecting the rights of ex-offenders?
  3. What is the role of society in making the lives of the ex-offenders more useful
  4. What are the barriers to employment for ex-offenders?


In conclusion, it can be said that it is very important to relate to the ex-offenders regarding their job opportunities (Servan & Mittelmark, 2012). The ex-offenders are a part of the society, and they must be given due opportunity to re-enter the mainstream society and avail suitable employment opportunities.

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Allen, H., Latessa, E., & Ponder, B. (2013). Corrections in America. Boston: Pearson.

Goodman, A. (2012). Rehabilitating and resettling offenders in the community. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Johnson, K. (2013). Preparing ex-offenders for work: applying the self-determination theory to social cognitive career counseling. Journal Of Employment Counseling, 50(2), 83-93

Jones Young, N., & Powell, G. (2015). Hiring ex-offenders: A theoretical model. Human Resource Management Review, 25(3), 298-312.

McWhirter, E. (2013). Vocational Psychology, Offenders and Ex-Offenders, and Social Justice: A Critical Psychology Perspective. The Counseling Psychologist, 41(7), 1040-1051

Motiuk, L., Cousineau, C., & Gileno, J. (2005). The safe return of offenders to the community. Ottawa, Ont.: Correctional Service of Canada.

Saliba, A. (2013). The National Police Certificate is a Significant Barrier to Employment for Ex-Offenders. European Journal Of Probation, 5(1), 25-43.

Servan, A., & Mittelmark, M. (2012). Resources for coping among women ex-offenders. International Journal Of Mental Health Promotion, 14(5), 254-263.

Woods, M. (2015). The nonprofit sector’s involvement in prisoner reentry.

Keeyeon Bang,. (2014). Ex-Offenders’ Experiences regarding Reintegration into Society and Family. Koreajournalofcounseling, 15(6), 2645-2666.