Essay Writing Assignment help on : Why is connecting computer as a network so powerful?

Essay Writing Assignment help on : Why is connecting computer as a network so powerful?

A Computer Network

Creating a computer network is defined as connecting two or more computing devices through a medium which allows exchange of electronic information. All the computing devices which are interconnected can include the mainframes, workstations, PCs, or the most advanced specialized computers. These can be connected to several peripherals which include printers, CD ROMs, printers, modems, etc. Every network is supported through a software and hardware which facilitates the connections which constitutes of the routers, gateways, bridges and other similar devices. They are an intermediary to accommodate the traffic between unlike systems (References for Business n.d). Today it has become one of the most important elements for firms which operate in a large scale from a single place or stay connected from different locations across the world. The power of networking has actually made the world a single place to work and communicate where things which took days to be processed are being processed in a matter of minutes today. There are a wide range of computer networks which exist today. They include the local area networks (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), and the Metropolitan area Network (MAN). These are defined as per their geographic existence the reach they come with. One of the most used network forms are the LANs which provide a faster way of communicating and better transmission. These networks could be public, semi-public, subscriptions networks, private networks, extranets, intranets, etc.  Internet being the vast form of network supports a very large user base whereby each type of network is restricted to their individual capacities. Organizations and other users of a network may choose to keep a network open for all, linked to other networks, or closed for selective access depending on their choices. One of the other aspects of a powerful network is security of data and the capacity to store huge data.

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The power and advantages which come by connecting computers to a network

Connecting computers to a network in an organization where large number of people work on same data set or projects can largely contribute to increase the efficiency levels. There are numerous advantages which come by connecting these computers to a network some of them have been discussed below:

  • Increases efficiency: A strong computer network would contribute largely towards improving the efficiency levels and reducingthe costs for a company. This is done through robust sharing data platform, use of common devices such as printers rather than dedicated ones for each system, etc. (UWF n.d.). Now multiple computers can use the same printer from different locations across the network place. They would no longer be required to have dedicated printers for every single computer which is a great cost reducing measure.
  • Accommodates large number of users to work at the same time: The projects have become bigger and to each specific task there is a team which gets involved. Working in a single system with everyone together could really be frustrating. A computer network would allow an organization to get more people to work simultaneously on a single project from different locations, while communicating and knowing where each of the contributors stands. This would help in monitoring and guiding a huge team from a single data location by providing instructions which is accessible to all.
  • Connection with mainframe computers: Creating a network while connecting computers to a network monitored by a single mainframe computer makes it much more powerful. The data could be processed by the mainframe computers and shared with the others in the network simultaneously. Mainframe computers can process large and complex data with ease while the other computers within the network can manage the smaller jobs such as the word processing jobs.
  • Network licensing: Buying individual licences for separate computers can be costly. This is the reason where networks could be great for organizations where licences are available for dedicated networks. It would be a much better option to buy a single license for the entire set of computers within a network rather than buying individual licenses for each.
  • Effective coordination: A powerful network empowers a better coordination where activities such as taking backup copies of all the data on different systems could be done easily. The organizations would no longer be required to depend on individual users to take backups on a regular basis. Moreover with a single network in place where people can communicate and keep a track of activities of the others in the team, it becomes easier to coordinate and work on a project.
  • Centralized system to update the entire network: With a network in place within an organization the process of updating can be much simpler just from a single computer. All the updates can be installed from a single computer on all the systems at once (Answers.ask 2010). For example if a network needs updating the antivirus program, rather than updating the database on each of the system the administrator can run the update process on the mainframe computer which would simultaneously update all the systems within the network.
  • Facilitates administration: A powerful monitoring and centralized system for administration can be in place by the use of proper software, computer security applications, etc. A network administrator can block or unblock access to specific files and applications on the other computers from the admin system only. This would mean that the admin may not move to the specific systems every time there is a need to block or unblock specific access to the users.

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With all the advantages listed above the power of connecting computers to a network is evident. It facilitates an organization to carry out its day to day tasks with ease. Besides the efficiency levels being improved it helps in improved performance of the whole system. Today globally irrespective of the size of the organizations people are more inclined to create their specific networks which involves two or more computers to work on. Also with special tools and CRM software available the process of creating and managing a network has become way simple than the complex ones used before.

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