Assessment name: Oral Presentation

Description: Students will present a 15 minute oral presentation supporting an advertising campaign designed to effect change in a Health Behaviour. This campaign will incorporate current theory that demonstrates behaviour change through a public medium and will demonstrate the rationale for the proposed effectiveness of the campaign given current theory. Full details of this assessment will be provided in Week 1 of Semester. This assessment will be due end semester (during tutorials).

Relates to learning outcomes: 1, 3 & 4.

Weight: 15%

Due date: End Semester




The second piece of assessment in PYB307 asks each student to use their imagination, and create an advertising campaign to help change a health behaviour. Each ad campaign needs to be based in one media only, and be designed to the change in behaviour chosen. The campaign needs to be backed up by Health Psychology theory.

You will need to demonstrate the rationale for why the campaign should work, given the Health Psychology theory you have on which you have based your campaign. This presentation needs to be at the level of a conference presentation, so it will be expected that the presentation is rehearsed and presented professionally.

The advertisement does not need to be fully created, it can be described or roughly sketched. It must be presented in enough detail for the advertisement to be fully understood. Students may go further and create the advertisement in full. This will only add marks as it adds to both the presentation quality and/or the understanding of the advertisement. Students who wish to actually make the advertisement are more then welcome to do so.

Please take note: to be fair to students presenting earlier in the semester (with later presenters being able to benefit from the feedback given to the earlier presenters), the feedback for the assignments will be withheld until all students have completed the presentations.


There is still no strong evidence in support of Autism caused by vaccination or any additive or preservative used in it. So parents don’t really have any reasons to keep their child aloof of vaccination,which proves to be very relevant protection for child’s life. As we all know

Vaccines have undoubtedly removed and eliminated some of the most contagious and deadly diseases from our society and helped us to not to be their victims.

In todays world and time there are routine vaccines which can save individuals and specially children from various deadly diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) infections, viral hepatitis A, viral hepatitis B, invasive Streptococcus pneunomoniae infections, influenza, human papillomavirus, rotavirus, invasive meningococcal infections, and polio. In addition, there are vaccines that can protect high-risk individuals from other diseases, including smallpox, yellow fever, rabies, anthrax, Japanese encephalitis, herpes zoster (shingles), and typhoid fever.

So how parents can just neglect all these high risky and fatal diseases to occur in their child’s life? There is no question for parents to think twice in case of getting their child vaccinated properly against all such deadly diseases, that also when there is no sure shot evidence in support of Autism disease caused by vaccines. Let me talk something about ASD or Autism spectrum disorder-

ASD are actually a collection of symptoms which may include behavioural changes in the individual like a distinct stereotyped nature or behavior and the interests of the individual starts getting narrowing or are lessened to an extreme level. There are problems and difficulties occurring with communication and social interaction. Symptoms may emerge at anny age but typically there time period starts from on or at the age of three and the disorder may get to a severe form from a milder form or vice versa the severe form is called AUTISTIC DISORDER dand the milder one is called ASPERGER DISORDER.

Aithough science can never absolutely prove that something will not happen, due to lack of proper proofs and evidences one can never be sure that vaccines will cause Autism. Actually there should be proper awareness and knowledge about both Autism- its causes and symptoms as well as various vaccines and there benefits and after effects or losses which a child may have to suffer when not given vaccination for diseases more lethal than Autism.

The reason for the increased awareness on the topic that autism is not caused by vaccination may be attributed to the various medical and diagonostic criteria have expanded. People now have more broadened concept of autism in their minds now, the development of various services and there has also been ab improved awareness of condition.

ASDs are serious neuro developmental disorders that have genetic underpinnings. Also working conditions of ASD is that there genetic design cannot be attributed or related to a single cause but can be due to one or more or combination of various conditions.

Moreover I would like to add few points here no relationship has been still detected between autism and vaccination. Although vaccines have proven to be LIFE SAVERS for individuals. various deadly and lethal diseases like measles ( encephalitis and seizures), mumps ( testicular problem that can cause infertility later in life), and rubella ( if a pregnant woman is infected there are chances of the foetus of experiencing birth defects, which may also include mental retardation).

•: The concept of neuroplasticity is becoming a new focus of research, and Doidge (2007) documents some hopeful findings regarding the improvement of cognitive skills for children with autism via computer-based educational software. Despite overwhelming scientific consensus that measles, mumps, and rubella (thereafter, MMR) vaccines do not cause autism. But Thimerosol has emerged as one of the worst additives used in vaccines.  It is used as one of the most widely used  preservative by various vaccine manufacturers. Composition of thimerosal is approximately 50% mercury by weight. It can be metabolized or degraded to ethyl mercury and thiosalicylate. Its use as a preservative accounts from its antimicrobial property to keep vaccine safe from inadvertent contamination. It was used as preservative by the manufactures for years but after detecting its adverse effects and to an extent toxic nature manufacturers were intended to reduce or eliminate the amount of thiomerosol from vaccines. By the year 2001, all vaccine for children under the age of 6 were produced without thiomerosol as a preservative. But today all vaccines are available without thiomerosol, including several influenza vaccine presentations (e.g., single-dose prefilled syringes and the intranasal vaccine.

Thus I would like to conclude with this that who knows what autism is? There are various assumptions to it that might be it is one that gets expressed in uterus, might be a genetic factor which gets expressed with growing age, might be even an environmental cause. There is something about the vaccine which result to autism but only in children with pre-disposition. You can never make out what actually is causing autism as whatever makes kids vulnerable to autism also makes them susceptible to adverse reactions to vaccines. What is required is a complete awareness that vaccines are not hazardous in any way and are something to think about. This awreness I must say is present in a sizable segment of the middle class families whose children were born after 1990 in the US.

Steps should be taken like mothers should have vaccine safety as a common topic. It should simply be a part of their early childbearing experience. There should be various parenting websites bearing all facts and points like which vaccines to be declined and when. Parents will find there own way out through this over abundance of data in print as well as in media and should also be noted that awareness of vaccine safety and harm is never static. It changes regularly when new vaccines are added to the routine schedule.


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