IT assignment essay help: Contemporary issues in Multimedia and Information technology

IT assignment essay help: Contemporary issues in Multimedia and Information technology

Assignment Help AustraliaInformation technology is described as the use of computers and software to administer the entire information such as business data, digital images and videos, multimedia presentation and other electronic files. It has gone so far since then and has become a part of regular activity of everyone’s life both in business as well as in society. This essay will be carrying out a discussion forward about revolutionary impact of information technology on society, culture and communication. Additionally, the contributing role of government regarding developing ethical use of information technology by allowing law system in this reference has also been a part of this overall discussion.

Use of international technology has considerably developed over the past few decades and still it is in process on developing fast and will continue at a rapid pace. However the question of how continuous ongoing use and revolutionary use of information technology is affecting the social livings, culture and communication is one of the utmost concerns for humanity in the twenty-first century. It can be noticed out that IT revolution will change everything from commerce to society, culture and communication. The vast use of information technology has created the paperless offices and made the distribution of information to the society easier and cheaper. On the other hand, advancement in array of information technology, multimedia and communications power has raised the concern about privacy in every sector (Lee & Chavannes, N.D). Furthermore, the fast use of information technology has brought the world together in terms of sharing and distributing the information effectively via emails, texting and chatting. In this context, by looking overall advancements and changes brought by IT, it can be said that it has drastically affected society, culture and way of communication. But, some issues have been raised to make its use ethical, so that information technology could record its advantages in human lives

Buy Assignment AustraliaFurthermore, an argument is put over its ethical use by the professionals and people. Internet, a part of information technology provided everyone freedom to get and share a lot of information in the web. It is like to enter inside a global store where everything is available. As a result, this freedom made the different cultures smashed together and emerged numerous ethical issues. So, need arises there to understand these ethical issues in using information technology and contribute to its positive impact on society and culture. Emerging information technology system is raising new ethical questions for both individuals and societies as well. Moreover, it further intimidates the already existing distribution of power, money and obligations. However, it is used for achieving social progress and to make communication better, but it is also being used to commit crimes and to terrorize esteemed social values and beliefs of people. Additionally, it can also be pointed out that the rise of internet and electronic commerce has given a new urgency of ethical issues in information system. A general ethical thread that is considered most while using information technology is unease for the protection and improvement of people’s life, wellbeing, safety, contentment, freedom, knowledge, power and prospects. Having all these ethical issues in information technology system, government came into continuation with law regarding ethical use of technology. To collaborate with the revolutionary impact of information technology on society, culture and communication, government formed IT laws detailing the right and appropriate use of technology (Fallak, 2006).

Essay Writing Tutor SydneyAfterwards, discussion goes further to illustrate that those computer professionals adhere to these laws, their use of information technology will be considered ethical. Before going further, a concise introduction of these laws is required in order to know the ethical issued covered by it. IT law is a set of legal endorsements, which governs the digital distribution of both information and software. Moreover, cyber law or internet law also has been inculcated by government, which summarizes the legal issues regarding the use of internet. Some specific rules are also there in the directory of IT law regarding copyright, fair use of technology, copy protection for digital media, unauthorized access and data privacy and spamming (Vogl, 2012).

Furthermore, with the description of these laws, it is considered that all the computer professionals will put these laws in their use of information technology. The manner in which information is used and conveyed is dependent on people’s ethics, values and beliefs that make up an organization and actively participate in each activity of organization. In sum, software used in information technology is used to accomplish many different and difficult tasks associated with the organization. Unfortunately, many people use unauthorized copies of software to get their work done quickly and expediently. This kind of unauthorized work is considered to be illegal according to IT law. On the other hand, people working according to IT law are said to have ethical use of technology (University of Texas Arlington, N.D).

Assignment Expert AustraliaIn addition, fundamental changes are taking place in this contemporary world. These changes can be seen in both terms right use as well as misuse of technologies. However, legal protection is provided against the misuse of information technology. But in some cases, it cannot be anticipated that, what has and what has not to be prohibited or protected. In this case, existing law is not just adequate or enough to deal with the situations, which may arise due to the misuse of information technology. In these circumstances, the people or computer professionals become responsible, who create and use the technology to make certain that it is used in an ethical and responsible manner (Himma & Tavani, 2008).

As the discussion moves on and reflects that the people, who are law abided are more concerned about ethical and legal prospects in using information technology. This can be illustrated by making a note that, in contemporary age where organizations keep/save large amount of personal information about its clients, customers, employees and confidential data, the top priority is to keep the entire information/data private and safe. Thus networks, software and databases are secured by the computer professionals of that particular organization. Thus, their use of information technology is considered as ethical work in this circumstance. Moreover, it may seem as motivation for personnel to indulge in such ethical use (Slonecker, Shaw & Lillisand, 1998).

However, it is possible for individuals as well as for professionals to hide their identity and to remain anonymous while sharing information or performing other activities on the internet. On the one hand, it brings the security in turn and on the other hand, it may provide individuals and the user professionals the courage to do disgraceful and to do illegal activities, which is purely unethical and not accepted by the law. To prevent this, computer professionals are also being taught and told about ethical use of information technology. In which they are made aware of the laws related to the technology use (Cohen, Cornwell, 1989).

University Assignment Help Australia By concerning these laws, professionals get to know that these laws have been come into light for their security, protection and freedom to an extent. People adhered to laws; understand their duty to maintain the secure and confidential data, privacy issues in databases. Their ethical use of information technology can be exemplified here by providing that they use the security number as identifier and allow different records to be merged into an inclusive database. Computer professional also become liable for errors and harmful information in databases’ content (University of Texas Arlington, N.D). As internet is a domain which have no environmental boundaries or national or any cultural lines. People get connected and interact with one another having different culture, values and beliefs. People can show their ethical use of internet or technology by using a certain amount of responsibility and ethics/etiquettes while using it, apart from the law regarding use of information technology. This does not only applicable to internet use, but also to the general use of computer resources such hardware and software. In this point of view, every organization follows these laws and has also written codes of ethics for its employees to abide by. Yet, it doesn’t seem that professionals are being taught the ethical use of information technology, even then their knowledge of IT laws and use the internet or technology according to these laws can be noticed out and considered ethical use (Schwartz, 2005).

Buy Assignments OnlineOn the basis of overall discussion, it can be summarized that information technology has revolutionized the entire world. It has removed constraints of geographical immediacy in communication and society. However, with every vast development, also comes its negative aspect. Given the sum of information stored on information technology systems that pass through over networks, there came the requirement for technology security. With the enlargement of security for information technology, the need for a government contribution and legal system to prosecute users and professionals came into existence. Furthermore, the limitations of the law brought the need forward for ethics. As the legal structure is a fundamental part of society. Its limitations can be noticed out, but nevertheless it plays a crucial role in maintenance of secure computing infrastructure. It is important that computer professionals understand the support they have from the law in order to effectively protect their information technology systems. Simultaneously, it is also valuable that companies enhance healthy computer ethics to minimize interferences from within. It is a renowned fact that most examples of computer crime occur from indoor, and thus developing a culture of ethical information technology behavior is key prevention to underhand technology related activities.

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