Accountability and Ownership Assignment Help-132515



 Organizational Agility Test

Typical Time required: 20 Minutes

  1. What do you think is meant by Organizational Agility?
  2. What do you think are the key reasons, organizations are not agile enough?
  3. Please can you name as many components (out of 16) of Organizational Agility as you can?
  4. Why do you think Succession Planning is critical for Organizational Agility?
  5. Which are the components of Organization Agility– based on your views – your organization can tremendously improve?
  6. To find the root cause, we have to look at the problem from _______, people, process, tools and ___________.
  7. Highest level of leadership from leadership agility is called?

a)      Achiever

b)      Catalyst

c)       Experienced

d)      Authoritarian


  1. What are the four steps of Emotional Agility?

Negotiation Skills Test

Typical Time required: 15 Minutes

  1. What do you think are the challenges in negotiation?



2.  What is the full-form of BATNA? Please can you explain BATNA in your own words?



3.  What do you infer from “Criteria” in Negotiation? How can you apply it?



4.  Please explain Positional Negotiation/Bargaining?



5.  Why do you think we should not engage in Positional Negotiations?



6.  Can Interests be personal? Please provide a few examples.




Collaboration Test


  1. What is Emotional Intelligence in your words?
  2. What percent of success in the workplace is attributed to Emotional Intelligence?
  3. What is Self-Awareness in your words?
  4. Self-Awareness can be developed by
    1. Pay attention to the physical reactions in you during emotional situations
    2. Getting Feedback from people close to you
    3. Keeping a daily journal to note down your behaviour and inner feelings
    4. All of the above
    5. What is Self-Management in your words?
    6. Self-Management will help you deal with the following situations effectively
      1. Stress & Change
      2. Conflict & Change
      3. All of the above
      4. None of the above
      5. Stress can be managed by 1) Being Angry with people around, 2) Expressing your anger physically, 3) Prioritizing and Organizing, 4) Exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, 5) Cultivating a hobby 6) REACT and not RESPOND
        1. 1) and 2)
        2. 6)
        3. 3), 4) and 5)
        4. None of the above
        5. What is Social Awareness in your words?
        6. Social Awareness can be developed by
          1. Being Sympathetic
          2. Being Empathetic
          3. None of the above
          4. a) and b)
          5. Relationship can be developed by 1) Being nice to people all the time, 2) Improving your willingness to Self Disclose , 3) Getting  feedback whenever possible,  4) Finding opportunity to Market yourself, 5) Providing feedback to people, 6) Being empathetic
            1. 1) and 2)
            2. All but 1)
            3. All but 1) and 5)
            4. All of the above

Entrepreneurial Mindset Test

Typical Time required: 25 Minutes

1. Please give an example of “Tolerable” in Attribute Map. This could ideally be from your work area. If not, from another area/organization/industry?

2. Please give an example of “Dis-satisfier” in Attribute Map. This could ideally be from your work area. If not, from another area/organization/industry?

3. Who is the developer of Business Model Canvas?

4. Which four components of “Business Model Canvas” can be filled first?

5. Why do you think we should narrow down the scope of Idea Generation?

6. Please can you give a 2-3 points on advantages of an MVP?

7. What are the key attributes an Entrepreneur?

8. Why is Pivoting so difficult for an Entrepreneur?

9. Can you give additional examples of a PIVOT either in your organization or outside?

10. Why do you think “Opportunity Register” is important?



Leadership Test


  1. Who is a Leader? What is leadership?
  2. Identify traits/attributes of a successful leader.
  3. Which trait(s) is your strength? What trait(s) would you like to develop?
  4. Identify a few differences between Leadership and Management. Do you think Leadership is more important than Management? Why?
  5. What are the different Leadership Styles?
  6. What is your dominant leadership style?
  7. Leadership is effective when
    1. Democratic Leadership is perceived as “Developing”
    2. Laissez-fare Leadership is perceived as “Abdicating”
    3. Authoritarian Leadership is perceived as “Dominating”
    4. None of the above
    5. Can Leadership be applied uniformly? Explain why?
    6. Explain how situational Leadership can be leveraged among trainees, somewhat experienced, highly experienced and experts.
    7. How will you apply Blue Ocean Leadership? How do you think it will benefit you?



Customer Centricity Test


  1. What is the difference between Customer Focus and Customer Centricity?
  2. What mechanisms do you have to obtain client feedback?
  3. Give an example of how a customer insight gained helped in delivering a better customer service to the customer?
  4. How well do you understand the emotional needs and fears of your customer? Can you pick one client and articulate their emotional needs & fears?
  5. What according to you are the key constraints in delivering good customer experience:
    1. Centralized decision-making
    2. Organizational Silos
    3. Lack of an effective insight to action mechanism
    4. All of the above
    5. What are your thoughts in bringing about a customer centric culture in your organization?
    6. How important a role do you think delivery resources play in gathering customer insights as opposed to account managers and sales teams? Why do you think so?
    7. Customer Centricity is all about:
      1. Making the customer happy
      2. Offering what the customer asks
      3. All of the above
      4. None of the above


Design Thinking Test


  1. What types of problems does Design Thinking solve?
    1. Human-centred problems
    2. Analytical problems
    3. Both of the above
    4. None of the above


  1. What is a wicked problem?


  1. How soon does a customer or user get involved directly in the design thinking process?
    1. Toward the end, when we pilot the solution in the market
    2. In the middle, when I’m ready to test key elements of the solution
    3. At the beginning, before I even frame the challenge
    4. Customer receives the final product, no need to get involved


  1. Design thinking includes:
    1. Define the Problem
    2. Brainstorm for the Best Option
    3. Implement Idea and Learn from its Success
    4. All of the Above


  1. You would look at Design Thinking as an approach to a solve problem if:
    1. you understand the problem well
    2. you have enough data that we could analyse
    3. Both of the above
    4. None of the above


  1. “Design Thinking approach is all about embracing risks and failing early”. How would you interpret this statement


  1. When developing potential solutions into something you can implement, how many would you test?
    1. Just one; our job is to identify the best solution and implement it
    2. Two alternatives, just to be sure
    3. Often more than three; we test many possibilities to build a few
    4. We let the customer tell us how many options to provide


  1. How would you get the ‘wow’ factor in your solution which is one of the key aspects of the Design Thinking approach?


Accountability & Ownership Test


  1. What is the difference between Accountability and Ownership?
  1. From your perspective, what are the 3 key challenges in holding people Accountable?


  1. What mechanisms do you use to motivate your employees?


  1. Read Case Study  1 and respond to the following questions:
    1. Did Bhanu Shankar do the best he could?
    2. Who was to blame for the failure?
    3. Could the expectation setting be managed better?
    4. What could Bhanu Shankar do to ensure Commitment from the various teams?


  1. Read Case Study 2 and respond to the following questions:
    1. Was Vijesh accountable for the project failure? Was it right to blame him for the project failure?
    2. How do you see Nirmala’s role in this situation?
    3. Was it possible for her to ensure shared accountability? How?


Accountability and Ownership

Name of the Student

Name of the University

Author’s Note

1. The difference of accountability and ownership is that accountability is doing what people suppose to do because other people’s expectation is assigned to it (Dawkins et al. 2015). On the other hand, ownership is all about own expectations which needs to be fulfilled at times (Reed 2015). Ownership is taking responsibility of himself/herself.

2. The three key challenges in holding people Accountable are as follows:

  • Goals and expectations are confusing at times
  • Penalty and reward structure is flawed
  • Organisational performance may not reviewed on daily basis
  • Performance related issues might be raised
  • It often mislead because there is no connection between final results and recognition

3. The common mechanisms used to motivate employees are as follows:

  • Changing approach of the employee
  • Control over choices
  • Proper cooperation to work with other people
  • Positive recognition
  • Happiness at work
  • Showing trust towards the other working people


a. Yes he did.

b. His team member’s accountability approach

c. Yes, if the team has taken its ownership seriously, the expectation can be managed better.

d. Performance related issues relating to the team should be solved at the initial stages. By taking this approach, Bhanu Shankar could increase his team commitment.


a. No. Vijesh was not accountable for the project failure. It is not right to blame him because all of a sudden he accepted to take the post of a project manager within 2 days. However, it was his accountability to take care of the project, but it was already an outdated project plan and team was already taking things lightly and this was the main cause of project failure.

b. According to the situation, Nirmala was a manipulator. She should aware the situation in front of Vijesh before he takes up the role of the project manager.

c. Yes. If she shared the correct situation of the project to Vijesh, then he would assess the situation in advance.


Dawkins, S., Tian, A.W., Newman, A. and Martin, A., 2015. Psychological ownership: A review and research agenda. Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Reed, C., 2015. Information in the cloud: ownership, control and accountability. Chapters, pp.139-159.

Negotiation Skills

Name of the Student

Name of the University

Author’s Note

1. The team negotiation is challenging because it requires a combination of diverse traits and skills. It is a keen understanding of human nature, which makes sometimes faulty, simplifying assumption. In addition, the process of negotiation demands good judgement which tends to put a lot of economic pressure on the negotiators. These are the main challenges in negotiation.

2. The full form of BATNA is Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement. It is the course of action that will be taken by a party engaged in negotiations at the time of conversation failed (Dygert and Van Rennes 2015). BATNA refers to what they can fall back on if a negotiation proves unsuccessful.

3. Criteria are a powerful technique in negotiation. It is all about asking an individual’s arrival position, enquiry about the bases at the initial phases. A clear understanding about the benchmarking position of an individual must be remembered at the time in negotiation.

4. A negotiation strategy, positional bargaining involves holding on to a fixed idea, or position about what the party wants and arguing for it, corresponding to the underlying interests. For example, the positional bargaining procedure takes place between the customer and proprietor over the price of an item.

5. Positional bargaining has been criticised that consideration of the underlying interests in a negotiation is not required (Gratch et al.2015). In fact, the main problem arises when the issues at hand stirs up suddenly opposing interest between the parties, at that time in which it would be very difficult to bring them into agreement. At this situation, it would be better to negotiate in terms of positions and ready to compromise by both the parties. Therefore, it is better idea to not engage in positional negotiations.

6. NO. Interest cannot be personal. A shared interest must be acknowledged in negotiation. For example, sellers and marketing professionals are being asked to increased volume and enhanced margins in a negotiation term, which has a common interest-increase the revenue, figure for both the parties.


Dygert, C. and Van Rennes, R., 2015. Building your licensing and negotiation skills toolkit. The Serials Librarian68(1-4), pp.17-25.

Gratch, J., DeVault, D., Lucas, G.M. and Marsella, S., 2015, August. Negotiation as a challenge problem for virtual humans. In Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 201-215). Springer International Publishing.

Organizational agility

Name of the Student

Name of the University

Author’s Note

1. The capability of the organizations to accept the organizational, structural changes rapidly and adapt those responses into the business is called the organizational agility (Samantra et al. 2015). It can help an organization to react successfully to the emergence of new competitors, the sudden shifts in overall market conditions and the development of new industry changing procedures. In short, organizational agility ensures long term sustainability of the business.

2.  Organizational agility process requires enough time to integrate the entire business operation which is cost effective (Becker 2013). Also, agility will shake the internal business operation rapidly. Organizational people may often face difficulties to adapt it into their business activities (L’Hermitte et al. 2016). Lastly, it is very difficult to understand the limit of the agility to make the business sustainable in the long run. For all these reasons, organizations are not agile enough.

3. The components of organizational agility are changes of organizational structure, culture, skill, opportunity response, succession planning, short term decision making and long term decision making, risk management, accountability and ownership, evaluation process of performance management, adaptation of acquisition speed into the team and so on.

4. Succession planning is critical for organizational agility to get the highest response from the work people of the organization. The speed of action and adaptability of the new strategic changes is the essential factor of succession planning which ensures the maximum benefits.

5. On my views, an organization can tremendously improve its excellence by structural changes, skills, attitudes of the people which will directly increase performance clarity and enhance the business opportunity responses.

6. To find the root cause, we have to look at the problem from leadership, people, process, tools and resources.

7. Highest level of leadership from leadership agility is called Achiever.

8. The four steps of Emotional Agility are as follows:

  • Changing patterns recognition
  • Labeling thoughts and emotions
  • Accept the above changes
  • Responsive act towards its values


Becker, F., 2013. Organisational agility and the knowledge infrastructure.Journal of Corporate Real Estate3(1), pp.28-37.

L’Hermitte, C., Tatham, P., Bowles, M. and Brooks, B., 2016. Developing organisational capabilities to support agility in humanitarian logistics: an exploratory study. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

Samantra, C., Datta, S., Mishra, S. and Mahapatra, S.S., 2015. Fuzzy evaluation modelling to assess organisational agility. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering21(1), pp.50-67.

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Name of the Student

Name of the University

Author’s Note

1. Less attentive at the meeting is a negative attitude but can be tolerable.

2. Customer complain may be resolved but not within an allotted time is an example of “Dis-satisfier” in Attribute Map.

3. The developer of Business Model Canvas is Alexander Osterwalder.

4. The four components of “Business Model Canvas” are value proposition, customers segments, initial customer relationships and revenue streams (Davis, Hall and Mayer 2015).

5. When entrepreneurs find too many possible answers to the questions and secondly, when there is no certain objective to evaluate one idea as better than others, then we should narrow down the scope of idea Generation.


  • Minimum Viable Products helps to pay attention to the product’s core value proposition and efficiency to the process.
  • It helps to bring focus to the most critical business operation.
  • MVP helps to start the learning process. So it has reduced the reworks.
  • Lastly, it helps to establish the customer relationship.

7. The key attributes of the entrepreneur are as follows:

  • Full of determination with a set of clear goals
  • Take risk with an ease
  • High level of confidence
  • Participate in constant learning process
  • Passionate about his/her business
  • Expert at network and communicate to others
  • Highly adaptable
  • Good understanding of money management
  • Promotional ability and sell it

8. The pivoting is difficult for an entrepreneur because the concept of the entrepreneurial pivot contradicts the traditional model of crafting which adhering the kind of business plan that are hardly feasible, given the uncertainty of the future market production and shift it towards the global economy (Englis and Wakkee 2015).

9. The famous PIVOT example is the company named, PayPal who has always focussed on payments, but it has gone through many difficulties. After merging with a financial service provider called, PayPal became the preferred online payment system for eBay sellers and named it into payment processing fame.

10. Opportunities register maintains business concepts, company position, competition statistics, and sources. Timing, key data related to a particular business plan. Therefore, opportunity register is important because such business ideas cannot be used if they are forgotten.



Englis, P.D. and Wakkee, I., 2015. Managerial Mindset and the Born Global Firm. New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium (New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium, Volume 11) Emerald Group Publishing Limited11, pp.9-27.

Design Thinking

Name of the Student

Name of the University

Author’s Note

1. a. Human-centred problems

2. Those problem, which is very difficult to resolve because the changing requirements often difficult to recognize, is called a wicked problem.

3.c. At the beginning, before I even frame the challenge

4. d All the above

5. d. None of the above

6. Design thinking, a creative problem solving approach puts multi-disciplinary team in charge and visualizes all the things that could go wrong by imagining that the project has failed (Brown and Wyatt 2015). By this approach, emerging risks can easily be identified and related problems are solved. This is all about the given statement has stated.

7.b.  Two alternatives, just to be sure

8 For getting the “wow” factor in a solution, it is required to present the key aspects of the Design Thinking approach, like deep understanding of the user’s involvement, and data-finding abilities (Verbeek 2015).


Brown, T. and Wyatt, J., 2015. Design thinking for social innovation. Annual Review of Policy Design3(1), pp.1-10.

Verbeek, P.P.C.C., 2015. Reframing Design: Design Thinking and Mediation Theory.

Customer Centricity

Name of the Student

Name of the University

Author’s Note

1. To focus on ever-changing customer demand is called customer focus whereas customer centricity involves aligning organisational resources for effectively responding customer desires.

2. The common mechanisms applied to obtain client feedbacks are tracking relationship, interactive monitoring, paying attention continuously, customer satisfaction tracking and spending time with customers (Bedarkar et al. 2016).

3. Customer insight drives many service and retail businesses (Bonacchi and Perego 2015). For example, Mexican customers love to eat spicy foods. So Tesco retailers increases the availability of spicy foods at their supply chain stores.

4. The emotional needs and fears of customer can be understood by appealing emotional attributes of the customer.

One of our retail customers love to eat soybean products. But it has been published in a recent article that eating more soybean products may cause to cancer. So, the liking of that particular product is emotional needs of that customer and he fears for his illness is a fear factor.

5. D. All of the above

6. To bringing in a customer centric culture, seven steps needs to be followed:

  • Shared communication
  • Cultural training for the employees to understand the customer demands
  • Implement customer centric processes
  • Socialization
  • Modification of the customer handling process time to time
  • Organisational changes
  • An effective customer-driven leadership approach

7. A very significant role of delivery resources play in gathering customer insights because it increases the performances of the management. Such resources highlights the organisational ability towards the fulfilment of the customer demands.

8. C. All of the above.


Bedarkar, M., Pandita, D., Agarwal, R. and Saini, R., 2016. Examining the Impact of Organizational Culture on Customer Centricity in Organizations: An Analysis. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management9(2), pp.19-28.

Bonacchi, M. and Perego, P., 2015. Pulling the Right Levers to Enable Customer Centricity: The Role of Organizational Architecture. Available at SSRN.


Name of the Student

Name of the University

Author’s Note

1. A person holds a dominant position within a particular field and influence other people towards the achievement of a goal is called a leader (Parry and Proctor-Thomson 2012).

Leadership is an inherent ability to inspire others towards the leader’s goal.

2. I have an ability to transform myself and adapt changes easily. This trait can be considered as my strength.

3. I would like to develop my communication skill, which is very important to interact with others.

4. The management planned and organised thing whereas skill of leadership establishes direction. The management has solved the raising organisational problems. On the other hand, inspire people to achieve a common goal is the job which is done by the leadership qualities of the leader. Furthermore, staff organization is a part of management duties, whereas people are motivated by the leadership qualities.

5. There are four leadership styles: Democratic, Paternalistic, Laissez-fare and Authoritarian.

Democratic: It is open and collegial style of running a team. Everyone of the team gets a chance to talk and share their ideas which is relatively free-flowing

Paternalistic: Leaders takes the dominant approach while dealing their employees, subordinates.

Laissez-fare: This leadership style gives the full rights and power to make decisions to their workers.

Authoritarian: This leadership style is used when a leader stated policies

6. Democratic leadership style gives an opportunity to share member’s opinion and run a team with full support of others.

7. Leadership is effective when

a. Democratic Leadership is perceived as “Developing”

8. Yes. Leadership can be applied uniformly. Uninformative approach influences all members to achieve that a particular goal. The cognitive, equable leadership approach helps to enhance worker’s performance entirely.

9. The ability to modify management behavior, segregating the situational factors can be leveraged among trainees, experienced, highly experienced and experts.

10. Blue Ocean Leadership have three salient features: focus on acts and activities, create relationship with market realities and make distribution leadership approach across all management levels. In all these situation, the management can apply Blue Ocean Leadership.

Blue Ocean Leadership is full of informative approach where people empowers through tools and frameworks and provide a systematic approach. It helps to identify risks by providing a robust mechanism and increased maximum opportunities.


Parry, K.W. and Proctor-Thomson, S.B., 2012. Perceived integrity of transformational leaders in organisational settings. Journal of Business Ethics35(2), pp.75-96.

Verba, S., 2015. Small groups and political behavior: A study of leadership. Princeton University Press.



Name of the Student

Name of the University

Author’s Note

1. A person holds a dominant position within a particular field and influence other people towards the achievement of a goal is called a leader (Parry and Proctor-Thomson 2012).

Leadership is an inherent ability to inspire others towards the leader’s goal.

2. I have an ability to transform myself and adapt changes easily. This trait can be considered as my strength.

3. I would like to develop my communication skill, which is very important to interact with others.

4. The management planned and organised thing whereas skill of leadership establishes direction. The management has solved the raising organisational problems. On the other hand, inspire people to achieve a common goal is the job which is done by the leadership qualities of the leader. Furthermore, staff organization is a part of management duties, whereas people are motivated by the leadership qualities.

5. There are four leadership styles: Democratic, Paternalistic, Laissez-fare and Authoritarian.

Democratic: It is open and collegial style of running a team. Everyone of the team gets a chance to talk and share their ideas which is relatively free-flowing

Paternalistic: Leaders takes the dominant approach while dealing their employees, subordinates.

Laissez-fare: This leadership style gives the full rights and power to make decisions to their workers.

Authoritarian: This leadership style is used when a leader stated policies

6. Democratic leadership style gives an opportunity to share member’s opinion and run a team with full support of others.

7. Leadership is effective when

a. Democratic Leadership is perceived as “Developing”

8. Yes. Leadership can be applied uniformly. Uninformative approach influences all members to achieve that a particular goal. The cognitive, equable leadership approach helps to enhance worker’s performance entirely.

9. The ability to modify management behavior, segregating the situational factors can be leveraged among trainees, experienced, highly experienced and experts.

10. Blue Ocean Leadership have three salient features: focus on acts and activities, create relationship with market realities and make distribution leadership approach across all management levels. In all these situation, the management can apply Blue Ocean Leadership.

Blue Ocean Leadership is full of informative approach where people empowers through tools and frameworks and provide a systematic approach. It helps to identify risks by providing a robust mechanism and increased maximum opportunities.


Parry, K.W. and Proctor-Thomson, S.B., 2012. Perceived integrity of transformational leaders in organisational settings. Journal of Business Ethics35(2), pp.75-96.

Verba, S., 2015. Small groups and political behavior: A study of leadership. Princeton University Press.


Emotional Intelligence

Name of the Student

Name of the University

Author’s Note

1. Emotional intelligence is a capability of individual to manage their own and the other people’s emotions to make the distinction and level them appropriately (Hui-Hua  and Schutte 2015). EI is one of the major natural drivers of leadership, which excel the performance level at the workplace (Salovey and Mayer 2013)

2. Over eighty percent of effectiveness at work is attributed to one’s emotional intelligence.

3. Self-awareness is self-responsiveness to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the other individuals and the environment (Cho, Drasgow and Cao 2015). It is the ability to identify one’s own knowledge and recognize the fluctuations in individual emotions.

4. d. All the above

5. Self-management is the handling ability of the factors of emotions –stress, conflict, change, and trust to reduce the unpleasant emotions occur at times (Mayer and Geher 2012)

6. C. All the above

7. C. 3,4,5

8. Social awareness is the consciousness shared by individuals within a society. It is a key to manage the response to change and learn about the dynamics of social relationship.

9. B. Being Empathetic

10. C. All but 1 and 5


Cho, S., Drasgow, F. and Cao, M., 2015. An investigation of emotional intelligence measures using item response theory. Psychological assessment27(4), p.1241.

Hui-Hua, Z. and Schutte, N.S., 2015. Personality, emotional intelligence and other-rated task performance. Personality and Individual Differences87, pp.298-301.

Mayer, J.D. and Geher, G., 2012. Emotional intelligence and the identification of emotion. Intelligence22(2), pp.89-113.

Salovey, P. and Mayer, J.D., 2013. Emotional intelligence. Imagination, cognition and personality9(3), pp.185-211.